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<?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE TS > <TS version="2.1" language = "ca" sourcelanguage = "en_US" >
<name>AboutDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/aboutdialog.ui" line = "14" />
<source>About sudachi < /source>
< translation > Sobre sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/aboutdialog.ui" line = "72" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - size: 28pt;& quot;& gt; sudachi & lt; /span></p & gt;& lt; /body></html & gt; </source>
<translation> & lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - size: 28pt;& quot;& gt; sudachi & lt; /span></p & gt;& lt; /body></html & gt; </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/aboutdialog.ui" line = "85" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;% 1(% 2) & lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;% 1(% 2) & lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/aboutdialog.ui" line = "98" />
<source>& lt; !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot; -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt; html & gt;& lt; head & gt;& lt;meta name =& quot; qrichtext & quot; content =& quot; 1 & quot; /><style type="text/css & quot;& gt;
p, li { white - space: pre - wrap; }
& lt; /style></head & gt;& lt;body style =& quot; font - family: 'Ubuntu'; font - size: 11pt; font - weight: 400; font - style: normal;& quot;& gt;
& lt;p style =& quot; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - family: 'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font - size: 12pt;& quot;& gt;sudachi is an experimental open - source emulator for the Nintendo Switch licensed under GPLv3.0 +.& lt; /span></p & gt;
& lt;p style =& quot; -qt - paragraph - type: empty; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px; font - family: 'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font - size: 8pt;& quot;& gt;& lt; br /& gt;& lt; /p>
& lt;p style =& quot; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - family:& apos;MS Shell Dlg 2 & apos;; font - size: 12pt;& quot;& gt;This software should not be used to play games you have not legally obtained.& lt; /span></p & gt;& lt; /body></html & gt; </source>
<translation> & lt; !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot; -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt; html & gt;& lt; head & gt;& lt;meta name =& quot; qrichtext & quot; content =& quot; 1 & quot; /><style type="text/css & quot;& gt;
p, li { white - space: pre - wrap; }
& lt; /style></head & gt;& lt;body style =& quot; font - family:& apos; Ubuntu & apos;; font - size: 11pt; font - weight: 400; font - style: normal;& quot;& gt;
& lt;p style =& quot; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - family:& apos;MS Shell Dlg 2 & apos;; font - size: 12pt;& quot;& gt;sudachi és un emulador experimental de codi obert per la Nintendo Switch sota llicència GPLv3.0 +.& lt; /span></p & gt;
& lt;p style =& quot; -qt - paragraph - type: empty; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px; font - family:& apos;MS Shell Dlg 2 & apos;; font - size: 8pt;& quot;& gt;& lt; br /& gt;& lt; /p>
& lt;p style =& quot; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - family:& apos;MS Shell Dlg 2 & apos;; font - size: 12pt;& quot;& gt;Aquest software no hauria de ser utilitzat per a jugar videojocs que no has obtingut legalment.& lt; /span></p & gt;& lt; /body></html & gt; </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/aboutdialog.ui" line = "130" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;& lt;a href =& quot; https://sudachi-emu.org/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Website</span></a> | <a href="https://github.com/sudachi-emu"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Source Code</span></a> | <a href="https://github.com/sudachi-emu/sudachi/graphs/contributors"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Contributors</span></a> | <a href="https://github.com/sudachi-emu/sudachi/blob/master/LICENSE.txt"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">License</span></a></p></body></html></source>
<translation>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;& lt;a href =& quot; https://sudachi-emu.org/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Pàgina web</span></a> | <a href="https://github.com/sudachi-emu"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Codi Font</span></a>|<a href="https://github.com/sudachi-emu/sudachi/graphs/contributors"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Contribuïdors</span></a>|<a href="https://github.com/sudachi-emu/sudachi/blob/master/LICENSE.txt"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Llicència</span></a></p></body></html></translation>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/aboutdialog.ui" line = "146" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - size: 7pt;& quot;& gt;& amp; quot;Nintendo Switch & amp; quot; is a trademark of Nintendo.sudachi is not affiliated with Nintendo in any way.& lt; /span></p & gt;& lt; /body></html & gt; </source>
<translation> & lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - size: 7pt;& quot;& gt;& amp; quot;Nintendo Switch & amp; quot; és una marca registrada de Nintendo.sudachi no està afiliat a Nintendo de cap manera.& lt; /span></p & gt;& lt; /body></html & gt; </translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>CalibrationConfigurationDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "23" />
<source>Communicating with the server...</source>
< translation > Comunicant - se amb el servidor...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "24" />
<source>Cancel < /source>
< translation > Cancel·la < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "43" />
<source>Touch the top left corner & lt; br & gt;of your touchpad.< /source>
< translation > Premi la cantonada superior esquerra & lt; br & gt;del seu panell tàctil.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "46" />
<source>Now touch the bottom right corner & lt; br & gt;of your touchpad.< /source>
< translation > Ara premi la cantonada inferior dreta & lt; br & gt;del seu panell tàctil. < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "49" />
<source>Configuration completed! < /source>
< translation > Configuració completada! < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "57" />
<source>OK < /source>
< translation > D & apos; acord < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ChatRoom < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Room Window < /source>
< translation > Finestra de la sala < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.ui" line = "40" />
<source>Send Chat Message < /source>
< translation > Enviar missatge al xat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.ui" line = "47" />
<source>Send Message < /source>
< translation > Enviar missatge < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "181" />
<source>Members < /source>
< translation > Membres < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "318" />
<source>% 1 has joined < /source>
<translation> % 1 s & apos;ha unit < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "321" />
<source>% 1 has left < /source>
<translation> % 1 ha marxat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "324" />
<source>% 1 has been kicked < /source>
<translation> % 1 ha sigut expulsat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "327" />
<source>% 1 has been banned < /source>
<translation> % 1 ha sigut banejat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "330" />
<source>% 1 has been unbanned < /source>
<translation> % 1 ha sigut desbanejat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "446" />
<source>View Profile < /source>
< translation > Veure perfil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "459" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "469" />
<source>Block Player < /source>
< translation > Bloquejar jugador < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "470" />
<source>When you block a player, you will no longer receive chat messages from them.& lt; br & gt;& lt; br & gt;Are you sure you would like to block % 1 ? </source>
< translation > Quan bloquejes a un jugador, no seràs capaç de rebre missatges de xat d & apos; ell.& lt; br & gt;& lt; br & gt; Estàs segur que vols bloquejar % 1 ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "483" />
<source>Kick < /source>
< translation > Expulsar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "484" />
<source>Ban < /source>
< translation > Ban < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "488" />
<source>Kick Player < /source>
< translation > Expulsar jugador < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "489" />
<source>Are you sure you would like to & lt; b & gt; kick & lt; /b> %1?</source >
<translation>Estàs segur que vols expulsar a % 1 ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "497" />
<source>Ban Player < /source>
< translation > Banejar jugador < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "498" />
<source>Are you sure you would like to & lt; b & gt;kick and ban & lt; /b> %1?
This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.< /source>
< translation > Estàs segur que vols expulsar i banejar a % 1 ? Aixó banejaria tant el seu nom d & apos;usuari del forum com la seva adreça IP.< /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ClientRoom < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/client_room.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Room Window < /source>
< translation > Finestra de la sala < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/client_room.ui" line = "27" />
<source>Room Description < /source>
< translation > Descripció de la sala < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/client_room.ui" line = "47" />
< translation > Moderació...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/client_room.ui" line = "57" />
<source>Leave Room < /source>
< translation > Abandonar sala < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ClientRoomWindow < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/client_room.cpp" line = "78" />
<source>Connected < /source>
< translation > Connectat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/client_room.cpp" line = "87" />
<source>Disconnected < /source>
< translation > Desconnectat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/client_room.cpp" line = "100" />
<source>% 1 - % 2(% 3 /% 4 members) - connected < /source>
<translation> % 1 - % 2(/%3/ % 4 membres) - connectat < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>CompatDB < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "20" />
<source>Report Compatibility < /source>
< translation > Informeu sobre la compatibilitat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "27" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "63" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "115" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "167" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "219" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "271" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "330" />
<source>Report Game Compatibility < /source>
< translation > Informeu sobre la compatibilitat del joc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "36" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - size: 10pt;& quot;& gt;Should you choose to submit a test case to the & lt; /span><a href="https:/ / sudachi - emu.org / game /& quot;& gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - size: 10pt; text - decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;& quot;& gt;sudachi Compatibility List & lt; /span></a & gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - size: 10pt;& quot;& gt;, The following information will be collected and displayed on the site:& lt; /span></p & gt;& lt;ul style =& quot; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - list - indent: 1;& quot;& gt;& lt;li style =& quot; margin - top: 12px; margin - bottom: 12px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt;Hardware Information(CPU / GPU / Operating System) & lt; /li><li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Which version of sudachi you are running</li & gt;& lt;li style =& quot; margin - top: 12px; margin - bottom: 12px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt;The connected sudachi account & lt; /li></ul & gt;& lt; /body></html & gt; </source>
<translation> & lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - size: 10pt;& quot;& gt;Si escolliu presentar un cas de prova a la & lt; /span><a href="https:/ / sudachi - emu.org / game /& quot;& gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - size: 10pt; text - decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;& quot;& gt;llista de compatibilitat de Sudachi & lt; /span></a & gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - size: 10pt;& quot;& gt;, la informació següent es recollirà i es mostrarà al web:& lt; /span></p & gt;& lt;ul style =& quot; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - list - indent: 1;& quot;& gt;& lt;li style =& quot; margin - top: 12px; margin - bottom: 12px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt; Informació del maquinari(CPU / GPU / Sistema operatiu) & lt; /li> <li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Quina versió de sudachi està utilitzant?</li & gt; & lt;li style =& quot; margin - top: 12px; margin - bottom: 12px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt;El compte de sudachi connectat & lt; /li></ul & gt;& lt; /body></html & gt; </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "77" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Does the game boot ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;El joc arrenca ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "100" />
<source>Yes The game starts to output video or audio < /source>
< translation > Si El joc comença a produïr video o audio < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "107" />
<source>No The game doesn & apos;t get past the & quot;Launching...& quot; screen < /source>
< translation > No El joc no passa de la pantalla & quot;Iniciant...& quot; </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "124" />
<source>Yes The game gets past the intro / menu and into gameplay < /source>
< translation > Sí El joc supera la introducció / menú i entra en la part jugable.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "131" />
<source>No The game crashes or freezes while loading or using the menu</source>
< translation > No El joc pot fallar o es bloqueja mentre es carrega o s & apos;utilitza el menú < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "143" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Does the game reach gameplay ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;El joc arriba a ser jugable ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "176" />
<source>Yes The game works without crashes < /source>
< translation > Sí El joc funciona sense errors < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "183" />
<source>No The game crashes or freezes during gameplay < /source>
< translation > No El joc pot fallar o es pot bloquejar durant la part jugable.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "195" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Does the game work without crashing, freezing or locking up during gameplay ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Funciona el joc sense fallar, bloquejar - se o en bucle durant la part jugable ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "228" />
<source>Yes The game can be finished without any workarounds < /source>
< translation > Sí El joc es pot acabar sense ninguna configuració extra especifica. < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "235" />
<source>No The game can & apos;t progress past a certain area < /source>
< translation > No El joc no pot avançar més enllà d & apos;una zona determinada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "247" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Is the game completely playable from start to finish ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;És el joc completament jugable de principi a fi ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "280" />
<source>Major The game has major graphical errors < /source>
< translation > Important El joc té errors gràfics importants < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "287" />
<source>Minor The game has minor graphical errors < /source>
< translation > Menys important El joc té errors gràfics menors < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "294" />
<source>None Everything is rendered as it looks on the Nintendo Switch < /source>
< translation > Cap Tot es renderitzat com es veu a la Nintendo Switch < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "306" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Does the game have any graphical glitches ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Té el joc algun error gràfic ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "339" />
<source>Major The game has major audio errors < /source>
< translation > Important El joc té errors d & apos;àudio majors < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "346" />
<source>Minor The game has minor audio errors < /source>
< translation > Menys important El joc té errors d & apos;àudio menors < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "353" />
<source>None Audio is played perfectly < /source>
< translation > Cap L & apos;àudio és reproduit perfectament < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "365" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Does the game have any audio glitches / missing effects ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Té el joc algun error d & apos; àudio / efectes faltants ?& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.ui" line = "389" />
<source>Thank you for your submission! < /source>
< translation > Gràcies per el vostre enviament.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.cpp" line = "121" />
<source>Submitting < /source>
< translation > Enviant < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.cpp" line = "195" />
<source>Communication error < /source>
< translation > Error de comunicació < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.cpp" line = "196" />
<source>An error occurred while sending the Testcase < /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha produït un error mentre s & apos;enviava el Cas de Prova < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/compatdb.cpp" line = "198" />
<source>Next < /source>
< translation > Següent < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigurationShared < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_widget.cpp" line = "63" />
<source>% </source>
<translation> % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "30" />
<source>Amiibo editor < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "31" />
<source>Controller configuration < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "32" />
<source>Data erase < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "33" />
<source>Error < /source>
< translation > Error < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "34" />
<source>Net connect < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "35" />
<source>Player select < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "36" />
<source>Software keyboard < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "37" />
<source>Mii Edit < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "38" />
<source>Online web < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "39" />
<source>Shop < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "40" />
<source>Photo viewer < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "41" />
<source>Offline web < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "42" />
<source>Login share < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "43" />
<source>Wifi web auth < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "44" />
<source>My page < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "47" />
<source>Output Engine: </source>
< translation > Motor de sortida: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "48" />
<source>Output Device: </source>
< translation > Dispositiu de Sortida: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "49" />
<source>Input Device: </source>
< translation > Dispositiu d & apos; Entrada: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "50" />
<source>Mute audio < /source>
< translation > Silenciar àudio < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "51" />
<source>Volume: </source>
< translation > Volum: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "53" />
<source>Mute audio when in background < /source>
< translation > Silenciar l & apos;àudio quan estigui en segon plà < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "58" />
<source>Multicore CPU Emulation < /source>
< translation > Emulació de CPU multinucli < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "59" />
<source>This option increases CPU emulation thread use from 1 to the Switch’s maximum of 4.
