ARMRegisters ARM Registers ARM-rekisteri Register Rekisteröidy Value Arvo AboutDialog About Citra Tietoa Citrasta <html><head/><body><p><img src=":/icons/citra.png"/></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><img src=":/icons/citra.png"/></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:28pt;">Citra</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:28pt;">Citra</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>%1 | %2-%3 (%4)</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>%1 | %2-%3 (%4)</p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:12pt;">Citra is a free and open source 3DS emulator licensed under GPLv2.0 or any later version.</span></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt;"><br /></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:12pt;">This software should not be used to play games you have not legally obtained.</span></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:12pt;">Citra on ilmainen, avoimen lähdekoodin 3DS-emulaattori joka on lisensoitu GPLv2.0:n tai sitä uudemman version alla.</span></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt;"><br /></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:12pt;">Tätä ohjelmistoa ei saa käyttää laittomasti hankittujen pelien pelaamiseen.</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Website</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Forum</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Source Code</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Contributors</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">License</span></a></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Nettisivu</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Foorumit</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Lähdekoodi</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Tukijat</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Lisenssi</span></a></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">&quot;3DS&quot; is a trademark of Nintendo. Citra is not affiliated with Nintendo in any way.</span></p></body></html> BreakPointModel Pica command loaded Pica command processed Incoming primitive batch Finished primitive batch Vertex shader invocation Incoming display transfer GSP command processed GSP-komento käsitelty Buffers swapped Unknown debug context event CalibrationConfigurationDialog Communicating with the server... Cancel Hylkää Touch the top left corner <br>of your touchpad. Now touch the bottom right corner <br>of your touchpad. Configuration completed! Kokoonpano suoritettu! OK OK ChatRoom Room Window Send Chat Message Lähetä viesti keskusteluun Send Message Lähetä viesti Members Osallistujat %1 has joined %1 on yhdistänyt %1 has left %1 on lähtenyt %1 has been kicked %1 potkittiin pois %1 has been banned %1 sai porttikiellon %1 has been unbanned %1 porttikielto on poistettu View Profile Näytä profiili Block Player Estä pelaaja When you block a player, you will no longer receive chat messages from them.<br><br>Are you sure you would like to block %1? Kun sinä annat eston pelaajalle, et enään saa heiltä viestejä.<br><br> Oletko varma että haluat estää %1? Kick Potki Ban Anna porttikielto Kick Player Potki pelaaja Are you sure you would like to <b>kick</b> %1? Haluatko varmasti <b>potkia</b>pelaajan %1 Ban Player Estä pelaaja Are you sure you would like to <b>kick and ban</b> %1? This would ban both their forum username and their IP address. Haluatko varmasti <b>potkia ja estää</b>pelaajan %1 Tämä estäisi heidän foorumi-käyttäjänimen sekä heidän IP-osoitteensa. CheatDialog Cheats Huijaukset Title ID: Pelin ID: Add Cheat Lisää huijaus Available Cheats: Saatavilla olevat huijaukset: Name Nimi Type Tyyppi Save Tallenna Delete Poista Name: Nimi: Notes: Muistiinpanot: Code: Koodi: Close Sulje Title ID: %1 Pelin ID: %1 Would you like to save the current cheat? Haluaisitko tallentaa tämän huijauksen? Save Cheat Tallenna huijaus Please enter a cheat name. Anna huijaukselle nimi. Please enter the cheat code. Syötä huijauskoodi. Cheat code line %1 is not valid. Would you like to ignore the error and continue? Huijauskoodi %1 ei ole kelvollinen. Haluatko silti virheestä huolimatta jatkaa? [new cheat] [uusi huijauskoodi] ClientRoom Room Window Room Description Huoneen kuvaus Moderation... Leave Room Lähde huoneesta ClientRoomWindow Connected Yhdistetty Disconnected Yhteys katkaistu %1 (%2/%3 members) - connected %1 (%2/%3 jäsentä) - yhdistetty CompatDB Report Compatibility Ilmoita yhteensopivuudesta Report Game Compatibility Ilmoita pelin yhteensopivuudesta <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:10pt;">Should you choose to submit a test case to the </span><a href=""><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Citra Compatibility List</span></a><span style=" font-size:10pt;">, The following information will be collected and displayed on the