# Citra Multiplayer Dedicated Lobby Quickly stand up new dedicated multiplayer lobbies that will be broadcasted on Citra. ## Usage ``` sudo docker run -d \ --publish 5000:5000/udp citraemu/citra-multiplayer-dedicated \ --room-name "(COUNTRY) (REGION) - GAME TITLE" \ --preferred-game "GAME TITLE" \ --preferred-game-id "TITLE ID" \ --port 5000 \ --max_members 4 \ --username "CITRA ACCOUNT USERNAME" --token "CITRA ACCOUNT TOKEN" \ --announce-url https://api.citra-emu.org/lobby ``` Room name should follow the below format. If multiple servers are stood up, `Server 1`, `Server 2` format should be used. ``` USA East - Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire - Server 1 USA East - Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire - Server 2 USA East - Pokémon Sun and Moon - Server 1 USA East - Pokémon Sun and Moon - Server 2 USA East - Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon - Server 1 USA East - Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon - Server 2 USA East - Super Smash Bros. USA East - Animal Crossing: New Leaf USA East - Monster Hunter Generations USA East - Monster Hunter XX - Server 1 USA East - Monster Hunter XX - Server 2 USA East - Zelda: Tri Force Heroes - Server 1 USA East - Zelda: Tri Force Heroes - Server 2 USA East - Fire Emblem Awakening ```