This is mainly a debug option and shouldn’t be disabled.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "62" />
<source>Memory Layout < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "63" />
<source>Increases the amount of emulated RAM from the stock 4GB of the retail Switch to the developer kit's 8/6GB.
It’s doesn’t improve stability or performance and is intended to let big texture mods fit in emulated RAM.
Enabling it will increase memory use.It is not recommended to enable unless a specific game with a texture mod needs it.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "69" />
<source>Limit Speed Percent < /source>
< translation > Limitar percentatge de velocitat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "70" />
<source>Controls the game's maximum rendering speed, but it’s up to each game if it runs faster or not.
200 % for a 30 FPS game is 60 FPS, and for a 60 FPS game it will be 120 FPS.
Disabling it means unlocking the framerate to the maximum your PC can reach.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "76" />
<source>Accuracy: </source>
< translation > Precisió: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "77" />
<source>This setting controls the accuracy of the emulated CPU.
Don & apos;t change this unless you know what you are doing.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "79" />
<source>Backend: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "86" />
<source>Unfuse FMA(improve performance on CPUs without FMA) < /source>
< translation > Desactivar FMA(millora el rendiment en CPUs sense FMA) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "87" />
<source>This option improves speed by reducing accuracy of fused - multiply - add instructions on CPUs without native FMA support.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "90" />
<source>Faster FRSQRTE and FRECPE < /source>
< translation > FRSQRTE i FRECPE més ràpid < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "91" />
<source>This option improves the speed of some approximate floating - point functions by using less accurate native approximations.</source>
< translation > Aquest paràmetre millora la velocitat d & apos;algunes funcions de coma flotant, amb l & apos;ús d & apos;aproximacions natives menys precises.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "94" />
<source>Faster ASIMD instructions(32 bits only) < /source>
< translation > Instruccions ASIMD més ràpides(només 32 bits) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "95" />
<source>This option improves the speed of 32 bits ASIMD floating - point functions by running with incorrect rounding modes.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "97" />
<source>Inaccurate NaN handling < /source>
< translation > Gestió imprecisa NaN < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "98" />
<source>This option improves speed by removing NaN checking.
Please note this also reduces accuracy of certain floating - point instructions.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "100" />
<source>Disable address space checks < /source>
< translation > Desactiva les comprovacions d & apos;espai d & apos; adreces < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "101" />
<source>This option improves speed by eliminating a safety check before every memory read / write in guest.
Disabling it may allow a game to read / write the emulator & apos;s memory.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "105" />
<source>Ignore global monitor < /source>
< translation > Ignorar monitorització global < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "106" />
<source>This option improves speed by relying only on the semantics of cmpxchg to ensure safety of exclusive access instructions.
Please note this may result in deadlocks and other race conditions.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "112" />
<source>API: </source>
< translation > API: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "113" />
<source>Switches between the available graphics APIs.
Vulkan is recommended in most cases.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "114" />
<source>Device: </source>
< translation > Dispositiu: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "115" />
<source>This setting selects the GPU to use with the Vulkan backend.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "116" />
<source>Shader Backend: </source>
< translation > Suport de shaders: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "117" />
<source>The shader backend to use for the OpenGL renderer.
GLSL is the fastest in performance and the best in rendering accuracy.
GLASM is a deprecated NVIDIA - only backend that offers much better shader building performance at the cost of FPS and rendering accuracy.
SPIR - V compiles the fastest, but yields poor results on most GPU drivers.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "122" />
<source>Resolution: </source>
< translation > Resolució: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "123" />
<source>Forces the game to render at a different resolution.
Higher resolutions require much more VRAM and bandwidth.
Options lower than 1X can cause rendering issues.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "126" />
<source>Window Adapting Filter: </source>
< translation > Filtre d & apos;adaptació de finestra: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "127" />
<source>FSR Sharpness: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "128" />
<source>Determines how sharpened the image will look while using FSR’s dynamic contrast.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "129" />
<source>Anti - Aliasing Method: </source>
< translation > Mètode d & apos; anti - aliasing < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "130" />
<source>The anti - aliasing method to use.
SMAA offers the best quality.
FXAA has a lower performance impact and can produce a better and more stable picture under very low resolutions.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "133" />
<source>Fullscreen Mode: </source>
< translation > Mode pantalla completa: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "134" />
<source>The method used to render the window in fullscreen.
Borderless offers the best compatibility with the on - screen keyboard that some games request for input.
Exclusive fullscreen may offer better performance and better Freesync / Gsync support.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "138" />
<source>Aspect Ratio: </source>
< translation > Relació d & apos; aspecte: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "139" />
<source>Stretches the game to fit the specified aspect ratio.
Switch games only support 16: 9, so custom game mods are required to get other ratios.
Also controls the aspect ratio of captured screenshots.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "142" />
<source>Use disk pipeline cache < /source>
< translation > Utilitzar cache de shaders de canonada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "143" />
<source>Allows saving shaders to storage for faster loading on following game boots.
Disabling it is only intended for debugging.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename= "../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "147" />
<source>Use asynchronous GPU emulation < /source>
< translation > Utilitzar emulació asíncrona de GPU < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "148" />
<source>Uses an extra CPU thread for rendering.
This option should always remain enabled.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "149" />
<source>NVDEC emulation: </source>
< translation > Emulació NVDEC: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "150" />
<source>Specifies how videos should be decoded.
It can either use the CPU or the GPU for decoding, or perform no decoding at all(black screen on videos).
In most cases, GPU decoding provides the best performance.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "153" />
<source>ASTC Decoding Method: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "154" />
<source>This option controls how ASTC textures should be decoded.
CPU: Use the CPU for decoding, slowest but safest method.
GPU: Use the GPU's compute shaders to decode ASTC textures, recommended for most games and users.
CPU Asynchronously: Use the CPU to decode ASTC textures as they arrive.Completely eliminates ASTC decoding
stuttering at the cost of rendering issues while the texture is being decoded.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "162" />
<source>ASTC Recompression Method: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "163" />
<source>Almost all desktop and laptop dedicated GPUs lack support for ASTC textures, forcing the emulator to decompress to an intermediate format any card supports, RGBA8.
This option recompresses RGBA8 to either the BC1 or BC3 format, saving VRAM but negatively affecting image quality.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "167" />
<source>VRAM Usage Mode: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "168" />
<source>Selects whether the emulator should prefer to conserve memory or make maximum usage of available video memory for performance.Has no effect on integrated graphics.Aggressive mode may severely impact the performance of other applications such as recording software.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "173" />
<source>VSync Mode: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "174" />
<source>FIFO(VSync) does not drop frames or exhibit tearing but is limited by the screen refresh rate.
FIFO Relaxed is similar to FIFO but allows tearing as it recovers from a slow down.
Mailbox can have lower latency than FIFO and does not tear but may drop frames.
Immediate(no synchronization) just presents whatever is available and can exhibit tearing.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "184" />
<source>Enable asynchronous presentation(Vulkan only) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "185" />
<source>Slightly improves performance by moving presentation to a separate CPU thread.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "187" />
<source>Force maximum clocks(Vulkan only) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "188" />
<source>Runs work in the background while waiting for graphics commands to keep the GPU from lowering its clock speed.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "190" />
<source>Anisotropic Filtering: </source>
< translation > Filtrat anisotròpic: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "191" />
<source>Controls the quality of texture rendering at oblique angles.
It’s a light setting and safe to set at 16x on most GPUs.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "193" />
<source>Accuracy Level: </source>
< translation > Nivell de precisió: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "194" />
<source>GPU emulation accuracy.
Most games render fine with Normal, but High is still required for some.
Particles tend to only render correctly with High accuracy.
Extreme should only be used for debugging.
This option can be changed while playing.
Some games may require booting on high to render properly.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "199" />
<source>Use asynchronous shader building(Hack) < /source>
< translation > Utilitzar la construcció de shaders asíncrona(Hack) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "200" />
<source>Enables asynchronous shader compilation, which may reduce shader stutter.
This feature is experimental.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "203" />
<source>Use Fast GPU Time(Hack) < /source>
< translation > Utilitzar temps ràpid a la GPU(Hack) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "204" />
<source>Enables Fast GPU Time.This option will force most games to run at their highest native resolution.< /source>
< translation > Habilita el temps ràpid de la GPU.Aquesta opció obligarà a la majoria dels jocs a executar - se a la seva resolució nativa més alta.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "206" />
<source>Use Vulkan pipeline cache < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "207" />
<source>Enables GPU vendor - specific pipeline cache.
This option can improve shader loading time significantly in cases where the Vulkan driver does not store pipeline cache files internally.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "211" />
<source>Enable Compute Pipelines(Intel Vulkan Only) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "212" />
<source>Enable compute pipelines, required by some games.
This setting only exists for Intel proprietary drivers, and may crash if enabled.
Compute pipelines are always enabled on all other drivers.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "216" />
<source>Enable Reactive Flushing < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "217" />
<source>Uses reactive flushing instead of predictive flushing, allowing more accurate memory syncing.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "219" />
<source>Sync to framerate of video playback < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "220" />
<source>Run the game at normal speed during video playback, even when the framerate is unlocked.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "222" />
<source>Barrier feedback loops < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "223" />
<source>Improves rendering of transparency effects in specific games.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "228" />
<source>RNG Seed < /source>
< translation > Llavor de GNA < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "229" />
<source>Controls the seed of the random number generator.
Mainly used for speedrunning purposes.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename= "../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "232" />
<source>Device Name < /source>
< translation > Nom del Dispositiu < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "232" />
<source>The name of the emulated Switch.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "233" />
<source>Custom RTC Date: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "234" />
<source>This option allows to change the emulated clock of the Switch.
Can be used to manipulate time in games.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "239" />
<source>Language: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "240" />
<source>Note: this can be overridden when region setting is auto - select < /source>
< translation > Nota: això pot anul·lar - se quan la configuració de regió es selecciona automàticament < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "241" />
<source>Region: </source>
< translation > Regió: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "241" />
<source>The region of the emulated Switch.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "242" />
<source>Time Zone: </source>
< translation > Zona horària: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "243" />
<source>The time zone of the emulated Switch.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "244" />
<source>Sound Output Mode: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "245" />
<source>Console Mode: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "246" />
<source>Selects if the console is emulated in Docked or Handheld mode.
Games will change their resolution, details and supported controllers and depending on this setting.
Setting to Handheld can help improve performance for low end systems.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "266" />
<source>Prompt for user on game boot < /source>
< translation > Sol·licitar l & apos;usuari en l & apos;arrencada del joc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "267" />
<source>Ask to select a user profile on each boot, useful if multiple people use sudachi on the same PC.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "269" />
<source>Pause emulation when in background < /source>
< translation > Pausa l & apos;emulació quan la finestra està en segon pla < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "270" />
<source>This setting pauses sudachi when focusing other windows.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "271" />
<source>Confirm before stopping emulation < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "272" />
<source>This setting overrides game prompts asking to confirm stopping the game.
Enabling it bypasses such prompts and directly exits the emulation.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "274" />
<source>Hide mouse on inactivity < /source>
< translation > Ocultar el cursor del ratolí en cas d & apos; inactivitat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "275" />
<source>This setting hides the mouse after 2.5s of inactivity.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "276" />
<source>Disable controller applet < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "277" />
<source>Forcibly disables the use of the controller applet by guests.