site:</span></p><ul style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; -qt-list-indent: 1;"><li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Hardware Information (CPU / GPU / Operating System)</li><li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Which version of Citra you are running</li><li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">The connected Citra account</li></ul></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:10pt;">Jos lähetät testitapauksen </span><a href=""><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Citran Yhteensopivuuslistaan</span></a><span style=" font-size:10pt;">, seuraavat tiedot kerätään ja näytetään sivustossa:</span></p><ul style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; -qt-list-indent: 1;"><li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Laitteiston Tiedot (Prosessori/Näytönohjain/Käyttöjärjestelmä)</li><li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Mitä Citra:n versiota käytät</li><li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Yhdistetty Citra-tunnus</li></ul></body></html> Perfect Täydellinen <html><head/><body><p>Game functions flawlessly with no audio or graphical glitches.</p></body></html> Great <html><head/><body><p>Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some workarounds.</p></body></html> Okay Ok <html><head/><body><p>Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with workarounds.</p></body></html> Bad Huono <html><head/><body><p>Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches even with workarounds.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Peli Toimii, mutta suurilla graafisilla- tai ääniongelmilla. Mahdotonta edetä pelin joissakin kohdissa virheiden takia, vaikka käyttäisikin väliaikaisia korjauksia.</p></body></html> Intro/Menu Intro/Menu <html><head/><body><p>Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start Screen.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Peli on Totaalisesti Pelaamis Kelvoton Suuria Graafisia sekä Ääni ongelmia. Mahdotonta Päästä Aloitus näytöstä Pidemmälle.</p></body></html> Won't Boot Ei Käynisty <html><head/><body><p>The game crashes when attempting to startup.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Independent of speed or performance, how well does this game play from start to finish on this version of Citra?</p></body></html> Thank you for your submission! Kiitos Ehdotuksesta! Submitting Lähetetään Communication error Kommunikaatio Virhe An error occurred while sending the Testcase Next Seuraava ConfigureAudio Audio Ääni Emulation: Emulointi HLE (fast) HLE(Nopea) LLE (accurate) LLE(Tarkka) LLE multi-core LLE Moni-Ydin Output Engine This post-processing effect adjusts audio speed to match emulation speed and helps prevent audio stutter. This however increases audio latency. Enable audio stretching Aktivoi Ääni Venytys Audio Device Ääni Laite Use global volume Set volume: Volume: Äänen Voluumi 0 % 0 % Microphone Mikrofooni Input Type Syöte Tyypi None Ei mikään Real Device Oikea Laite Static Noise Staatinen Ääni Input Device Syöte Laite Default Oletus %1% Volume percentage (e.g. 50%) %1% ConfigureCamera Form Foormu Camera Kamera Select the camera to configure Valitse kamera määriteltäväksi Camera to configure: Määriteltävä kamera: Front Etu Rear Taka Select the camera mode (single or double) Valitse kameratila (yksittäinen tai kaksi) Camera mode: Kamera Tila: Single (2D) Yksisin Kertainen(2D) Double (3D) Kaksin Kertainen(3D) Select the position of camera to configure Valitse määriteltävän kameran sijainti Camera position: Kameran Asento: Left Vasen Right Oikea Configuration Konfigurointi Select where the image of the emulated camera comes from. It may be an image or a real camera. Camera Image Source: Blank (blank) Tyhjä (tyhjä) Still Image (image) Paikkoillan Oleva Kuva System Camera (qt) Järjestelmän kamera (qt) File: Tiedosto: ... ... Select the system camera to use Valitse kamera jota haluat käyttää Camera: Kamera: <Default> <Default> Select the image flip to apply Flip: Käännä Ympäri: None Ei Mikään Horizontal Horizontaalinen Vertical vertikaalinen Reverse Käänteinen Select an image file every time before the camera is loaded Prompt before load Preview Esikatselu Resolution: 512*384 Resoluutio: 512*384 Click to preview Klikka Jotta Esikatselisit Resolution: %1*%2 Supported image files (%1) Tuetut kuvatiedostot (%1) Open File Avaa Tiedosto ConfigureDebug Form Muoto GDB GDB Enable GDB Stub Aktivoi GDB Stub Port: Portti: Logging Kirjaudutaan Global Log Filter Show Log Console (Windows Only) Open Log Location Avaa Lokin sijainti Miscellaneous <html><head/><body><p>Enables the use of the ARM JIT compiler for emulating the 3DS CPUs. Don't disable unless for debugging purposes</p></body></html> Enable CPU JIT Aktivoi CPU JIT ConfigureDialog Citra Configuration Citra Konfiguraatio General Yleiset System Järjestelmä Input Syöttö