@ -1,36 +1,48 @@
var fs = require('fs');
var fsextra = require('fs-extra');
var util = require('util');
var logger = require('winston');
const fs = require('fs');
const fsextra = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const util = require('util');
const logger = require('winston');
var sanitizeHtml = require('sanitize-html');
const sanitizeHtml = require('sanitize-html');
var del = require('delete');
var exec = require('sync-exec');
const blackfriday = require('./blackfriday.js');
var inputDirectoryGame = './citra-games-wiki/';
var inputDirectoryWiki = './citra-games-wiki.wiki/';
var outputDirectoryMd = '../../site/content/game/';
var outputDirectoryBoxart = '../../site/static/images/games/'
const del = require('delete');
const exec = require('sync-exec');
const inputDirectoryGame = './citra-games-wiki';
const inputDirectoryWiki = './citra-games-wiki.wiki';
const outputDirectoryMd = '../../site/content/game';
const outputDirectoryBoxart = '../../site/static/images/games/boxart';
// The URL
function url(title) {
return '/wiki/' + title.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase();
if (fs.existsSync(inputDirectoryGame)) {
logger.info(`Purging input directory game: ${inputDirectoryGame}`);
del.sync(inputDirectoryGame, {force: true});
function gitPull(directory, repository) {
if (fs.existsSync(directory)) {
logger.info(`Fetching latest from Github : ${directory}`);
exec(`git --git-dir=${directory} pull`);
} else {
logger.info(`Cloning repository from Github : ${directory}`);
exec(`git clone ${repository}`);
if (fs.existsSync(inputDirectoryWiki)) {
logger.info(`Purging input directory wiki: ${inputDirectoryWiki}`);
del.sync(inputDirectoryWiki, {force: true});
function getDirectories (srcpath) {
return fs.readdirSync(srcpath)
.filter(file => fs.lstatSync(path.join(srcpath, file)).isDirectory())
exec('git clone https://github.com/citra-emu/citra-games-wiki.git');
exec('git clone https://github.com/citra-emu/citra-games-wiki.wiki.git');
// Fetch game information stored in Github repository.
// gitPull(inputDirectoryGame, 'https://github.com/citra-emu/citra-games-wiki.git');
// Fetch game articles stored in Github wiki.
// gitPull(inputDirectoryWiki, 'https://github.com/citra-emu/citra-games-wiki.wiki.git');
// Make sure the output directories in Hugo exist.
if (fs.existsSync(outputDirectoryMd) == false) {
logger.info(`Creating missing output directory: ${outputDirectoryMd}`);
@ -41,71 +53,31 @@ if (fs.existsSync(outputDirectoryBoxart) == false) {
fs.readdir(inputDirectoryGame, function(err, items) {
try {
// Look for all .md files within the wiki directory.
items.filter(file => file.substr(-4) === '.png').forEach(function(item) {
logger.info(`Copying boxart PNG ${item}`);
fsextra.copySync(`${inputDirectoryGame}${item}`, `${outputDirectoryBoxart}${item}`);
items.filter(file => file.substr(-4) === '.dat').forEach(function(item) {
// Generate the title from the filename.
let title = item.replace(/-/g, ' ').slice(0, -3);
var stats = fs.statSync(`${inputDirectoryGame}${item}`);
var modified = new Date(util.inspect(stats.mtime));
try {
// Loop through each game folder.
getDirectories(inputDirectoryGame).forEach(function(game) {
if (game == '.git') { return; }
// Read the .dat file and the .md file and fuse them.
fs.readFile(`${inputDirectoryGame}${item}`, 'utf8', function (err,data) {
if (err) { logger.error(err); return; }
logger.info(`Creating Hugo files for ${game}`);
try {
// Convert various data inside of the markdown language.
let cleanGameData = data;
let cleanWikiData = fs.readFileSync(`${inputDirectoryWiki}${item.replace('.dat', '.md')}`, 'utf8');
// Copy the boxart for the game.
fsextra.copySync(`${inputDirectoryGame}/${game}/boxart.png`, `${outputDirectoryBoxart}/${game}.png`);
// Blackfriday Markdown Rendering requires a blank line before lists.
try {
var lines = cleanWikiData.split(/\r?\n/);
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// If it's the start of the file, ignore to prevent an index issue.
if (i > lines.length) { return; }
if (i == 0 || lines[i] == '\n') { continue; }
// Create the markdown file to be displayed in Hugo.
let title = game.replace(/-/g, ' ').slice(0, -3);
var stats = fs.statSync(`${inputDirectoryGame}/${game}/game.dat`);
var modified = new Date(util.inspect(stats.mtime));
// Search for the start of a list designated by the * character.
if (lines[i].startsWith("* ") && lines[i - 1].startsWith("* ") == false) {
i = i + 1;
lines.splice(i - 1, 0, '');
cleanData = lines.join('\n');
} catch (ex) {
let datContents = fs.readFileSync(`${inputDirectoryGame}/${game}/game.dat`, 'utf8');
let wikiContents = fs.readFileSync(`${inputDirectoryWiki}/${game}.md`, 'utf8');
// Replacing tags like [[Common Issues on Windows|Common Issues]]
cleanWikiData = cleanWikiData.replace(/\[\[(.*)\|(.*)\]\]/g, function(match, p1, p2) {
return `[${p1}](${url(p2)})`
// Fix Blackfriday markdown rendering differences.
wikiContents = blackfriday.fixLists(wikiContents);
wikiContents = blackfriday.fixLinks(wikiContents);
// Replacing tags like [[Common Issues]]
cleanWikiData = cleanWikiData.replace(/\[\[(.*)\]\]/g, function(match, p1) {
return `[${p1}](${url(p1)})`
// Create the new markdown header for Hugo.
let newFileContents = `+++\r\ndate = "${modified.toISOString()}"\r\n${cleanGameData}+++\r\n\r\n${cleanWikiData}\r\n`;
let itemOutput = item.toLowerCase().replace('.dat', '.md');
fs.writeFile(`${outputDirectoryMd}${itemOutput}`, newFileContents, function(err) {
if (err) return logger.error(err);
logger.info(`Wrote file ${itemOutput} to filesystem.`);
} catch (ex) {
} catch (ex) {
let output = `+++\r\ndate = "${modified.toISOString()}"\r\n${datContents}+++\r\n\r\n${wikiContents}\r\n`;
fs.writeFileSync(`${outputDirectoryMd}/${game}.md`, output);
} catch (ex) {