When a guest attempts to open the controller applet, it is immediately closed.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "281" />
<source>Enable Gamemode < /source>
< translation > Activa el mode Joc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "306" />
<source>Custom frontend < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "307" />
<source>Real applet < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "312" />
<source>CPU < /source>
< translation > CPU < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "313" />
<source>GPU < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "314" />
<source>CPU Asynchronous < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "319" />
<source>Uncompressed(Best quality) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "320" />
<source>BC1(Low quality) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "321" />
<source>BC3(Medium quality) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "325" />
<source>Conservative < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "326" />
<source>Aggressive < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "331" />
<source>OpenGL < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "333" />
<source>Vulkan < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "334" />
<source>Null < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "339" />
<source>GLSL < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "340" />
<source>GLASM(Assembly Shaders, NVIDIA Only) < /source>
< translation > GLASM(Assembly Shaders, només NVIDIA) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "341" />
<source>SPIR - V(Experimental, AMD / Mesa Only) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "345" />
<source>Normal < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "346" />
<source>High < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "347" />
<source>Extreme < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "352" />
<source>Auto < /source>
< translation > Auto < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "353" />
<source>Accurate < /source>
< translation > Precís < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "354" />
<source>Unsafe < /source>
< translation > Insegur < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "355" />
<source>Paranoid(disables most optimizations) < /source>
< translation > Paranoic(desactiva la majoria d & apos;optimitzacions)</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "359" />
<source>Dynarmic < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "360" />
<source>NCE < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "364" />
<source>Borderless Windowed < /source>
< translation > Finestra sense vores < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "365" />
<source>Exclusive Fullscreen < /source>
< translation > Pantalla completa exclusiva < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "369" />
<source>No Video Output < /source>
< translation > Sense sortida de vídeo < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "370" />
<source>CPU Video Decoding < /source>
< translation > Descodificació de vídeo a la CPU < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "371" />
<source>GPU Video Decoding(Default) < /source>
< translation > Descodificació de vídeo a la GPU(Valor Predeterminat) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "376" />
<source>0.5X(360p / 540p)[EXPERIMENTAL] < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "377" />
<source>0.75X(540p / 810p)[EXPERIMENTAL] < /source>
< translation > 0.75X(540p / 810p)[EXPERIMENTAL] < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "378" />
<source>1X(720p / 1080p) < /source>
< translation > 1X(720p / 1080p) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "379" />
<source>1.5X(1080p / 1620p)[EXPERIMENTAL] < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "380" />
<source>2X(1440p / 2160p) < /source>
< translation > 2X(1440p / 2160p) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "381" />
<source>3X(2160p / 3240p) < /source>
< translation > 3X(2160p / 3240p) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "382" />
<source>4X(2880p / 4320p) < /source>
< translation > 4X(2880p / 4320p) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "383" />
<source>5X(3600p / 5400p) < /source>
< translation > 5X(3600p / 5400p) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "384" />
<source>6X(4320p / 6480p) < /source>
< translation > 6X(4320p / 6480p) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "385" />
<source>7X(5040p / 7560p) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "386" />
<source>8X(5760p / 8640p) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "390" />
<source>Nearest Neighbor < /source>
< translation > Veí més proper < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "391" />
<source>Bilinear < /source>
< translation > Bilineal < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "392" />
<source>Bicubic < /source>
< translation > Bicúbic < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "393" />
<source>Gaussian < /source>
< translation > Gaussià < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "394" />
<source>ScaleForce < /source>
< translation > ScaleForce < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "395" />
<source>AMD FidelityFX™️ Super Resolution < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "399" />
<source>None < /source>
< translation > Cap < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "400" />
<source>FXAA < /source>
< translation > FXAA < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "401" />
<source>SMAA < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "405" />
<source>Default(16: 9) < /source>
< translation > Valor predeterminat(16: 9) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "406" />
<source>Force 4: 3 < /source>
< translation > Forçar 4: 3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "407" />
<source>Force 21: 9 < /source>
< translation > Forçar 21: 9 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "408" />
<source>Force 16: 10 < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "409" />
<source>Stretch to Window < /source>
< translation > Estirar a la finestra < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "413" />
<source>Automatic < /source>
< translation > Automàtic < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "414" />
<source>Default < /source>
< translation > Valor predeterminat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "415" />
<source>2x < /source>
< translation > 2x < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "416" />
<source>4x < /source>
< translation > 4x < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "417" />
<source>8x < /source>
< translation > 8x < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "418" />
<source>16x < /source>
< translation > 16x < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "423" />
<source>Japanese(日本語) < /source>
< translation > Japonès(日本語) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "424" />
<source>American English < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "425" />
<source>French(français) < /source>
< translation > Francès(français) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "426" />
<source>German(Deutsch) < /source>
< translation > Alemany(Deutsch) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "427" />
<source>Italian(italiano) < /source>
< translation > Italià(italiano) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "428" />
<source>Spanish(español) < /source>
< translation > Castellà(español) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "429" />
<source>Chinese < /source>
< translation > Xinès < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "430" />
<source>Korean(한국어) < /source>
< translation > Coreà(한국어) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "431" />
<source>Dutch(Nederlands) < /source>
< translation > Holandès(Nederlands) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "432" />
<source>Portuguese(português) < /source>
< translation > Portuguès(português) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "433" />
<source>Russian(Русский) < /source>
< translation > Rus(Русский) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "434" />
<source>Taiwanese < /source>
< translation > Taiwanès < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "435" />
<source>British English < /source>
< translation > Anglès britànic < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "436" />
<source>Canadian French < /source>
< translation > Francès canadenc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "437" />
<source>Latin American Spanish < /source>
< translation > Espanyol llatinoamericà < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "438" />
<source>Simplified Chinese < /source>
< translation > Xinès simplificat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "439" />
<source>Traditional Chinese(正體中文) < /source>
< translation > Xinès tradicional(正體中文) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "440" />
<source>Brazilian Portuguese(português do Brasil)</source>
< translation > Portuguès brasiler(português do Brasil)</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "444" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "483" />
<source>Japan < /source>
< translation > Japó < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "445" />
<source>USA < /source>
< translation > EUA < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "446" />
<source>Europe < /source>
< translation > Europa < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "447" />
<source>Australia < /source>
< translation > Austràlia < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "448" />
<source>China < /source>
< translation > Xina < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "449" />
<source>Korea < /source>
< translation > Corea < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "450" />
<source>Taiwan < /source>
< translation > Taiwan < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "456" />
<source>Auto(% 1) < /source>
< comment > Auto select time zone < /comment>
< translation > Auto(% 1) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "460" />
<source>Default(% 1) < /source>
< comment > Default time zone < /comment>
< translation > Per defecte(% 1) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "462" />
<source>CET < /source>
< translation > CET < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "463" />
<source>CST6CDT < /source>
< translation > CST6CDT < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "464" />
<source>Cuba < /source>
< translation > Cuba < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "465" />
<source>EET < /source>
< translation > EET < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "466" />
<source>Egypt < /source>
< translation > Egipte < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "467" />
<source>Eire < /source>
< translation > Eire < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "468" />
<source>EST < /source>
< translation > EST < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "469" />
<source>EST5EDT < /source>
< translation > EST5EDT < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "470" />
<source>GB < /source>
< translation > GB < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "471" />
<source>GB - Eire < /source>
< translation > GB - Eire < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "472" />
<source>GMT < /source>
< translation > GMT < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "473" />
<source>GMT + 0 < /source>
< translation > GMT + 0 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "474" />
<source>GMT - 0 < /source>
< translation > GMT - 0 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "475" />
<source>GMT0 < /source>
< translation > GMT0 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "476" />
<source>Greenwich < /source>
< translation > Greenwich < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "477" />
<source>Hongkong < /source>
< translation > Hong Kong < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "478" />
<source>HST < /source>
< translation > HST < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "479" />
<source>Iceland < /source>
< translation > Islàndia < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "480" />
<source>Iran < /source>
< translation > Iran < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "481" />
<source>Israel < /source>
< translation > Isreal < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "482" />
<source>Jamaica < /source>
< translation > Jamaica < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "484" />
<source>Kwajalein < /source>
< translation > Kwajalein < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "485" />
<source>Libya < /source>
< translation > Líbia < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "486" />
<source>MET < /source>
< translation > MET < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "487" />
<source>MST < /source>
< translation > MST < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "488" />
<source>MST7MDT < /source>
< translation > MST7MDT < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "489" />
<source>Navajo < /source>
< translation > Navajo < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "490" />
<source>NZ < /source>
< translation > NZ < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "491" />
<source>NZ - CHAT < /source>
< translation > NZ - CHAT < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "492" />
<source>Poland < /source>
< translation > Polònia < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "493" />
<source>Portugal < /source>
< translation > Portugal < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "494" />
<source>PRC < /source>
< translation > PRC < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "495" />
<source>PST8PDT < /source>
< translation > PST8PDT < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "496" />
<source>ROC < /source>
< translation > ROC < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "497" />
<source>ROK < /source>
< translation > ROK < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "498" />
<source>Singapore < /source>
< translation > Singapur < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "499" />
<source>Turkey < /source>
< translation > Turquia < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "500" />
<source>UCT < /source>
< translation > UCT < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "501" />
<source>Universal < /source>
< translation > Universal < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "502" />
<source>UTC < /source>
< translation > UTC < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "503" />
<source>W - SU < /source>
< translation > W - SU < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "504" />
<source>WET < /source>
< translation > WET < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "505" />
<source>Zulu < /source>
< translation > Zulu < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "509" />
<source>Mono < /source>
< translation > Mono < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "510" />
<source>Stereo < /source>
< translation > Estèreo < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "511" />
<source>Surround < /source>
< translation > Envoltant < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "515" />
<source>4GB DRAM(Default) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "516" />
<source>6GB DRAM(Unsafe) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "517" />
<source>8GB DRAM(Unsafe) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "521" />
<source>Docked < /source>
< translation > Acoblada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "522" />
<source>Handheld < /source>
< translation > Portàtil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "527" />
<source>Always ask(Default) < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "528" />
<source>Only if game specifies not to stop < /source>
< translation > Tan sols si el joc especifica no parar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.cpp" line = "529" />
<source>Never ask < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureApplets < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_applets.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_applets.ui" line = "17" />
<source>Applets < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_applets.ui" line = "25" />
<source>Applet mode preference < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureAudio < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_audio.ui" line = "14" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_audio.ui" line = "20" />
<source>Audio < /source>
< translation > Àudio < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureCamera < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Configure Infrared Camera < /source>
< translation > Configurar càmera infraroja < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "26" />
<source>Select where the image of the emulated camera comes from.It may be a virtual camera or a real camera.< /source>
< translation > Selecciona d & apos;on vé la imatge de la càmara emulada.Pot ser una càmara virtual o una càmara real.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "52" />
<source>Camera Image Source: </source>
< translation > Font d & apos;Imatge de la Càmara: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "71" />
<source>Input device: </source>
< translation > Dispositiu d & apos; entrada: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "96" />
<source>Preview < /source>
< translation > Previsualització < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "108" />
<source>Resolution: 320 * 240 < /source>
< translation > Resolució: 320 * 240 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "115" />
<source>Click to preview < /source>
< translation > Clica per previsualitzar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_camera.ui" line = "140" />
<source>Restore Defaults < /source>
< translation > Restaurar els valors predeterminats < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_camera.cpp" line = "140" />
<source>Auto < /source>
< translation > Auto < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureCpu < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "17" />
<source>CPU < /source>
< translation > CPU < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "28" />
<source>General < /source>
< translation > General < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "52" />
<source>We recommend setting accuracy to & quot; Auto & quot;.</source>
< translation > Recomanem establir la precisió a & quot; Auto & quot;.</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "65" />
<source>CPU Backend < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "95" />
<source>Unsafe CPU Optimization Settings < /source>
< translation > Paràmetres d & apos;optimització de la CPU insegurs < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu.ui" line = "101" />
<source>These settings reduce accuracy for speed.< /source>
< translation > Aquests paràmetres redueixen la precisió a canvi de rendiment.< /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureCpuDebug < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "17" />
<source>CPU < /source>
< translation > CPU < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "25" />
<source>Toggle CPU Optimizations < /source>
< translation > Canviar les optimitzacions de la CPU < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "31" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - weight: 600;& quot;& gt;For debugging only.& lt; /span><br/ & gt;If you & apos;re not sure what these do, keep all of these enabled. & lt; br /& gt;These settings, when disabled, only take effect when CPU Debugging is enabled. & lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;& lt;span style =& quot; font - weight: 600;& quot;& gt;Només per a depurar.& lt; /span><br/ & gt;Si no estàs segur de què fan, mantén - les activades. & lt; br /& gt;Aquests paràmetres, quan estan desactivats, només tenen efecte quan la Depuració de CPU està habilitat. & lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "41" />
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;This optimization speeds up memory accesses by the guest program.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Enabling it inlines accesses to PageTable::pointers into emitted code.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Disabling this forces all memory accesses to go through the Memory:: Read / Memory::Write functions.& lt; /div>
< /source>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Aquesta optimització accelera els accessos a la memòria del programa hoste.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt; Activant - la col·loca en fila els accessos a PageTable::pointers al codi emès.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt; Desactivant - la força tots els accessos a la memòria a passar a través de les funcions Memory:: Read / Memory:: Write.& lt; /div>
< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "48" />
<source>Enable inline page tables < /source>
< translation > Activar les taules de pàgines en fila < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "55" />
& lt; div & gt;This optimization avoids dispatcher lookups by allowing emitted basic blocks to jump directly to other basic blocks if the destination PC is static.& lt; /div>
< /source>
& lt; div & gt;Aquesta optimització evita les recerques del despatxador permetent que els blocs bàsics emesos saltin directament a altres blocs bàsics si el PC de destí és estàtic.& lt; /div>
< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "60" />
<source>Enable block linking < /source>
< translation > Activar l & apos;enllaç de blocs < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "67" />
& lt; div & gt;This optimization avoids dispatcher lookups by keeping track potential return addresses of BL instructions.This approximates what happens with a return stack buffer on a real CPU.& lt; /div>
< /source>
& lt; div & gt;Aquesta optimització evita les recerques dels despatxadors al rastrejar les adreçes potencials de retorn de les instruccions de BL.Això s & apos;aproxima al que succeeix amb un buffer de la pila de retorn en una CPU real.& lt; /div>
< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "72" />
<source>Enable return stack buffer < /source>
< translation > Activar el buffer de la pila de retorn < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "79" />
& lt; div & gt;Enable a two - tiered dispatch system.A faster dispatcher written in assembly has a small MRU cache of jump destinations is used first.If that fails, dispatch falls back to the slower C++ dispatcher.& lt; /div>
< /source>
& lt; div & gt;Habilitar un sistema de despatx de dos nivells.Un despatxador més ràpid escrit en assemblatge que té un petit cache MRU de destins de salt s & apos;utilitza primer.Si això falla, el despatx torna al despatxador més lent programat en C++.& lt; /div>
< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "84" />
<source>Enable fast dispatcher < /source>
< translation > Activar el despatxador ràpid < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "91" />
& lt; div & gt;Enables an IR optimization that reduces unnecessary accesses to the CPU context structure.& lt; /div>
< /source>
& lt; div & gt;Això habilita una optimització de IR que redueix els accessos innecessaris a l & apos;estructura del context de la CPU.& lt; /div>
< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "96" />
<source>Enable context elimination < /source>
< translation > Activar l & apos;eliminació del context < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "103" />
& lt; div & gt;Enables IR optimizations that involve constant propagation.& lt; /div>
< /source>
& lt; div & gt;Això habilita optimitzacions de IR que impliquen una propagació constant.& lt; /div>
< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "108" />
<source>Enable constant propagation < /source>
< translation > Activar la propagació constant < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "115" />
& lt; div & gt;Enables miscellaneous IR optimizations.& lt; /div>
< /source>
& lt; div & gt;Això habilita optimitzacions miscelànies IR.& lt; /div>
< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "120" />
<source>Enable miscellaneous optimizations < /source>
< translation > Activar optimitzacions miscelànies < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "127" />
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;When enabled, a misalignment is only triggered when an access crosses a page boundary.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;When disabled, a misalignment is triggered on all misaligned accesses.& lt; /div>
