title = "Fire Emblem: Fates - Special Edition" description = "The overarching story follows the protagonist, a customizable Avatar created by the player, as they are unwillingly drawn into a war between the Kingdoms of Hoshido (their birthplace) and Nohr (their adopted home), and must choose which side to support." incomplete = true needs_system_files = false needs_shared_font = false [[ releases ]] title = "0004000000179800" region = "usa" release_date = "2016-02-19" [[ releases ]] title = "000400000017A800" region = "eur" release_date = "2016-05-20" [[ testcases ]] compatibility = "2" date = "2017-06-19" title = "000400000017A800" version = "HEAD-d0888f8" author = "Kloen" cpu = "Intel Core i5-760" gpu = "AMD Radeon HD 5670" os = "Windows 10 Education 1511"