Hotkeys Pikanäppäimet Graphics Grafikkat Enhancements Audio Ääni Camera Kamera Debug Storage Web Verkko UI UI Controls Kontroolit Advanced ConfigureEnhancements Form Renderer Internal Resolution Auto (Window Size) Native (400x240) 2x Native (800x480) 3x Native (1200x720) 4x Native (1600x960) 5x Native (2000x1200) 6x Native (2400x1440) 7x Native (2800x1680) 8x Native (3200x1920) 9x Native (3600x2160) 10x Native (4000x2400) Enable Linear Filtering Post-Processing Shader Texture Filter Tekstuurisuodatin Stereoscopy Stereoscopic 3D Mode Off Side by Side Anaglyph Interlaced Reverse Interlaced Depth % Eye to Render in Monoscopic Mode Left Eye (default) Right Eye Layout Screen Layout: Näytön asettelu: Default Single Screen Yksi näyttö Large Screen Suuri näyttö Separate Windows Erilliset ikkunat Swap Screens Vaihda näyttöjä Rotate Screens Upright Background Color: Utility <html><head/><body><p>Replace textures with PNG files.</p><p>Textures are loaded from load/textures/[Title ID]/.</p></body></html> Use Custom Textures Käytä mukautettuja tekstuureja <html><head/><body><p>Dump textures to PNG files.</p><p>Textures are dumped to dump/textures/[Title ID]/.</p></body></html> Dump Textures Tallenna tekstuureja <html><head/><body><p>Load all custom textures into memory on boot, instead of loading them when the game requires them.</p></body></html> Preload Custom Textures ConfigureGeneral Form General Yleiset Confirm exit while emulation is running Pause emulation when in background Hide mouse on inactivity Updates Päivitykset Check for updates on start Etsi päivityksiä Kun Citra Laukeaa Silently auto update after closing Emulation Emulointi Region: Alue: Auto-select Auto-Valitse Use global emulation speed Set emulation speed: Emulation Speed: Emulointi nopeus: Screenshots Kuvakaappaukset Use global screenshot path Käytä kuvakaappausten oletuspolkua Set screenshot path: Määritä kuvakaappausten polku: Save Screenshots To Tallenna kuvakaappaukset ... Reset All Settings Nolla Asetukset unthrottled Select Screenshot Directory Valitse kuvakaappausten kansio Citra Citra Are you sure you want to <b>reset your settings</b> and close Citra? Oletko varma, että haluat <b>tyhjentää asetukset</b> ja sulkea Citran? ConfigureGraphics Form Renderer Renderöinti <html><head/><body><p>Use OpenGL to accelerate rendering.</p><p>Disable to debug graphics-related problem.</p></body></html> Enable Hardware Renderer <html><head/><body><p>Use OpenGL to accelerate shader emulation.</p><p>Requires a relatively powerful GPU for better performance.</p></body></html> Enable Hardware Shader Separable Shader (Intel GPUs only) <html><head/><body><p>Correctly handle all edge cases in multiplication operation in shaders. </p><p>Some games requires this to be enabled for the hardware shader to render properly.</p><p>However this would reduce performance in most games.</p></body></html> Accurate Multiplication <html><head/><body><p>Use the JIT engine instead of the interpreter for software shader emulation. </p><p>Enable this for better performance.</p></body></html> Enable Shader JIT Aktivoi Shader JIT Advanced <html><head/><body><p>Reduce stuttering by storing and loading generated shaders to disk.</p></body></html> Use Disk Shader Cache VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference. Enable VSync Hardware Shader Warning Separable Shader support is broken on macOS with Intel GPUs, and will cause graphical issues like showing a black screen.<br><br>The option is only there for test/development purposes. If you experience graphical issues with Hardware Shader, please turn it off. ConfigureHotkeys Hotkey Settings Pikanäppäin asetukset Double-click on a binding to change it. Tupla Klikka Asetusta Vaihtaaksesi sen. Action Toiminta Hotkey Pikanäppäin Context Tausta Conflicting Key Sequence The entered key sequence is already assigned to another hotkey. ConfigureInput ConfigureInput Määrittele syöte Profile Profiili New Uusi Delete Poista Rename Nimeä Uudestaan Face Buttons Y: Y: X: X: B: B: A: A: Directional Pad Ristiohjain Up: Ylös: Down: Alas: Left: Vasen: Right: Oikea: Misc. Muu Start: Aloitus: Select: Valitse: Home: Koti: Circle Mod: GPIO14: Debug: Circle Pad Set Analog Stick Asetta Analooginen Sauvaohjain Deadzone: 0 C-Stick C-Sauvaohjain Shoulder Buttons Olkapainikkeet ZR: ZR: ZL: ZL: L: L: R: R: Motion / Touch... Liike / kosketus... Auto Map Clear All Nolaa kaikki Restore Defaults Nolla Asetukset Alkuperäisiksi Clear Nollaa [not set] [ei ole asetettu] Restore Default Palauta oletusasetukset Information Tietoa After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically. Deadzone: %1% Modifier Scale: %1% Warning Auto mapping failed. Your controller may not have a corresponding mapping After pressing OK, press any button on your joystick [press key] [paina näppäintä] Error! Virhe! You're using a key that's already bound. Valitsemasi näppäin on jo käytössä. New