< /source>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Quan està activa, una desalineació només es desencadena quan un accés creua el límit d & apos;una pàgina.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Quan està desactivada, una desalineació es desencadena en tots els accessos desalineats.& lt; /div>
< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "133" />
<source>Enable misalignment check reduction < /source>
< translation > Activar la reducció del control de desalineació < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "140" />
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;This optimization speeds up memory accesses by the guest program.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Enabling it causes guest memory reads / writes to be done directly into memory and make use of Host's MMU.</div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Disabling this forces all memory accesses to use Software MMU Emulation.& lt; /div>
< /source>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Aquesta optimització accelera els accessos a la memòria del programa hoste.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt; Activar - la fa que les lectures / escriptures de la memòria de l & apos;hoste es facin directament a la memòria i facin ús de la MMU de l & apos; amfitrió.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Desactivar això obliga a tots els accessos de memòria a utilitzar l & apos;Emulació MMU per Software.& lt; /div>
< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "147" />
<source>Enable Host MMU Emulation(general memory instructions) < /source>
< translation > Activar Emulació MMU a través de l & apos; amfitrió(Instruccions de memòria general) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "154" />
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;This optimization speeds up exclusive memory accesses by the guest program.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Enabling it causes guest exclusive memory reads / writes to be done directly into memory and make use of Host's MMU.</div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Disabling this forces all exclusive memory accesses to use Software MMU Emulation.& lt; /div>
< /source>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Aquesta optimizació augmenta la velocitat dels accessos a la memòria exclusiva per part del programa hoste.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt; Activar - la provoca que les lectures / escriptures exclusives de la memòria per part de l & apos;hoste puguin ser realitzades directament a la memòria i facin ús del MMU de l & apos; amfitrió.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Desactivar això força a tots els accessos a la memòria exclusiva a fer servir l & apos;Emulació de MMI per Software.& lt; /div>
< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "161" />
<source>Enable Host MMU Emulation(exclusive memory instructions) < /source>
< translation > Habilitar Emulació MMU a través de l & apos; amfitrió(Instruccions de memòria exclusiva) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "168" />
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;This optimization speeds up exclusive memory accesses by the guest program.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Enabling it reduces the overhead of fastmem failure of exclusive memory accesses.& lt; /div>
< /source>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Aquesta optimizació augmenta la velocitat dels accessos a la memòria exclusiva per part del programa hoste.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt; Activar - la redueix la sobrecàrrega de les falles de fastmem en l & apos;accés a la memòria exclusiva.& lt; /div>
< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "174" />
<source>Enable recompilation of exclusive memory instructions < /source>
< translation > Habilitar recompilació de les instruccions de memòria exclusiva < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "181" />
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;This optimization speeds up memory accesses by allowing invalid memory accesses to succeed.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Enabling it reduces the overhead of all memory accesses and has no impact on programs that don't access invalid memory.</div>
< /source>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt;Aquesta optimització accelera els accessos a memòria permetent els accessos a memòria invàlida.& lt; /div>
& lt;div style =& quot; white - space: nowrap & quot;& gt; Hablitant - lo es redueix la despesa de tots els accessos a memòria i no té impacte en programes que no accedeixen memòria invàlida.& lt; /div></translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "187" />
<source>Enable fallbacks for invalid memory accesses < /source>
< translation > Activa retrocessos per accessos de memòria invàlids < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_cpu_debug.ui" line = "212" />
<source>CPU settings are available only when game is not running.< /source>
< translation > La configuració de la CPU només està disponible quan el joc no s & apos;està executant.< /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureDebug < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "40" />
<source>Debugger < /source>
< translation > Depurador < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "85" />
<source>Enable GDB Stub < /source>
< translation > Activar GDB Stub < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "119" />
<source>Port: </source>
< translation > Port: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "157" />
<source>Logging < /source>
< translation > Registre < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "163" />
<source>Open Log Location < /source>
< translation > Obrir ubicació de l & apos;arxiu del registre < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "197" />
<source>Global Log Filter < /source>
< translation > Filtre de registre global < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "213" />
<source>When checked, the max size of the log increases from 100 MB to 1 GB < /source>
< translation > Quan està marcat, la mida màxima del registre augmenta de 100 MB a 1 GB < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "216" />
<source>Enable Extended Logging ** </source>
< translation > Habilitar registre ampliat ** </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "223" />
<source>Show Log in Console < /source>
< translation > Mostra el registre a la consola < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "235" />
<source>Homebrew < /source>
< translation > Homebrew < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "243" />
<source>Arguments String < /source>
< translation > Cadena d & apos; arguments < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "260" />
<source>Graphics < /source>
< translation > Gràfics < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "266" />
<source>When checked, it executes shaders without loop logic changes < /source>
< translation > Quan està marcat, s & apos;executaran els shaders sense canvis de lògica de bucle < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "269" />
<source>Disable Loop safety checks < /source>
< translation > Desactivar comprovacions de seguretat de bucles < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "279" />
<source>When checked, it will dump all the macro programs of the GPU < /source>
< translation > Quan està activat, abocarà tots els programes macro de la GPU < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "282" />
<source>Dump Maxwell Macros < /source>
< translation > Abocar Macros Mawxell < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "289" />
<source>When checked, it enables Nsight Aftermath crash dumps < /source>
< translation > Quan està marcat, habilitarà els volcats dels errors d & apos;Nsight Aftermath < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "292" />
<source>Enable Nsight Aftermath < /source>
< translation > Activar Nsight Aftermath < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "302" />
<source>When checked, it will dump all the original assembler shaders from the disk shader cache or game as found</ source >
<translation>Quan està marcat, bolcarà tots els shaders d & apos;assemblador originals del cache de shaders del disc o del joc mentre els troba < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "305" />
<source>Dump Game Shaders < /source>
< translation > Bolcar shaders del joc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "312" />
<source>Enable Renderdoc Hotkey < /source>
< translation > Activar la drecera de teclat de Renderdoc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "322" />
<source>When checked, it disables the macro Just In Time compiler.Enabling this makes games run slower < /source>
< translation > Quan està marcat, desactiva el compilador de macro Just In Time.Activar això fa que els jocs funcionin més lentament < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "325" />
<source>Disable Macro JIT < /source>
< translation > Desactivar macro JIT < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "335" />
<source>When checked, it disables the macro HLE functions.Enabling this makes games run slower < /source>
< translation > Quan està marcat, desactiva les funcions macro HLE.Habilitar - ho fa que el joc corri més lent < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "338" />
<source>Disable Macro HLE < /source>
< translation > Desactivar Macro HLE < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "348" />
<source>When checked, the graphics API enters a slower debugging mode < /source>
< translation > Quan està marcat, l & apos;API de gràfics entrarà en un mode de depuració més lent < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "351" />
<source>Enable Graphics Debugging < /source>
< translation > Activar depuració de gràfics < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "374" />
<source>When checked, sudachi will log statistics about the compiled pipeline cache < /source>
< translation > Quan està marcat, sudachi registrarà estadístiques sobre la cache de canonada compilada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "377" />
<source>Enable Shader Feedback < /source>
< translation > Activar informació de shaders < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "384" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;When checked, disables reordering of mapped memory uploads which allows to associate uploads with specific draws.May reduce performance in some cases.& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation type="unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "387" />
<source>Disable Buffer Reorder < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "397" />
<source>Advanced < /source>
< translation > Avançat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "403" />
<source>Enables sudachi to check for a working Vulkan environment when the program starts up.Disable this if this is causing issues with external programs seeing sudachi.< /source>
< translation > Permet a sudachi identificar un entorn funcional de Vulkan quan el programa és executat.Desactiva això si està causant que programes externs tinguin problemes per veure a sudachi.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "406" />
<source>Perform Startup Vulkan Check < /source>
< translation > Realitza Comprovació de Vulkan a l & apos; Inici < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "413" />
<source>Disable Web Applet < /source>
< translation > Desactivar el Web Applet < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "420" />
<source>Enable All Controller Types < /source>
< translation > Activar tots els tipus de controladors < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "427" />
<source>Enable Auto - Stub ** </source>
< translation > Activar Auto - Stub ** </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "434" />
<source>Kiosk(Quest) Mode < /source>
< translation > Mode quiosc(Quest) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "441" />
<source>Enable CPU Debugging < /source>
< translation > Activar depuració de la CPU < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "448" />
<source>Enable Debug Asserts < /source>
< translation > Activar alertes de depuració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "474" />
<source>Debugging < /source>
< translation > Depuració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "480" />
<source>Enable FS Access Log < /source>
< translation > Activar registre d & apos;accés al FS < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "487" />
<source>Enable this to output the latest generated audio command list to the console.Only affects games using the audio renderer.</source>
< translation > Habilita això per imprimir l & apos;última llista d & apos;ordres d & apos;àudio a la consola.Només afecta els jocs que utilitzin el renderitzador d & apos; àudio.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "490" />
<source>Dump Audio Commands To Console ** </source>
< translation > Buidar Ordres d & apos;Àudio a la Consola < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "497" />
<source>Enable Verbose Reporting Services ** </source>
< translation > Activa els serveis d & apos;informes detallats ** </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.ui" line = "549" />
<source>** This will be reset automatically when sudachi closes.< /source>
<translation> ** Això es restablirà automàticament quan es tanqui sudachi.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug.cpp" line = "82" />
<source>Web applet not compiled < /source>
< translation > Web applet no compilat < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureDebugController < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug_controller.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Configure Debug Controller < /source>
< translation > Configurar el controlador de depuració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug_controller.ui" line = "40" />
<source>Clear < /source>
< translation > Esborrar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug_controller.ui" line = "47" />
<source>Defaults < /source>
< translation > Valors predeterminats < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureDebugTab < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug_tab.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug_tab.ui" line = "17" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug_tab.cpp" line = "16" />
<source>Debug < /source>
< translation > Depuració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_debug_tab.cpp" line = "17" />
<source>CPU < /source>
< translation > CPU < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure.ui" line = "20" />
<source>sudachi Configuration < /source>
< translation > Configuració de sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure.ui" line = "67" />
<source>Some settings are only available when a game is not running.< /source>
< translation > Algunes configuracions són disponibles només quan el joc no està corrent.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "63" />
<source>Applets < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "64" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "172" />
<source>Audio < /source>
< translation > Àudio < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "65" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "170" />
<source>CPU < /source>
< translation > CPU < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "66" />
<source>Debug < /source>
< translation > Depuració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "67" />
<source>Filesystem < /source>
< translation > Sistema de fitxers < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "68" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "165" />
<source>General < /source>
< translation > General < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "69" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "171" />
<source>Graphics < /source>
< translation > Gràfics < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "70" />
<source>GraphicsAdvanced < /source>
< translation > GràficsAvançat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "71" />
<source>Hotkeys < /source>
< translation > Tecles d & apos;accés ràpid < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "72" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "173" />
<source>Controls < /source>
< translation > Controls < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "73" />
<source>Profiles < /source>
< translation > Perfils < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "74" />
<source>Network < /source>
< translation > Xarxa < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "75" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "167" />
<source>System < /source>
< translation > Sistema < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "76" />
<source>Game List < /source>
< translation > Llista de jocs < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_dialog.cpp" line = "77" />
<source>Web < /source>
< translation > Web < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureFilesystem < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "17" />
<source>Filesystem < /source>
< translation > Sistema d & apos; arxius < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "25" />
<source>Storage Directories < /source>
< translation > Directoris d & apos; emmagatzematge < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "31" />
<source>NAND < /source>
< translation > NAND < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "38" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "58" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "114" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "136" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "143" />
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "51" />
<source>SD Card < /source>
< translation > Targeta SD < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "84" />
<source>Gamecard < /source>
< translation > Cartutx de joc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "90" />
<source>Path < /source>
< translation > Ruta < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "100" />
<source>Inserted < /source>
< translation > Insertat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "107" />
<source>Current Game < /source>
< translation > Joc actual < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "124" />
<source>Patch Manager < /source>
< translation > Administrador de pegats < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "152" />
<source>Dump Decompressed NSOs < /source>
< translation > Bolcar NSO descomprimides < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "159" />
<source>Dump ExeFS < /source>
< translation > Bolcar ExeFS < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "168" />
<source>Mod Load Root < /source>
< translation > Carpeta arrel de càrrega de mods < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "175" />
<source>Dump Root < /source>
< translation > Carpeta arrel de bolcat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "201" />
<source>Caching < /source>
< translation > Cache < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "209" />
<source>Cache Game List Metadata < /source>
< translation > Metadades de la llista de jocs en cache < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.ui" line = "216" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "131" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "135" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "140" />
<source>Reset Metadata Cache < /source>
< translation > Reiniciar cache de metadades < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "93" />
<source>Select Emulated NAND Directory...</source>
< translation > Seleccioni el directori de NAND emulat...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "96" />
<source>Select Emulated SD Directory...</source>
< translation > Seleccioni el directori de SD emulat...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "99" />
<source>Select Gamecard Path...</source>
< translation > Seleccioni la ruta del cartutx de joc...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "102" />
<source>Select Dump Directory...</source>
< translation > Seleccioni el directori de bolcat...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "105" />
<source>Select Mod Load Directory...</source>
< translation > Seleccioni el directori de càrrega de mods...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "132" />
<source>The metadata cache is already empty.< /source>
< translation > El cache de metadades ja està buit.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "136" />
<source>The operation completed successfully.< /source>
< translation > L & apos;operació s & apos;ha completat correctament.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_filesystem.cpp" line = "141" />
<source>The metadata cache couldn & apos;t be deleted.It might be in use or non - existent.< /source>
< translation > El cache de metadades no s & apos;ha pogut eliminar.Pot ser que es trobi en ús actualment o ja hagi sigut eliminat.< /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureGeneral < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_general.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_general.ui" line = "17" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_general.ui" line = "25" />
<source>General < /source>
< translation > General < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_general.ui" line = "52" />
<source>Linux < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_general.ui" line = "109" />
<source>Reset All Settings < /source>
< translation > Reiniciar tots els paràmetres < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_general.cpp" line = "99" />
<source>sudachi < /source>
< translation > sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_general.cpp" line = "100" />
<source>This reset all settings and remove all per - game configurations.This will not delete game directories, profiles, or input profiles.Proceed ? </source>
< translation > Això restablirà tota la configuració i eliminarà totes les configuracions dels jocs.No eliminarà ni els directoris de jocs, ni els perfils, ni els perfils dels controladors.Procedir ? </translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureGraphics < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics.ui" line = "17" />
<source>Graphics < /source>
< translation > Gràfics < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics.ui" line = "25" />
<source>API Settings < /source>
< translation > Paràmetres de l & apos; API < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics.ui" line = "58" />
<source>Graphics Settings < /source>
< translation > Paràmetres gràfics < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics.ui" line = "103" />
<source>Background Color: </source>
< translation > Color de fons: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "277" />
<source>% </source>
< comment > FSR sharpening percentage(e.g. 50 %) < /comment>
<translation> % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "417" />
<source>Off < /source>
< translation > Apagat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "418" />
<source>VSync Off < /source>
< translation > Vsync Apagat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "420" />
<source>Recommended < /source>
< translation > Recomanat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "423" />
<source>On < /source>
< translation > Encés < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics.cpp" line = "424" />
<source>VSync On < /source>
< translation > VSync Encés < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureGraphicsAdvanced < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics_advanced.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics_advanced.ui" line = "17" />
<source>Advanced < /source>
< translation > Avançat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_graphics_advanced.ui" line = "25" />
<source>Advanced Graphics Settings < /source>
< translation > Paràmetres gràfics avançats < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureHotkeys < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Hotkey Settings < /source>
< translation > Configuració de la tecla d & apos;accés ràpid < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.ui" line = "17" />
<source>Hotkeys < /source>
< translation > Tecles d & apos;accés ràpid < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.ui" line = "25" />
<source>Double - click on a binding to change it.< /source>
< translation > Feu doble clic sobre una combinació per canviar - la.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.ui" line = "45" />
<source>Clear All < /source>
< translation > Esborrar tot < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.ui" line = "52" />
