require('checkenv').check(); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); const logger = require('winston'); const request = require('request-promise'); const tomlify = require('tomlify-j0.4'); const exec = require('sync-exec'); const tenant = 'citra' const fsPathCode = `./${tenant}-games-wiki/games` const fsPathHugo = '../../../site' const fsPathHugoContent = `${fsPathHugo}/content/game` const fsPathHugoBoxart = `${fsPathHugo}/static/images/game/boxart` const fsPathHugoIcon = `${fsPathHugo}/static/images/game/icons` const fsPathHugoScreenshots = `${fsPathHugo}/static/images/screenshots0` const fsPathHugoSavefiles = `${fsPathHugo}/static/savefiles/` process.on('unhandledRejection', err => { logger.error('Unhandled rejection on process.'); logger.error(err); process.exit(1); }); function gitPull(directory, repository) { if (fs.existsSync(directory)) {`Fetching latest from Github : ${directory}`);`git --git-dir=${directory} pull`); exec(`git --git-dir=${directory} pull`); } else {`Cloning repository from Github : ${directory}`);`git clone ${repository}`); exec(`git clone ${repository}`); } } async function run() { // Make sure the output directories in Hugo exist. [fsPathHugoContent, fsPathHugoBoxart, fsPathHugoIcon, fsPathHugoSavefiles, fsPathHugoScreenshots].forEach(function (path) { if (fs.existsSync(path) == false) {`Creating Hugo output directory: ${path}`); fs.ensureDirSync(path); } }); // Fetch game files stored in games-wiki repository. gitPull(`./${tenant}-games-wiki`, `${tenant}-emu/${tenant}-games-wiki.git`); // Loop through each game and process it. let games = await request.get({ uri: `https://api.${tenant}`, json: true }) await Promise.all( (x) => { try {`Processing game: ${}`); // Set metadata. = `${new Date().toISOString()}` // Hugo requires compatibility to be a string to link to data JSON. x.compatibility = x.compatibility.toString() x.testcases.forEach(x => x.compatibility = x.compatibility.toString()) x.issues = x.issues || [] // Copy the boxart for the game. if (fs.existsSync(`${fsPathCode}/${}/boxart.png`)) { fs.copySync(`${fsPathCode}/${}/boxart.png`, `${fsPathHugoBoxart}/${}.png`); } else if (fs.existsSync(`${fsPathCode}/${}/icon.png`)) { fs.copySync(`${fsPathCode}/${}/icon.png`, `${fsPathHugoBoxart}/${}.png`); } // Copy the icon for the game. // If the icon does not exist, use the boxart in place of the icon. if (fs.existsSync(`${fsPathCode}/${}/icon.png`)) { fs.copySync(`${fsPathCode}/${}/icon.png`, `${fsPathHugoIcon}/${}.png`); } else if (fs.existsSync(`${fsPathCode}/${}/boxart.png`)) { fs.copySync(`${fsPathCode}/${}/boxart.png`, `${fsPathHugoIcon}/${}.png`); } // SAVEFILE BLOCK var fsPathCodeSavefilesGame = `${fsPathCode}/${}/savefiles/`; var fsPathHugoSavefilesGame = `${fsPathHugoSavefiles}/${}/`; if (fs.existsSync(fsPathCodeSavefilesGame)) { // Create the savefile directory for the game. if (fs.existsSync(fsPathHugoSavefilesGame) == false) { fs.mkdirSync(fsPathHugoSavefilesGame); } // Copy all savefiles into the output folder, and read their data. fs.readdirSync(fsPathCodeSavefilesGame).forEach(file => { if (path.extname(file) == '.zip') { fs.copySync(`${fsPathCodeSavefilesGame}/${file}`, `${fsPathHugoSavefilesGame}/${file}`); } }); // Finished copying all savefiles into the output folder, and reading their data. } // END SAVEFILE BLOCK // Copy the screenshots for the game. let fsPathScreenshotInputGame = `${fsPathCode}/${}/screenshots/`; let fsPathScreenshotOutputGame = `${fsPathHugoScreenshots}/${}/`; if (fs.existsSync(fsPathScreenshotInputGame)) { // Create the savefile directory for each game. if (fs.existsSync(fsPathScreenshotOutputGame) == false) { fs.mkdirSync(fsPathScreenshotOutputGame); } // Copy all screenshots into the output folder. fs.readdirSync(fsPathScreenshotInputGame).forEach(file => { if (path.extname(file) == '.png') { fs.copySync(`${fsPathScreenshotInputGame}/${file}`, `${fsPathScreenshotOutputGame}/${file}`); } }); } // Clear out the wiki markdown so it won't be stored with the metadata. let wikiText = x.wiki_markdown || '' x.wiki_markdown = null let meta = tomlify.toToml(x, {space: 2}) let contentOutput = `+++\r\nleft_sidebar = true\r\n${meta}\r\n+++\r\n\r\n${wikiText}\r\n`; await fs.writeFile(`${fsPathHugoContent}/${}.md`, contentOutput); return x } catch (ex) { logger.warn(`${} ${x.title} failed to generate: ${ex}`); logger.error(ex); throw ex } })) } // Script start run()