Profile Uusi profiili Enter the name for the new profile. Delete Profile Poista profiili Delete profile %1? Poista profiili %1? Rename Profile Nimeä profiili uudestaan New name: Uusi nimi: Duplicate profile name Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name. ConfigureMotionTouch Configure Motion / Touch Määrittele liike / kosketus Motion Liike Motion Provider: Sensitivity: Herkyys: Controller: Configure Asetukset Touch Kosketus Touch Provider: Calibration: Kalibrointi: (100, 50) - (1800, 850) (100, 50) - (1800, 850) Use button mapping: CemuhookUDP Config You may use any Cemuhook compatible UDP input source to provide motion and touch input. Server: Palvelin: Port: Portti: Pad: Pad 1 Pad 2 Pad 3 Pad 4 Learn More Opi lisää Test Mouse (Right Click) Hiiri (oikea klikkaus) CemuhookUDP CemuhookUDP SDL Emulator Window Emulaattori-ikkuna <a href=''><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Learn More</span></a> <a href=''><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Lue lisää</span></a> Information After pressing OK, press a button on the controller whose motion you want to track. [press button] Testing Testataan Configuring Konfiguroidaan Test Successful Testi onnistui Successfully received data from the server. Test Failed Testi epäonnistui Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct. Citra Citra UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish. ConfigurePerGame Dialog Info Size Format Name Filepath Title ID Reset Game Settings General System Järjestelmä Graphics Audio Properties Citra Are you sure you want to <b>reset your settings for this game</b>? Use global configuration (%1) ConfigureStorage Form Storage Use Virtual SD Custom Storage Use Custom Storage NAND Directory Open NOTE: This does not move the contents of the previous directory to the new one. Change SDMC Directory Select NAND Directory Select SDMC Directory ConfigureSystem Form System Settings Järjestelmän asetukset Note: this can be overridden when region setting is auto-select Japanese (日本語) Japani (日本語) English Englanti French (français) Ranska (français) German (Deutsch) Saksa (Deutsch) Italian (italiano) Italia (italiano) Spanish (español) Espanja (español) Simplified Chinese (简体中文) Yksinkertaistettu Kiina (简体中文) Korean (한국어) Korea (한국어) Dutch (Nederlands) Hollanti (Nederlands) Portuguese (português) Portugali (português) Russian (Русский) Venäjä (Русский) Traditional Chinese (正體中文) Perinteinen kiina (正體中文) Username Nimi Mono Mono Stereo Stereo Surround Ympäröivä January Tammikuu February Helmikuu March Maaliskuu April Huhtikuu May Toukokuu June Kesäkuu July Heinäkuu August Elokuu September Syyskuu October Lokakuu November Marraskuu December Joulukuu Language Kieli Birthday Syntymäpäivä Sound output mode Country Maa System Clock Laiteen kello Fixed Time Clock Kello Startup time yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss vvvv-KK-ppATT:mm:ss Offset time days HH:mm:ss Play Coins: Regenerate Console ID: Konsolin ID: Enable New 3DS mode 3GX Plugin Loader: Enable 3GX plugin loader Allow games to change plugin loader state Advanced Use global clock speed Set clock speed: CPU Clock Speed <html><body>Changes the emulated CPU clock frequency.<br>Underclocking can increase performance but may cause the game to freeze.<br>Overclocking may reduce in game lag but also might cause freezes</body></html> System settings are available only when game is not running. Järjestelmä asetukset ovat käytettävissä vain kun peli ei ole käynnissä. <html><head/><body><p>CPU Clock Speed Information<br/>Underclocking can increase performance but may cause the game to freeze.<br/>Overclocking may reduce in game lag but also might cause freezes</p></body></html> Japan Japani Anguilla Anguila Antigua and Barbuda Antigua ja Barbuda Argentina Argentiina Aruba Aruba Bahamas Bahamat Barbados Barbados Belize Belize Bolivia Bolivia Brazil Brazilia British Virgin Islands Brittiläiset Neitsytsaaret Canada Kanada Cayman Islands Caymansaaret Chile Chile Colombia Kolumbia Costa Rica Costa Rika Dominica Domenika Dominican Republic Dominikaaninen tasavalta Ecuador Ekuador El Salvador El Salvador French Guiana Ranskan Guayana Grenada Grenada Guadeloupe Guadeloupe Guatemala Guatemala Guyana Guyana Haiti Haiti Honduras Honduras Jamaica Jamaika Martinique Martinique Mexico Meksiko Montserrat Montserrat Netherlands Antilles Alankomaiden Antillit Nicaragua Nicaragua Panama Panama Paraguay Paraguay Peru Peru Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts ja Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit Suriname Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad ja Tobago Turks and Caicos Islands United States Yhdysvallat Uruguay Uruguay US Virgin Islands Yhdysvaltain Neitsytsaaret Venezuela Venezuela Albania Albaania Australia Austraalia Austria Austria Belgium Belgia Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia Botswana Botswana