<source>Restore Defaults < /source>
< translation > Restaurar els valors predeterminats < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "112" />
<source>Action < /source>
< translation > Acció < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "112" />
<source>Hotkey < /source>
< translation > Tecla d & apos;accés ràpid < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "112" />
<source>Controller Hotkey < /source>
< translation > Tecla d & apos;accés ràpid del controlador < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "152" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "178" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "418" />
<source>Conflicting Key Sequence < /source>
< translation > Seqüència de tecles en conflicte < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "153" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "179" />
<source>The entered key sequence is already assigned to: % 1 < /source>
< translation > La seqüència de tecles introduïda ja ha estat assignada a: % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "191" />
<source>[waiting] < /source>
< translation > [esperant] < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "268" />
<source>Invalid < /source>
< translation > Invàlid < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "340" />
<source>Invalid hotkey settings < /source>
< translation > Configuracions de dreceres de teclat invalides < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "341" />
<source>An error occurred.Please report this issue on github.< /source>
< translation > Hi ha hagut un error.Siusplau informi d & apos;aquest problema a github.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "381" />
<source>Restore Default < /source>
< translation > Restaurar el valor predeterminat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "382" />
<source>Clear < /source>
< translation > Esborrar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "403" />
<source>Conflicting Button Sequence < /source>
< translation > Seqüència de botons en conflicte < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "404" />
<source>The default button sequence is already assigned to: % 1 < /source>
< translation > La seqüència de botons per defecte ja està assignada a: % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_hotkeys.cpp" line = "419" />
<source>The default key sequence is already assigned to: % 1 < /source>
< translation > La seqüència de tecles predeterminada ja ha estat assignada a: % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureInput < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "14" />
<source>ConfigureInput < /source>
< translation > ConfigurarEntrada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "39" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "42" />
<source>Player 1 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "47" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "50" />
<source>Player 2 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "55" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "58" />
<source>Player 3 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "63" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "66" />
<source>Player 4 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 4 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "71" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "74" />
<source>Player 5 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 5 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "79" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "82" />
<source>Player 6 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 6 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "87" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "90" />
<source>Player 7 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 7 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "95" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "98" />
<source>Player 8 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 8 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "103" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "106" />
<source>Advanced < /source>
< translation > Avançat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "138" />
<source>Console Mode < /source>
< translation > Mode de la consola < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "159" />
<source>Docked < /source>
< translation > Acoblada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "169" />
<source>Handheld < /source>
< translation > Portàtil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "179" />
<source>Vibration < /source>
< translation > Vibració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "215" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "261" />
<source>Configure < /source>
< translation > Configurar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "225" />
<source>Motion < /source>
< translation > Moviment < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "296" />
<source>Controllers < /source>
< translation > Controladors < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "324" />
<source>1 < /source>
< translation > 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "365" />
<source>2 < /source>
< translation > 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "375" />
<source>3 < /source>
< translation > 3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "385" />
<source>4 < /source>
< translation > 4 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "395" />
<source>5 < /source>
< translation > 5 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "405" />
<source>6 < /source>
< translation > 6 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "415" />
<source>7 < /source>
< translation > 7 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "425" />
<source>8 < /source>
< translation > 8 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "435" />
<source>Connected < /source>
< translation > Connectat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "494" />
<source>Defaults < /source>
< translation > Valors predeterminats < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input.ui" line = "537" />
<source>Clear < /source>
< translation > Esborrar < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureInputAdvanced < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Configure Input < /source>
< translation > Configurar controls < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "74" />
<source>Joycon Colors < /source>
< translation > Colors del Joycon < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "125" />
<source>Player 1 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "164" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "450" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "754" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1040" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1365" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1651" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1955" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2241" />
<source>L Body < /source>
< translation > Cos E < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "219" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "505" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "809" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1095" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1420" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1706" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2010" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2296" />
<source>L Button < /source>
< translation > Botó E < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "295" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "581" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "885" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1171" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1496" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1782" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2086" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2372" />
<source>R Body < /source>
< translation > Cos D < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "350" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "636" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "940" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1226" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1551" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1837" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2141" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2427" />
<source>R Button < /source>
< translation > Botó D < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "411" />
<source>Player 2 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "715" />
<source>Player 3 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1001" />
<source>Player 4 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 4 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1326" />
<source>Player 5 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 5 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1612" />
<source>Player 6 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 6 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "1916" />
<source>Player 7 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 7 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2202" />
<source>Player 8 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 8 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2533" />
<source>Emulated Devices < /source>
< translation > Dispositius emulats < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2545" />
<source>Keyboard < /source>
< translation > Teclat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2558" />
<source>Mouse < /source>
< translation > Ratolí < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2565" />
<source>Touchscreen < /source>
< translation > Pantalla Tàctil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2588" />
<source>Advanced < /source>
< translation > Avançat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2595" />
<source>Debug Controller < /source>
< translation > Controlador de depuració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2602" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2616" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2630" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2756" />
<source>Configure < /source>
< translation > Configurar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2609" />
<source>Ring Controller < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2623" />
<source>Infrared Camera < /source>
< translation > Càmera infraroja < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2640" />
<source>Other < /source>
< translation > Altres < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2652" />
<source>Emulate Analog with Keyboard Input < /source>
< translation > Emular entrades analògiques amb el teclat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2659" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2701" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2717" />
<source>Requires restarting sudachi < /source>
< translation > Necessita reiniciar sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2668" />
<source>Enable XInput 8 player support(disables web applet) < /source>
< translation > Activar suport per a 8 jugadors XInput(desactiva la web applet) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2681" />
<source>Enable UDP controllers(not needed for motion)</source>
< translation > Activar controladors UDP(no necessari per moviment) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2694" />
<source>Controller navigation < /source>
< translation > Navegació del controlador < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2710" />
<source>Enable direct JoyCon driver < /source>
< translation > Habilitar controlador directe de JoyCon < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2726" />
<source>Enable direct Pro Controller driver[EXPERIMENTAL] < /source>
< translation > Habilitar controlador directe de Pro Controller[EXPERIMENTAL] < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2733" />
<source>Allows unlimited uses of the same Amiibo in games that would otherwise limit you to one use.< /source>
< translation > Permet usos il·limitats del mateix Amiibo en jocs que d & apos;altre manera et limitarien a un ús.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2742" />
<source>Use random Amiibo ID < /source>
< translation > Utilitza una ID d & apos;Amiibo aleatoria < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_advanced.ui" line = "2749" />
<source>Motion / Touch < /source>
< translation > Moviment / Tàctil < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureInputPerGame < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "17" />
<source>Graphics < /source>
< translation > Gràfics < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "28" />
<source>Input Profiles < /source>
< translation > Perfils d & apos; entrada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "49" />
<source>Player 1 Profile < /source>
< translation > Perfil Jugador 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "84" />
<source>Player 2 Profile < /source>
< translation > Perfil Jugador 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "119" />
<source>Player 3 Profile < /source>
< translation > Perfil Jugador 3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "154" />
<source>Player 4 Profile < /source>
< translation > Perfil Jugador 4 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "189" />
<source>Player 5 Profile < /source>
< translation > Perfil Jugador 5 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "224" />
<source>Player 6 Profile < /source>
< translation > Perfil Jugador 6 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "259" />
<source>Player 7 Profile < /source>
< translation > Perfil Jugador 7 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.ui" line = "294" />
<source>Player 8 Profile < /source>
< translation > Perfil Jugador 8 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.cpp" line = "35" />
<source>Use global input configuration < /source>
< translation > Utilitza configuració d & apos;entrada global < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_per_game.cpp" line = "47" />
<source>Player % 1 profile < /source>
< translation > Jugador % 1 perfil < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureInputPlayer < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Configure Input < /source>
< translation > Configurar controls < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "63" />
<source>Connect Controller < /source>
< translation > Connectar controlador < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "100" />
<source>Input Device < /source>
< translation > Dispositiu d & apos; entrada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "137" />
<source>Profile < /source>
< translation > Perfil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "177" />
<source>Save < /source>
< translation > Guardar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "193" />
<source>New < /source>
< translation > Nou < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "209" />
<source>Delete < /source>
< translation > Esborrar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "272" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1349" />
<source>Left Stick < /source>
< translation > Palanca esquerra < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "330" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "372" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "906" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "945" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2717" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2756" />
<source>Up < /source>
< translation > Amunt < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "403" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "442" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "976" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1015" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2203" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2787" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2826" />
<source>Left < /source>
< translation > Esquerra < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "452" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "491" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1025" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1064" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2252" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2836" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2875" />
<source>Right < /source>
< translation > Dreta < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "534" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "573" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1107" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1146" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2918" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2957" />
<source>Down < /source>
< translation > Avall < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "604" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "643" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2988" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3027" />
<source>Pressed < /source>
< translation > Pressionat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "653" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "692" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3037" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3076" />
<source>Modifier < /source>
< translation > Modificador < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "702" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3086" />
<source>Range < /source>
< translation > Rang < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "735" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3119" />
<source>% </source>
<translation> % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "778" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3159" />
<source>Deadzone: 0 % </source>
< translation > Zona morta: 0 % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "802" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3183" />
<source>Modifier Range: 0 % </source>
< translation > Rang del modificador: 0 % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "848" />
<source>D - Pad < /source>
< translation > Creueta < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1232" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1271" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2007" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2046" />
<source>SL < /source>
< translation > SL < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1281" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1320" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2056" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2095" />
<source>SR < /source>
< translation > SR < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1385" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1424" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1354" />
<source>L < /source>
< translation > L < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1440" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1479" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1346" />
<source>ZL < /source>
< translation > ZL < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1560" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1599" />
<source>Minus < /source>
< translation > Menys < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1609" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1648" />
<source>Capture < /source>
< translation > Captura < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1679" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1718" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1345" />
<source>Plus < /source>
< translation > Més < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1728" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1767" />
<source>Home < /source>
< translation > Inici < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1832" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1871" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1348" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1355" />
<source>R < /source>
< translation > R < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1887" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "1926" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1347" />
<source>ZR < /source>
< translation > ZR < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2164" />
<source>Motion 1 < /source>
< translation > Moviment 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2213" />
<source>Motion 2 < /source>
< translation > Moviment 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2304" />
<source>Face Buttons < /source>
< translation > Botons frontals < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2362" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2401" />
<source>X < /source>
< translation > X < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2432" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2471" />
<source>Y < /source>
< translation > Y < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2481" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2520" />
<source>A < /source>
< translation > A < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2563" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2602" />
<source>B < /source>
< translation > B < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "2650" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1350" />
<source>Right Stick < /source>
< translation > Palanca dreta < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3238" />
<source>Mouse panning < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.ui" line = "3262" />
<source>Configure < /source>
< translation > Configurar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "386" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "471" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "569" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "664" />
<source>Clear < /source>
< translation > Esborrar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "388" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "473" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "573" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "592" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "666" />
<source>[not set] < /source>
< translation > [no establert] < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "391" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "417" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "678" />
<source>Invert button < /source>
< translation > Botó d & apos; inversió < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "397" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "669" />
<source>Toggle button < /source>
< translation > Botó commutador < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "403" />
<source>Turbo button < /source>
< translation > Botó turbo < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "411" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "620" />
<source>Invert axis < /source>
< translation > Invertir eixos < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "423" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "427" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "480" />
<source>Set threshold < /source>
< translation > Configurar llindar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "427" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "480" />
<source>Choose a value between 0 % and 100 % </source>
< translation > Esculli un valor entre 0 % i 100 % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "439" />
<source>Toggle axis < /source>
< translation > Activa l & apos; eix < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "476" />
<source>Set gyro threshold < /source>
< translation > Configurar llindar giroscopi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "485" />
<source>Calibrate sensor < /source>
< translation > Calibrar sensor < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "525" />
<source>Map Analog Stick < /source>
< translation > Configuració de palanca analògica < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "526" />
<source>After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
To invert the axes, first move your joystick vertically, and then horizontally.< /source>
< translation > Després de prémer D & apos; acord, primer moveu el joystick horitzontalment i després verticalment.
Per invertir els eixos, primer moveu el joystick verticalment i després horitzontalment.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "594" />
<source>Center axis < /source>
< translation > Centrar eixos < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "702" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1067" />
<source>Deadzone: % 1 % </source>
< translation > Zona morta: % 1 % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "711" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1072" />
<source>Modifier Range: % 1 % </source>
< translation > Rang del modificador: % 1 % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "752" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1097" />
<source>Pro Controller < /source>
< translation > Controlador Pro < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1101" />
<source>Dual Joycons < /source>
< translation > Joycons duals < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1105" />
<source>Left Joycon < /source>
< translation > Joycon esquerra < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1109" />
<source>Right Joycon < /source>
< translation > Joycon dret < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1113" />
<source>Handheld < /source>
< translation > Portàtil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1117" />
<source>GameCube Controller < /source>
< translation > Controlador de GameCube < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1126" />
<source>Poke Ball Plus < /source>
< translation > Poke Ball Plus < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1130" />
<source>NES Controller < /source>
< translation > Controlador NES < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1134" />
<source>SNES Controller < /source>
< translation > Controlador SNES < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1138" />
<source>N64 Controller < /source>
< translation > Controlador N64 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1142" />
<source>Sega Genesis < /source>
< translation > Sega Genesis < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1353" />
<source>Start / Pause < /source>
< translation > Inici / Pausa < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1356" />
<source>Z < /source>
< translation > Z < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1357" />
<source>Control Stick < /source>
< translation > Palanca de control < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1358" />
<source>C - Stick < /source>
< translation > C - Stick < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1459" />
<source>Shake! < /source>
< translation > Sacseja! < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1461" />
<source>[waiting] < /source>
< translation > [esperant] < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1556" />
<source>New Profile < /source>
< translation > Nou perfil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1556" />
<source>Enter a profile name: </source>
< translation > Introdueixi un nom de perfil: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1564" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1572" />
<source>Create Input Profile < /source>
< translation > Crear perfil d & apos; entrada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1565" />
<source>The given profile name is not valid! < /source>
< translation > El nom de perfil introduït no és vàlid! < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1573" />
<source>Failed to create the input profile & quot;% 1 & quot; </source>
< translation > Error al crear el perfil d & apos; entrada & quot;% 1 & quot; </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1593" />
<source>Delete Input Profile < /source>
< translation > Eliminar perfil d & apos; entrada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1594" />
<source>Failed to delete the input profile & quot;% 1 & quot; </source>
< translation > Error al eliminar el perfil d & apos; entrada & quot;% 1 & quot; </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1616" />
<source>Load Input Profile < /source>
< translation > Carregar perfil d & apos; entrada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1617" />
<source>Failed to load the input profile & quot;% 1 & quot; </source>
< translation > Error al carregar el perfil d & apos; entrada & quot;% 1 & quot; </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1642" />
<source>Save Input Profile < /source>
< translation > Guardar perfil d & apos; entrada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "1643" />
<source>Failed to save the input profile & quot;% 1 & quot; </source>
< translation > Error al guardar el perfil d & apos; entrada & quot;% 1 & quot; </translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureInputProfileDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_profile_dialog.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Create Input Profile < /source>
< translation > Crear perfil d & apos; entrada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_profile_dialog.ui" line = "40" />
<source>Clear < /source>
< translation > Esborrar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_profile_dialog.ui" line = "47" />
<source>Defaults < /source>
< translation > Valors predeterminats < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureLinuxTab < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_linux_tab.ui" line = "6" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_linux_tab.ui" line = "12" />
<source>Linux < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureMotionTouch < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "6" />
<source>Configure Motion / Touch < /source>
< translation > Configurar moviment / tàctil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "15" />
<source>Touch < /source>
< translation > Tàctil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "23" />
<source>UDP Calibration: </source>
< translation > Calibració UDP: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "30" />
<source>(100, 50) - (1800, 850) < /source>
<translation>(100, 50) - (1800, 850) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "46" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "73" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "242" />
<source>Configure < /source>
< translation > Configuració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "57" />
<source>Touch from button profile: </source>
< translation > Perfil tàctil des del botó: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "85" />
<source>CemuhookUDP Config < /source>
< translation > Configuració CemuhookUDP < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "91" />
<source>You may use any Cemuhook compatible UDP input source to provide motion and touch input.< /source>
< translation > Pot utilitzar qualsevol font d & apos;entrada UDP compatible amb Cemuhook per a proporcionar una entrada de moviment i de tacte.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "134" />
<source>Server: </source>
< translation > Servidor: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "161" />
<source>Port: </source>
< translation > Port: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "188" />
<source>Learn More < /source>
< translation > Més Informació < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "201" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "265" />
<source>Test < /source>
< translation > Provar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "214" />
<source>Add Server < /source>
< translation > Afegir servidor < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.ui" line = "247" />
<source>Remove Server < /source>
< translation > Eliminar servidor < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "87" />
<source>& lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Learn More</span></a></source>
<translation>& lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/wiki/using-a-controller-or-android-phone-for-motion-or-touch-input'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Més Informació</span></a></translation>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "168" />
<source>% 1:% 2 < /source>
<translation> % 1:% 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "173" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "177" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "181" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "187" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "193" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "287" />
<source>sudachi < /source>
< translation > sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "173" />
<source>Port number has invalid characters < /source>
< translation > El número de port té caràcters invàlids < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "177" />
<source>Port has to be in range 0 and 65353 < /source>
< translation > El port ha d & apos;estar entre el rang 0 i 65353 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "181" />
<source>IP address is not valid < /source>
< translation > l & apos;Adreça IP no és vàlida < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "187" />
<source>This UDP server already exists < /source>
< translation > Aquest servidor UDP ja existeix < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "193" />
<source>Unable to add more than 8 servers < /source>
< translation > No és possible afegir més de 8 servidors < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "209" />
<source>Testing < /source>
< translation > Provant < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "225" />
<source>Configuring < /source>
< translation > Configurant < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "256" />
<source>Test Successful < /source>
< translation > Prova exitosa < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "257" />
<source>Successfully received data from the server.< /source>
< translation > S & apos;han rebut dades des del servidor correctament.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "259" />
<source>Test Failed < /source>
< translation > Prova fallida < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "260" />
<source>Could not receive valid data from the server.& lt; br & gt;Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.< /source>
< translation > No s & apos;han pogut rebre dades vàlides des del servidor.& lt; br & gt;Si us plau, verifiqui que el servidor està configurat correctament i que la direcció i el port són correctes. < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_motion_touch.cpp" line = "288" />
<source>UDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.& lt; br & gt;Please wait for them to finish.< /source>
< translation > La prova del UDP o la configuració de la calibració està en curs.& lt; br & gt;Si us plau, esperi a que acabi el procés.< /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureMousePanning < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "6" />
<source>Configure mouse panning < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "12" />
<source>Enable mouse panning < /source>
< translation > Activar desplaçament del ratolí < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "15" />
<source>Can be toggled via a hotkey.Default hotkey is Ctrl + F9 < /source>
< translation > Pot ser activat a través d & apos;una drecera de teclat.La drecera per defecte es Ctrl + F9 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "24" />
<source>Sensitivity < /source>
< translation > Sensibilitat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "30" />
<source>Horizontal < /source>
< translation > Horitzontal < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "40" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "66" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "104" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "139" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "165" />
<source>% </source>
<translation> % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "56" />
<source>Vertical < /source>
< translation > Vertical < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "85" />
<source>Deadzone counterweight < /source>
< translation > Contrapès de zona morta < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "88" />
<source>Counteracts a game & apos;s built -in deadzone < /source>
< translation > Contrarresta la zona morta incorporada d & apos;un joc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "94" />
<source>Deadzone < /source>
< translation > Zona morta < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "123" />
<source>Stick decay < /source>
< translation > Decaïment del stick < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "129" />
<source>Strength < /source>
< translation > Força < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "155" />
<source>Minimum < /source>
< translation > Mínim < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.ui" line = "195" />
<source>Default < /source>
< translation > Valor predeterminat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.cpp" line = "43" />
<source>Mouse panning works better with a deadzone of 0 % and a range of 100 %.