Bulgaria Bulgaaria Croatia Kroatia Cyprus Kypros Czech Republic Tšekin tasavalta Denmark Tanska Estonia Viro Finland Suomi France Ranska Germany Saksa Greece Kreikka Hungary Hunkari Iceland Islanti Ireland Irlanti Italy Italia Latvia Latvia Lesotho Lesotho Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Lithuania Liettua Luxembourg Luxenbourg Macedonia Makedonia Malta Malta Montenegro Montenegro Mozambique Mozambique Namibia Namibia Netherlands Alankomaat New Zealand Uusi Zealanti Norway Norja Poland Puola Portugal Portugali Romania Romania Russia Venäjä Serbia Serbia Slovakia Slovakia Slovenia Slovenia South Africa Etelä-Afrikka Spain Espanja Swaziland Swazimaa Sweden Ruotsi Switzerland Sveitsi Turkey Turkki United Kingdom Iso-Britannia Zambia Zambia Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Mauritania Mauritania Mali Mali Niger Niger Chad Tšad Sudan Sudan Eritrea Eritrea Djibouti Djibouti Somalia Somalia Andorra Andorra Gibraltar Gibraltar Guernsey Guernsey Isle of Man Mansaari Jersey Jersey Monaco Monako Taiwan Taiwan South Korea Etelä-Korea Hong Kong Hong Kong Macau Macao Indonesia Indoneesia Singapore Singapore Thailand Thaimaa Philippines Filippiinit Malaysia Malaysia China Kiina United Arab Emirates Yhdistyneet arabiemiirikunnat India Intia Egypt Egypti Oman Oman Qatar Qatar Kuwait Kuwait Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Syria Syyria Bahrain Bahrain Jordan Jordan San Marino San Marino Vatican City Vatikaani Bermuda Bermuda Console ID: 0x%1 This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue? Warning Varoitus ConfigureTouchFromButton Configure Touchscreen Mappings Määrittele kosketusnäytön kartoitus Mapping: New Delete Rename Click the bottom area to add a point, then press a button to bind. Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values. Delete Point Button X X axis Y Y axis New Profile Enter the name for the new profile. Delete Profile Delete profile %1? Rename Profile New name: [press key] ConfigureUi Form General Note: Changing language will apply your configuration. Huom: Kielen vaihto aktivoidaan heti. Interface language: Käyttöliittymän kieli: Theme: Teema: Game List Pelilista Icon Size: Kuvake koko: None Ei mitään Small (24x24) Pieni (24x24) Large (48x48) Suuri (48x48) Row 1 Text: Rivin 1 teksti: File Name Tiedostonimi Full Path Tiedostopolku Title Name (short) Title ID Title Name (long) Row 2 Text: Rivin 2 teksti: Hide Titles without Icon Single Line Mode Yhden rivin tila <System> <System> English ConfigureWeb Form Citra Web Service Citran verkkopalvelut By providing your username and token, you agree to allow Citra to collect additional usage data, which may include user identifying information. Antamalla käyttäjätunnuksesi ja avaimen, annat Citran luvan kerätä lisää käyttötietoja, jotka voivat sisältää käyttäjän tunnistetietoja. Verify Sign up Token: Avain: Username: What is my token? Mikä on avaimeni? Web Service configuration can only be changed when a public room isn't being hosted. Telemetry Share anonymous usage data with the Citra team Jaa anonyymejä käyttötietoja Citran tekiöiden kanssa Learn more Telemetry ID: Regenerate Discord Presence Show Current Game in your Discord Status <a href=''><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Learn more</span></a> <a href=''><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Lue lisää</span></a> <a href=''><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Sign up</span></a> <a href=''><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Rekisteröidy</span></a> <a href=''><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">What is my token?</span></a> <a href=''><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Mikä on avaimeni?</span></a> Unspecified Telemetry ID: 0x%1 Token not verified Token was not verified. The change to your token has not been saved. Verifying... Verification failed Verification failed. Check that you have entered your token correctly, and that your internet connection is working. DirectConnect Direct Connect Suora yhteys IP Address IP-osoite IP IP <html><head/><body><p>IPv4 address of the host</p></body></html> Port Portti <html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html> 24872 24872 Nickname Nimimerkki Password Salasana Connect Yhdistä DirectConnectWindow Connecting Yhdistetään Connect Yhdistä GMainWindow <a href=''>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us? <a href=''>Anonyymiä tietoa kerätään</a> Citran parantamiseksi. <br/><br/>Haluaisitko jakaa käyttötetoja meidän kanssa? Telemetry Telemetria Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS. How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene. Kuinka monta kuvaa sekunissa peli näyttää tällä hetkellä. Tämä vaihtuu pelistä ja kohtauksesta riippuen. Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms. Clear Recent Files Unohda viimeaikaiset tiedostot Update Available Päivitys saatavilla An update is available. Would you like to install it now? Päivitys on saatavilla. Haluatko asentaa sen nyt? No Update Found Ei uusia päivityksiä No update is found. Uusia päivityksiä ei löytynyt. OpenGL 4.3 Unsupported Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver. Invalid ROM Format Väärä ROM-tiedosto muoto Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href=''>game cartridges</a> or <a href=''>installed titles</a>. ROM Corrupted ROM-tiedosto on korruptoitunut Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href=''>game cartridges</a> or <a href=''>installed titles</a>. ROM Encrypted Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href=''>game cartridges</a> or <a href=''>installed titles</a>. Video Core Error An error has occurred. Please <a href=''>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU. You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website. Error while loading ROM! An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details. CIA must be installed before usage Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now? Citra Citra Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details. Start Aloita Slot %1 Slot %1 - %2 Error Opening %1 Folder Folder does not exist! Dumping... Cancel Could not dump base RomFS. Refer to the log for details. Error Opening %1 Select Directory Properties The game properties could not be loaded. 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*) %1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions. Load File Lataa tiedosto Load Files Lataa tiedostot 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*) All Files (*.*) Kaikki tiedostot (*.*) %1 has been installed successfully. Unable to open File Could not open %1 Installation aborted The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more details Invalid File Sopimaton tiedosto %1 is not a valid CIA Encrypted File %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required. Unable to find File Could not find %1 File not found Tiedostoa ei löytynyt File "%1" not found Tiedostoa "%1" ei löytynyt Continue Jatka Missing Citra Account You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation &gt; Configure... &gt; Web to do so. Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*) Load Amiibo Lataa Amiibo Error opening Amiibo data file Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading. Error reading Amiibo data file Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes. Record Movie Nauhoita video Movie recording cancelled. Videon nauhoitus peruutettiin. Movie Saved The movie is successfully saved. Invalid Screenshot Directory Virheellinen kuvakaappausten kansio Cannot create specified screenshot directory. Screenshot path is set back to its default value. Recording %1 Nauhoitetaan %1 Playing %1 / %2 Movie Finished Speed: %1% Nopeus: %1% Speed: %1% / %2% Nopeus: %1% / %2% Game: %1 FPS Peli: %1 FPS Frame: %1 ms Frame: %1 ms %1 is missing. Please <a href=''>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs. A system archive System Archive Not Found System Archive Missing Save/load Error Fatal Error A fatal error occurred. <a href=''>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs. Fatal Error encountered Quit Game OK Would you like to exit now? Haluatko poistua nyt? The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation? Pelisi on yhä käynnissä. Haluatko lopettaa emuloinnin? Playback Completed Movie playback completed. Citra %1 Citra %1 Citra %1| %2 Citra %1| %2 GPUCommandListModel Command Name Komennon nimi Register Rekisteröidy Mask New Value Uusi arvo GPUCommandListWidget Pica Command List Start Tracing Copy All Kopioi kaikki Finish Tracing GPUCommandStreamWidget Graphics Debugger GameList Open Save Data Location Open Extra Data Location Open Application Location Open Update Data Location Open Texture Dump Location Avaa tallennettujen tekstuurien sijainti Open Custom Texture Location Avaa mukautettujen tekstuurien sijainti Open Mods Location Open DLC Data Location Disk Shader Cache Dump RomFS Navigate to GameDB entry Properties Open Shader Cache Location Delete OpenGL Shader Cache Scan Subfolders Remove Game Directory ▲ Move Up ▼ Move Down Open Directory Location Name Nimi Compatibility Yhteensopivuus Region Alue File type Size Koko GameListItemCompat Perfect Täydellinen Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without any workarounds needed. Great Hyvä Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some workarounds. Okay Ok Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with workarounds. Bad Huono Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches even with workarounds. Intro/Menu Intro/valikko Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start Screen. Won't Boot Ei käynnisty The game crashes when attempting to startup. Not Tested Ei testattu The game has not yet been tested. GameListPlaceholder Double-click