Current values are % 1 % and % 2 % respectively.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.cpp" line = "50" />
<source>Emulated mouse is enabled.This is incompatible with mouse panning.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.cpp" line = "83" />
<source>Emulated mouse is enabled < /source>
< translation > El ratolí emulat està habilitat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_mouse_panning.cpp" line = "84" />
<source>Real mouse input and mouse panning are incompatible.Please disable the emulated mouse in input advanced settings to allow mouse panning.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureNetwork < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_network.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_network.ui" line = "17" />
<source>Network < /source>
< translation > Xarxa < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_network.ui" line = "25" />
<source>General < /source>
< translation > General < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_network.ui" line = "34" />
<source>Network Interface < /source>
< translation > Interfície de xarxa < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_network.cpp" line = "15" />
<source>None < /source>
< translation > Cap < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigurePerGame < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "20" />
<source>Dialog < /source>
< translation > Diàleg < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "34" />
<source>Info < /source>
< translation > Informació < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "93" />
<source>Name < /source>
< translation > Nom < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "100" />
<source>Title ID < /source>
< translation > ID Títol < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "137" />
<source>Filename < /source>
< translation > Nom de l & apos; arxiu < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "164" />
<source>Format < /source>
< translation > Format < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "171" />
<source>Version < /source>
< translation > Versió < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "178" />
<source>Size < /source>
< translation > Mida < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "185" />
<source>Developer < /source>
< translation > Desenvolupador < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.ui" line = "240" />
<source>Some settings are only available when a game is not running.< /source>
< translation > Algunes configuracions són disponibles només quan el joc no està corrent.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "69" />
<source>Add - Ons < /source>
< translation > Complements < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "70" />
<source>System < /source>
< translation > Sistema < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "71" />
<source>CPU < /source>
< translation > CPU < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "72" />
<source>Graphics < /source>
< translation > Gràfics < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "73" />
<source>Adv.Graphics < /source>
< translation > Gràfics avanç.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "74" />
<source>Audio < /source>
< translation > Àudio < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "75" />
<source>Input Profiles < /source>
< translation > Perfils d & apos; entrada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "81" />
<source>Linux < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game.cpp" line = "85" />
<source>Properties < /source>
< translation > Propietats < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigurePerGameAddons < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game_addons.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game_addons.ui" line = "17" />
<source>Add - Ons < /source>
< translation > Complements < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game_addons.cpp" line = "45" />
<source>Patch Name < /source>
< translation > Nom del pegat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_per_game_addons.cpp" line = "46" />
<source>Version < /source>
< translation > Versió < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureProfileManager < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "17" />
<source>Profiles < /source>
< translation > Perfils < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "25" />
<source>Profile Manager < /source>
< translation > Gestor de perfils < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "42" />
<source>Current User < /source>
< translation > Usuari actual < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "86" />
<source>Username < /source>
< translation > Nom d & apos; usuari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "116" />
<source>Set Image < /source>
< translation > Establir imatge < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "136" />
<source>Add < /source>
< translation > Afegir < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "146" />
<source>Rename < /source>
< translation > Renombrar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "156" />
<source>Remove < /source>
< translation > Eliminar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.ui" line = "168" />
<source>Profile management is available only when game is not running.< /source>
< translation > La gestió de perfils només està disponible quan el joc no s & apos;està executant.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "55" />
<source>% 1
% 2 < /source>
<comment> % 1 is the profile username, % 2 is the formatted UUID(e.g. 00112233 - 4455 - 6677 - 8899 - AABBCCDDEEFF))</comment>
<translation> % 1
% 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "73" />
<source>Enter Username < /source>
< translation > Introdueixi el nom d & apos; usuari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "139" />
<source>Users < /source>
< translation > Usuaris < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "201" />
<source>Enter a username for the new user: </source>
< translation > Introdueixi un nom d & apos;usuari per al nou usuari: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "222" />
<source>Enter a new username: </source>
< translation > Introdueixi un nou nom d & apos; usuari: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "275" />
<source>Select User Image < /source>
< translation > Seleccioni una imatge d & apos; usuari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "276" />
<source>JPEG Images(*.jpg *.jpeg) < /source>
< translation > Imatges JPEG(*.jpg *.jpeg) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "285" />
<source>Error deleting image < /source>
< translation > Error al eliminar la imatge < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "286" />
<source>Error occurred attempting to overwrite previous image at: % 1. < /source>
< translation > Error al intentar sobreescriure la imatge anterior a: % 1. < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "294" />
<source>Error deleting file < /source>
< translation > Error al eliminar el fitxer < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "295" />
<source>Unable to delete existing file: % 1. < /source>
< translation > No es pot eliminar el fitxer existent: % 1. < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "302" />
<source>Error creating user image directory < /source>
< translation > Error al crear el directori d & apos;imatges de l & apos; usuari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "303" />
<source>Unable to create directory % 1 for storing user images.< /source>
< translation > No es pot crear el directori % 1 per emmagatzemar imatges d’usuari.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "308" />
<source>Error copying user image < /source>
< translation > Error al copiar la imatge de l & apos; usuari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "309" />
<source>Unable to copy image from % 1 to % 2 < /source>
< translation > No es pot copiar la imatge de % 1 a % 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "318" />
<source>Error resizing user image < /source>
< translation > Error al redimensionar la imatge d & apos; usuari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "319" />
<source>Unable to resize image < /source>
< translation > No es pot redimensionar la imatge < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureProfileManagerDeleteDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "336" />
<source>Delete this user ? All of the user & apos;s save data will be deleted.< /source>
< translation > Esborrar aquest usuari ? Totes les dades de guardat seran eliminades.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "348" />
<source>Confirm Delete < /source>
< translation > Confirmar eliminació < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_profile_manager.cpp" line = "364" />
<source>Name: % 1
UUID: % 2 < /source>
< translation > Nom: % 1
UUID: % 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureRingController < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Configure Ring Controller < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "26" />
<source>To use Ring - Con, configure player 1 as right Joy - Con(both physical and emulated), and player 2 as left Joy - Con(left physical and dual emulated) before starting the game.< /source>
< translation > Per utilitzar Ring - Con, configuri el jugador 1 com a Joy - Con dret(ambdós físic i emulat), i el jugador 2 com a Joy - Con esquerra(l & apos;esquerra físic i dual emulat) abans d & apos;arrencar el joc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "52" />
<source>Virtual Ring Sensor Parameters < /source>
< translation > Paràmetres del Sensor Anella Virtual < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "84" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "123" />
<source>Pull < /source>
< translation > Tira < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "133" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "172" />
<source>Push < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "206" />
<source>Deadzone: 0 % </source>
< translation > Zona morta: 0 % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "233" />
<source>Direct Joycon Driver < /source>
< translation > Controlador Directe de Joycon < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "293" />
<source>Enable Ring Input < /source>
< translation > Habilita l & apos;Entrada d & apos; Anella < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "300" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "317" />
<source>Enable < /source>
< translation > Habilita < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "307" />
<source>Ring Sensor Value < /source>
< translation > Valor de Sensor d & apos; Anella < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "314" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "282" />
<source>Not connected < /source>
< translation > No connectat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.ui" line = "344" />
<source>Restore Defaults < /source>
< translation > Restaurar els valors predeterminats < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "168" />
<source>Clear < /source>
< translation > Esborrar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "170" />
<source>[not set] < /source>
< translation > [no establert] < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "172" />
<source>Invert axis < /source>
< translation > Invertir eixos < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "191" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "257" />
<source>Deadzone: % 1 % </source>
< translation > Zona morta: % 1 % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "279" />
<source>Error enabling ring input < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "285" />
<source>Direct Joycon driver is not enabled < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "290" />
<source>Configuring < /source>
< translation > Configurant < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "302" />
<source>The current mapped device doesn & apos;t support the ring controller < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "306" />
<source>The current mapped device doesn & apos;t have a ring attached < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "309" />
<source>The current mapped device is not connected < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "313" />
<source>Unexpected driver result % 1 < /source>
< translation > Resultat de controlador inesperat % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "336" />
<source>[waiting] < /source>
< translation > [esperant] < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureSystem < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_system.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_system.ui" line = "17" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_system.ui" line = "25" />
<source>System < /source>
< translation > Sistema < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_system.ui" line = "62" />
<source>Core < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_system.cpp" line = "67" />
<source>Warning: & quot;% 1 & quot; is not a valid language for region & quot;% 2 & quot; </source>
< translation > Alerta: & quot;% 1 & quot; no és un llenguatge vàlid per la regió & quot;% 2 & quot; </translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureTas < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "11" />
<source>TAS < /source>
<translation> & amp; TAS < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "17" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Reads controller input from scripts in the same format as TAS - nx scripts.& lt; br /& gt;For a more detailed explanation, please consult the & lt;a href =& quot; https://sudachi-emu.org/help/feature/tas/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">help page</span></a> on the sudachi website.</p></body></html></source>
<translation>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Llegeix l & apos;entrada dels controladors des dels scripts en el mateix format que els scripts TAS - nx.& lt; br /& gt;Per a una explicació més detallada, si us plau, consulti la & lt;a href =& quot; https://sudachi-emu.org/help/feature/tas/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">pàgina d'ajuda</span></a> a la pàgina web de sudachi.</p></body></html></translation>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "27" />
<source>To check which hotkeys control the playback / recording, please refer to the Hotkey settings(Configure -& gt; General -& gt; Hotkeys).</source>
< translation > Per a comprovar quines tecles d & apos;accés ràpid controlen la reproducció / gravació, si us plau, revisi la configuració de les tecles d & apos;accés ràpid(Configuració -& gt; General -& gt; Tecles d & apos;accés ràpid)</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "37" />
<source>WARNING: This is an experimental feature.& lt; br /& gt;It will not play back scripts frame perfectly with the current, imperfect syncing method.< /source>
< translation > AVÍS: Aquesta és una característica experimental.& lt; br /& gt;No es reproduiran els scripts perfectament amb l & apos;actual i imperfecte mètode de sincronització de cuadres.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "54" />
<source>Settings < /source>
< translation > Paràmetres < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "60" />
<source>Enable TAS features < /source>
< translation > Activar funcionalitats TAS < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "67" />
<source>Loop script < /source>
< translation > Repetir script en bucle < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "77" />
<source>Pause execution during loads < /source>
< translation > Pausar execució durant les càrregues < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "91" />
<source>Script Directory < /source>
< translation > Directori d & apos; scripts < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "97" />
<source>Path < /source>
< translation > Ruta < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.ui" line = "104" />
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureTasDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.cpp" line = "19" />
<source>TAS Configuration < /source>
< translation > Configuració TAS < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_tas.cpp" line = "49" />
<source>Select TAS Load Directory...</source>
< translation > Selecciona el directori de càrrega TAS...</translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureTouchFromButton < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Configure Touchscreen Mappings < /source>
< translation > Configurar les assignacions de la pantalla tàctil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "22" />
<source>Mapping: </source>
< translation > Assignacions: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "48" />
<source>New < /source>
< translation > Nou < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "61" />
<source>Delete < /source>
< translation > Esborrar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "74" />
<source>Rename < /source>
< translation > Renombrar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "92" />
<source>Click the bottom area to add a point, then press a button to bind.
Drag points to change position, or double - click table cells to edit values.< /source>
< translation > Faci clic a l & apos;àrea inferior per afegir un punt i, a continuació, presioni un botó per a vincular.