to add a new folder to the game list Kaksoisklikkaa lisätäksesi uusi kansio pelilistaan GameListSearchField of result results Filter: Enter pattern to filter GameRegion Japan North America Europe Australia China Korea Taiwan Invalid region Region free GraphicsBreakPointsWidget Pica Breakpoints Emulation running Resume Jatka Emulation halted at breakpoint GraphicsSurfaceWidget Pica Surface Viewer Color Buffer Depth Buffer Stencil Buffer Texture 0 Tekstuuri 0 Texture 1 Tekstuuri 1 Texture 2 Tekstuuri 2 Custom Unknown Save Tallenna Source: Physical Address: Width: Height: Format: X: X: Y: Y: Pixel out of bounds (unable to access pixel data) (invalid surface address) (unknown surface format) Portable Network Graphic (*.png) Binary data (*.bin) Save Surface Error Virhe Failed to open file '%1' Failed to save surface data to file '%1' Failed to completely write surface data to file. The saved data will likely be corrupt. GraphicsTracingWidget CiTrace Recorder Start Recording Aloita nauhoitus Stop and Save Tallenna ja lopeta Abort Recording Pysäytä nauhoitus Save CiTrace CiTrace File (*.ctf) CiTracing still active A CiTrace is still being recorded. Do you want to save it? If not, all recorded data will be discarded. GraphicsVertexShaderModel Offset Raw Disassembly GraphicsVertexShaderWidget Save Shader Dump Shader Binary (*.shbin) Pica Vertex Shader (data only available at vertex shader invocation breakpoints) Dump Input Data Attribute %1 Cycle Index: SRC1: %1, %2, %3, %4 SRC2: %1, %2, %3, %4 SRC3: %1, %2, %3, %4 DEST_IN: %1, %2, %3, %4 DEST_OUT: %1, %2, %3, %4 Address Registers: %1, %2 Compare Result: %1, %2 Static Condition: %1 Dynamic Conditions: %1, %2 Loop Parameters: %1 (repeats), %2 (initializer), %3 (increment), %4 Instruction offset: 0x%1 -> 0x%2 (last instruction) HostRoom Create Room Luo keskusteluhuone Room Name Keskusteluhoneen nimi Preferred Game Max Players Max. pelaajien määrä Username Käyttäjänimi (Leave blank for open game) Password Salasana Port Portti Room Description Load Previous Ban List Public Avoin Unlisted Piilotettu Host Room HostRoomWindow Error Virhe Failed to announce the room to the public lobby. In order to host a room publicly, you must have a valid Citra account configured in Emulation -> Configure -> Web. If you do not want to publish a room in the public lobby, then select Unlisted instead. Debug Message: IPCRecorder IPC Recorder Enable Recording Filter: Leave empty to disable filtering # Status Service Function Clear IPCRecorderWidget Invalid Sent Handling Success Onnistui Error Virhe HLE Unimplemented HLE HLE LLE LLE Unknown Tuntematon LLEServiceModulesWidget Toggle LLE Service Modules LoadingScreen Loading Shaders 387 / 1628 Loading Shaders %v out of %m Estimated Time 5m 4s Loading... Preparing Shaders %1 / %2 Loading Shaders %1 / %2 Launching... Now Loading %1 Estimated Time %1 Lobby Public Room Browser Nickname Filters Search Games I Own Omistamani pelit Hide Full Rooms Refresh Lobby Password Required to Join Password: Salasana: Room Name Keskusteluhuoneen nimi Preferred Game Host Players Pelaajat Refreshing Refresh List MainWindow Citra &File Recent Files Amiibo Amiibo &Emulation Save State Tallenna pelitila Load State Lataa pelitila &View Debugging Screen Layout Näyttöjen asettelu Multiplayer Moninpeli Tools Työkalut Movie Frame Advance Edelläajo &Help Load File... Install CIA... Asenna CIA... E&xit &Start &Aloita &Pause &Pysäytä &Stop &Pysäytä Save Load FAQ Usein kysyttyä... About Citra Tietoa Citrasta Single Window Mode Yhden ikkunan tila Save to Oldest Slot Load from Newest Slot Configure... Asetukset... Cheats... Huijaus Koodit... Display Dock Widget Headers Show Filter Bar Show Status Bar Create Pica Surface Viewer Record... Nauhoita... Play... Close Sulje Save without Closing Read-Only Mode Enable Frame Advancing Ota edelläajo käyttöön Advance Frame Capture Screenshot Ota kuvakaappaus Dump Video Tallenna video Browse Public Game Lobby Create Room Luo keskusteluhuone Leave Room Lähde keskusteluhuoneesta Direct Connect to Room Show Current Room Fullscreen Kokonäyttö Modify Citra Install Opens the maintenance tool to modify your Citra installation Default Oletus Single Screen Yksi näyttö Large Screen Iso näyttö Side by Side Separate Windows Erilliset ikkunat Swap Screens Vaihda näyttöjä Rotate Upright Check for Updates Report Compatibility Restart Käynnistä uudelleen Load... Lataa... Remove Poista Open Citra Folder Avaa Citra:n asennuskansio Configure Current Game... Nykyisen pelin asetukset... MicroProfileDialog MicroProfile ModerationDialog Moderation Ban List Estolista Refreshing Unban Subject Type Forum Username IP Address IP-osoite Refresh MoviePlayDialog Play Movie File: ... Info Game: Peli: Author: Kuvaaja: Rerecord Count: Nauhoitusten laskuri: Length: Current running game will be stopped. <br>Current recording will be discarded. <br>Nykyinen nauhoitus poistetaan. Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm) Invalid movie file. Revision dismatch, playback may desync. Indicated length is incorrect, file may be corrupted. (unknown) Game used in this movie is not in game list. (>1 day) MovieRecordDialog Record Movie Nauhoita video File: ... Author: Kuvaaja: Current running game will be restarted. <br>Current recording will be discarded. <br>Nykyinen nauhoitus poistetaan. Recording will start once you boot a game. Nauhoitus aloitetaan kun käynnistät pelin. Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm) MultiplayerState Current connection status Not Connected. Click here to find a room! Ei yhdistetty. Napsauta tätä löytääksesi huone! Connected Yhdistetty Not Connected Ei yhdistetty Error Virhe Failed to update the room information. Please check your Internet connection and try hosting the room again. Debug Message: New Messages Received Sait uuden viestin NetworkMessage Username is not valid. Must be 4 to 20 alphanumeric characters. Room name is not valid. Must be 4 to 20 alphanumeric characters. Username is already in use or not valid. Please choose another. IP is not a valid IPv4 address. Port must be a number between 0 to 65535. Portin täytyy olla 0-65535 You must choose a Preferred Game to host a room. If you do not have any games in your game list yet, add a game folder by clicking on the plus icon in the game list. Unable to find an internet connection. Check your internet settings. Unable to connect to the host. Verify that the connection settings are correct. If you still cannot connect, contact the room host and verify that the host is properly configured with the external port forwarded. Unable to connect to the room because it is already full. Creating a room failed. Please retry. Restarting Citra might be necessary. The host of the room has banned you. Speak with the host to unban you or try a different room. Version mismatch! Please update to the latest version of Citra. If the problem persists, contact the room host and ask them to update the server. Incorrect password. An unknown error occurred. If this error continues to occur, please open an issue Connection to room lost. Try to reconnect. You have been kicked by the room host. MAC address is already in use. Please choose another. Your Console ID conflicted with someone else's in the room. Please go to Emulation > Configure > System to regenerate your Console ID. You do not have enough permission to perform this action. The user you are trying to kick/ban could not be found. They may have left the room. Leave Room You are about to close the room. Any network connections will be closed. Disconnect You are about to leave the room. Any network connections will be closed. NetworkMessage::ErrorManager Error QObject %1 is not playing a game %1 is playing %2 Not playing a game Invalid region Virheelinen alue Installed Titles System Titles Add New Game Directory Shift Ctrl Alt [not set] Hat %1 %2 Axis %1%2 Button %1 [unknown] GC Axis %1%2 GC Button %1 [unused] Error Couldn't load the camera Couldn't load %1 Supported image files (%1) Open File Avaa tiedosto QtKeyboard Software Keyboard QtKeyboardDialog Text length is not correct (should be %1 characters) Tekstin pituus on väärä (pitäisi olla %1 merkkiä) Text is too long (should be no more than %1 characters) Teksti on liian pitkä (ei pitäisi olla enempää kuin %d merkkiä) Blank input is not allowed Empty input is not allowed Validation error QtMiiSelectorDialog Mii Selector Mii-valikko Standard Mii RecordDialog View Record Toista nauhoitus Client Process: Prosessi: Thread: Session: Server Palvelin General Client Port: Service: Function: Toiminto: Command Buffer Select: Valitse: Request Untranslated Pyydä käännöksen poistoa Request Translated Pyydä käännöstä Reply Untranslated Vastaus ei ole käännetty Reply Translated Vastaus on käännetty OK OK null tyhjä RegistersWidget Registers Rekisterit VFP Registers VFP System Registers Vector Length Vector Stride Rounding Mode Vector Iteration Count SequenceDialog Enter a hotkey WaitTreeEvent reset type = %1 WaitTreeMutex locked %1 times by thread: free vapaa WaitTreeMutexList holding mutexes WaitTreeObjectList waiting for all objects odotetaan kaikkia kohteita waiting for one of the following objects odotetaan seuraavia kohteita WaitTreeSemaphore available count = %1 max count = %1 WaitTreeThread running käynnissä ready valmis waiting for address 0x%1 sleeping lepotilassa waiting for IPC response waiting for objects waiting for HLE return dormant dead PC = 0x%1 LR = 0x%2 default all kaikki AppCore SysCore Unknown processor %1 object id = %1 processor = %1 thread id = %1 process = %1 (%2) priority = %1(current) / %2(normal) last running ticks = %1 not holding mutex WaitTreeThreadList waited by thread WaitTreeTimer reset type = %1 initial delay = %1 interval delay = %1 WaitTreeWaitObject [%1]%2 %3 waited by no thread one shot sticky pulse WaitTreeWidget Wait Tree