Arrossegui els punts per a canviar la posició, o faci doble clic a les cel·les de la taula per a editar els valors.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.ui" line = "116" />
<source>Delete Point < /source>
< translation > Esborrar punt < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "78" />
<source>Button < /source>
< translation > Botó < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "78" />
<source>X < /source>
< comment > X axis < /comment>
< translation > X < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "78" />
<source>Y < /source>
< comment > Y axis < /comment>
< translation > Y < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "195" />
<source>New Profile < /source>
< translation > Nou perfil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "195" />
<source>Enter the name for the new profile.< /source>
< translation > Introdueixi el nom per al nou perfil.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "206" />
<source>Delete Profile < /source>
< translation > Esborrar perfil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "206" />
<source>Delete profile % 1 ? </source>
< translation > Esborrar perfil % 1 ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "219" />
<source>Rename Profile < /source>
< translation > Renombrar perfil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "219" />
<source>New name: </source>
< translation > Nou nom: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "231" />
<source>[press key] < /source>
< translation > [pressioni una tecla] < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureTouchscreenAdvanced < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Configure Touchscreen < /source>
< translation > Configurar pantalla tàctil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "26" />
<source>Warning: The settings in this page affect the inner workings of sudachi & apos;s emulated touchscreen.Changing them may result in undesirable behavior, such as the touchscreen partially or not working.You should only use this page if you know what you are doing.< /source>
< translation > Advertiment: La configuració d & apos;aquesta pàgina afecta el funcionament intern de la pantalla tàctil emulada de sudachi.Canviar - la pot provocar un comportament no desitjat, com que la pantalla tàctil deixi de funcionar parcialment o no funcioni.Només ha de fer servir aquesta pàgina si sap el que està fent.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "52" />
<source>Touch Parameters < /source>
< translation > Paràmetres tàctil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "71" />
<source>Touch Diameter Y < /source>
< translation > Diàmetre tàctil Y < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "91" />
<source>Touch Diameter X < /source>
< translation > Diàmetre tàctil X < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "98" />
<source>Rotational Angle < /source>
< translation > Angle rotacional < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touchscreen_advanced.ui" line = "132" />
<source>Restore Defaults < /source>
< translation > Restaurar els valors predeterminats < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureUI < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "34" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "42" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "54" />
<source>None < /source>
< translation > Cap < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "35" />
<source>Small(32x32) < /source>
< translation > Petit(32x32) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "36" />
<source>Standard(64x64) < /source>
< translation > Estàndard(64x64) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "37" />
<source>Large(128x128) < /source>
< translation > Gran(128x128) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "38" />
<source>Full Size(256x256) < /source>
< translation > Tamany complet(256x256) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "43" />
<source>Small(24x24) < /source>
< translation > Petit(24x24) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "44" />
<source>Standard(48x48) < /source>
< translation > Estàndard(48x48) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "45" />
<source>Large(72x72) < /source>
< translation > Gran(72x72) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "50" />
<source>Filename < /source>
< translation > Nom de l & apos; arxiu < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "51" />
<source>Filetype < /source>
< translation > Tipus d & apos; arxiu < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "52" />
<source>Title ID < /source>
< translation > ID del títol < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "53" />
<source>Title Name < /source>
< translation > Nom del títol < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureUi < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "17" />
<source>UI < /source>
< translation > Interfície < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "23" />
<source>General < /source>
< translation > General < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "31" />
<source>Note: Changing language will apply your configuration.< /source>
< translation > Nota: Canviar l & apos;idioma aplicarà la teva configuració.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "43" />
<source>Interface language: </source>
< translation > Idioma de la interfície: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "57" />
<source>Theme: </source>
< translation > Tema: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "74" />
<source>Game List < /source>
< translation > Llista de jocs < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "82" />
<source>Show Compatibility List < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "89" />
<source>Show Add - Ons Column < /source>
< translation > Mostrar columna de complements < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "96" />
<source>Show Size Column < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "103" />
<source>Show File Types Column < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "110" />
<source>Show Play Time Column < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "119" />
<source>Game Icon Size: </source>
< translation > Tamany de les icones dels jocs < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "133" />
<source>Folder Icon Size: </source>
< translation > Tamany de les icones de les carpetes < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "147" />
<source>Row 1 Text: </source>
< translation > Text de la fila 1: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "161" />
<source>Row 2 Text: </source>
< translation > Text de la fila 2: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "178" />
<source>Screenshots < /source>
< translation > Captures de pantalla < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "186" />
<source>Ask Where To Save Screenshots(Windows Only) < /source>
< translation > Preguntar on guardar les captures de pantalla(només Windows) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "195" />
<source>Screenshots Path: </source>
< translation > Ruta de les captures de pantalla: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "205" />
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "221" />
<source>TextLabel < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.ui" line = "240" />
<source>Resolution: </source>
< translation > Resolució: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "146" />
<source>Select Screenshots Path...</source>
< translation > Seleccioni el directori de les Captures de Pantalla...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "251" />
<source>& lt; System & gt; </source>
<translation> & lt; System & gt; </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "252" />
<source>English < /source>
< translation > Anglès < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ui.cpp" line = "339" />
<source>Auto(% 1 x % 2, % 3 x % 4) < /source>
< comment > Screenshot width value < /comment>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureVibration < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Configure Vibration < /source>
< translation > Configurar vibració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "23" />
<source>Press any controller button to vibrate the controller.< /source>
< translation > Presioni qualsevol botó per a vibrar el controlador.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "30" />
<source>Vibration < /source>
< translation > Vibració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "63" />
<source>Player 1 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "96" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "148" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "200" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "252" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "322" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "374" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "426" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "478" />
<source>% </source>
<translation> % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "115" />
<source>Player 2 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "167" />
<source>Player 3 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "219" />
<source>Player 4 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 4 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "289" />
<source>Player 5 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 5 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "341" />
<source>Player 6 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 6 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "393" />
<source>Player 7 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 7 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "445" />
<source>Player 8 < /source>
< translation > Jugador 8 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "503" />
<source>Settings < /source>
< translation > Paràmetres < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_vibration.ui" line = "509" />
<source>Enable Accurate Vibration < /source>
< translation > Activar vibració precisa < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ConfigureWeb < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Form < /source>
< translation > Formulari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "17" />
<source>Web < /source>
< translation > Web < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "25" />
<source>sudachi Web Service < /source>
< translation > Servei Web de sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "31" />
<source>By providing your username and token, you agree to allow sudachi to collect additional usage data, which may include user identifying information.< /source>
< translation > Al proporcionar el seu nom d & apos;usuari i token, dóna el seu consentiment a que sudachi recopili dades d & apos;ús adicionals, que poden incloure informació d & apos;identificació de l & apos; usuari.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "49" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "159" />
<source>Verify < /source>
< translation > Verificar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "56" />
<source>Sign up < /source>
< translation > Registrar - se < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "66" />
<source>Token: </source>
< translation > Token: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "76" />
<source>Username: </source>
< translation > Nom d & apos; usuari: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "93" />
<source>What is my token ? </source>
< translation > Quin és el meu token ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "118" />
<source>Web Service configuration can only be changed when a public room isn & apos;t being hosted.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "128" />
<source>Telemetry < /source>
< translation > Telemetria < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "134" />
<source>Share anonymous usage data with the sudachi team < /source>
< translation > Compartir dades d & apos;ús anònimes amb l & apos;equip de sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "141" />
<source>Learn more < /source>
< translation > Saber més < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "150" />
<source>Telemetry ID: </source>
< translation > ID de telemetria: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "166" />
<source>Regenerate < /source>
< translation > Regenerar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "180" />
<source>Discord Presence < /source>
< translation > Presència al Discord < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.ui" line = "186" />
<source>Show Current Game in your Discord Status < /source>
< translation > Mostrar el joc actual al seu estat de Discord < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "68" />
<source>& lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/help/feature/telemetry/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Learn more</span></a></source>
<translation>& lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/help/feature/telemetry/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Saber més</span></a></translation>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "72" />
<source>& lt;a href =& apos; https://profile.sudachi-emu.org/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Sign up</span></a></source>
<translation>& lt;a href =& apos; https://profile.sudachi-emu.org/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Registrar-se</span></a></translation>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "76" />
<source>& lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/wiki/sudachi-web-service/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">What is my token?</span></a></source>
<translation>& lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/wiki/sudachi-web-service/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Quin és el meu token?</span></a></translation>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "80" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "125" />
<source>Telemetry ID: 0x % 1 < /source>
< translation > ID de telemetria: 0x % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "91" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "170" />
<source>Unspecified < /source>
< translation > Sense especificar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "117" />
<source>Token not verified < /source>
< translation > Token no verificat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "118" />
<source>Token was not verified.The change to your token has not been saved.< /source>
< translation > El token no ha sigut verificat.El canvi al seu token no s & apos;ha guardat.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "141" />
<source>Unverified, please click Verify before saving configuration < /source>
< comment > Tooltip < /comment>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "147" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "149" />
< translation > Comprovant...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "164" />
<source>Verified < /source>
< comment > Tooltip < /comment>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "169" />
<source>Verification failed < /source>
< comment > Tooltip < /comment>
< translation > Verificació fallida < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "171" />
<source>Verification failed < /source>
< translation > Verificació fallida < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_web.cpp" line = "172" />
<source>Verification failed.Check that you have entered your token correctly, and that your internet connection is working.< /source>
< translation > Verificació fallida.Comprovi que hagi ingressat el seu token correctament, i que la seva connexió a internet estigui funcionant.< /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ControllerDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/controller.cpp" line = "20" />
<source>Controller P1 < /source>
< translation > Controlador J1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/controller.cpp" line = "58" />
<source>& amp;Controller P1 < /source>
<translation> & amp;Controlador J1 < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>DirectConnect < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Direct Connect < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "47" />
<source>Server Address < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "54" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Server address of the host & lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation type="unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "64" />
<source>Port < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "71" />
<source>& lt; html & gt;& lt; head /& gt;& lt; body & gt;& lt; p & gt;Port number the host is listening on & lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation type="unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "97" />
<source>Nickname < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "111" />
<source>Password < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/direct_connect.ui" line = "153" />
<source>Connect < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>DirectConnectWindow < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/direct_connect.cpp" line = "121" />
<source>Connecting < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/direct_connect.cpp" line = "126" />
<source>Connect < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>GMainWindow < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "214" />
<source>& lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/help/feature/telemetry/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve sudachi. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?</source>
<translation>& lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/help/feature/telemetry/'>Es recullen dades anònimes</a> per ajudar a millorar sudachi. <br/><br/>Desitja compartir les seves dades d'ús amb nosaltres?</translation>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "217" />
<source>Telemetry < /source>
< translation > Telemetria < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "450" />
<source>Broken Vulkan Installation Detected < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "451" />
<source>Vulkan initialization failed during boot.& lt; br & gt;& lt; br & gt; Click & lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/wiki/faq/#sudachi-starts-with-the-error-broken-vulkan-installation-detected'>here for instructions to fix the issue</a>.</source>
<translation type="unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "476" />
<source>Running a game < /source>
< extracomment > TRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why sudachi needs to prevent the computer from sleeping < /extracomment>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "868" />
<source>Loading Web Applet...</source>
< translation > Carregant Web applet...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "918" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "921" />
<source>Disable Web Applet < /source>
< translation > Desactivar el Web Applet < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "922" />
<source>Disabling the web applet can lead to undefined behavior and should only be used with Super Mario 3D All - Stars.Are you sure you want to disable the web applet ?
(This can be re - enabled in the Debug settings.)</source>
< translation > Desactivar l & apos;Applet Web pot provocar comportaments indefinits i només hauria d & apos; utilitzar - se amb Super Mario 3D All - Stars.Estàs segur de que vols desactivar l & apos;Applet Web ?
(Això pot ser reactivat als paràmetres Debug.)</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1038" />
<source>The amount of shaders currently being built < /source>
< translation > La quantitat de shaders que s & apos;estan compilant actualment < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1040" />
<source>The current selected resolution scaling multiplier.< /source>
< translation > El multiplicador d & apos;escala de resolució seleccionat actualment.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1043" />
<source>Current emulation speed.Values higher or lower than 100 % indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a Switch.< /source>
< translation > Velocitat d & apos;emulació actual.Valors superiors o inferiors a 100 % indiquen que l & apos;emulació s & apos;està executant més ràpidament o més lentament que a la Switch.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1046" />
<source>How many frames per second the game is currently displaying.This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.< /source>
< translation > Quants fotogrames per segon està mostrant el joc actualment.Això variarà d & apos;un joc a un altre i d & apos;una escena a una altra.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1050" />
<source>Time taken to emulate a Switch frame, not counting framelimiting or v - sync.For full - speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.< /source>
< translation > Temps que costa emular un fotograma de la Switch, sense tenir en compte la limitació de fotogrames o la sincronització vertical.Per a una emulació òptima, aquest valor hauria de ser com a màxim de 16.67 ms.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1110" />
<source>Unmute < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1110" />
<source>Mute < /source>
< translation > Silenciar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1115" />
<source>Reset Volume < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1302" />
<source>& amp;Clear Recent Files < /source>
<translation> & amp;Esborrar arxius recents < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1646" />
<source>& amp; Continue < /source>
<translation> & amp; Continuar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1648" />
<source>& amp; Pause < /source>
<translation> & amp; Pausar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1817" />
<source>Warning Outdated Game Format < /source>
< translation > Advertència format del joc desfasat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1818" />
<source>You are using the deconstructed ROM directory format for this game, which is an outdated format that has been superseded by others such as NCA, NAX, XCI, or NSP.Deconstructed ROM directories lack icons, metadata, and update support.& lt; br & gt;& lt; br & gt;For an explanation of the various Switch formats sudachi supports, & lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>check out our wiki</a>. This message will not be shown again.</source>
<translation>Està utilitzant el format de directori de ROM deconstruït per a aquest joc, que és un format desactualitzat que ha sigut reemplaçat per altres, com NCA, NAX, XCI o NSP.Els directoris de ROM deconstruïts careixen d & apos; icones, metadades i suport d & apos; actualitzacions.& lt; br & gt;& lt; br & gt;Per a obtenir una explicació dels diversos formats de Switch que suporta sudachi,& lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/wiki/overview-of-switch-game-formats'>faci una ullada a la nostra wiki</a>. Aquest missatge no es tornarà a mostrar.</translation>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1830" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1864" />
<source>Error while loading ROM! < /source>
< translation > Error carregant la ROM! < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1831" />
<source>The ROM format is not supported.< /source>
< translation > El format de la ROM no està suportat.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1835" />
<source>An error occurred initializing the video core.< /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha produït un error inicialitzant el nucli de vídeo.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1836" />
<source>sudachi has encountered an error while running the video core.This is usually caused by outdated GPU drivers, including integrated ones.Please see the log for more details.For more information on accessing the log, please see the following page: & lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>How to Upload the Log File</a>. </source>
<translation>sudachi ha trobat un error mentre executava el nucli de vídeo.Això sol ser causat per controladors de la GPU obsolets, inclosos els integrats.Si us plau, consulti el registre per a més detalls.Per obtenir més informació sobre com accedir al registre, consulti la següent pàgina: & lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/help/reference/log-files/'>Com carregar el fitxer de registre</a>. </translation>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1851" />
<source>Error while loading ROM! % 1 < /source>
<comment> % 1 signifies a numeric error code.< /comment>
< translation > Error al carregar la ROM! % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1854" />
<source>% 1 & lt; br & gt;Please follow & lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the sudachi quickstart guide</a> to redump your files.<br>You can refer to the sudachi wiki</a> or the sudachi Discord</a> for help.</source>
<comment>% 1 signifies an error string.< /comment>
<translation> % 1 & lt; br & gt;Si us plau, segueixi & lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>la guia d'inici de sudachi</a> per a bolcar de nou els seus fitxers.<br>Pot consultar la wiki de sudachi wiki</a> o el Discord de sudachi</a> per obtenir ajuda.</translation>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "1865" />
<source>An unknown error occurred.Please see the log for more details.< /source>
< translation > S & apos; ha produït un error desconegut.Si us plau, consulti el registre per a més detalls.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2055" />
<source>(64 - bit) < /source>
<translation>(64 - bit) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2055" />
<source>(32 - bit) < /source>
<translation>(32 - bit) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2056" />
<source>% 1 % 2 < /source>
<comment> % 1 is the title name. % 2 indicates if the title is 64 - bit or 32 - bit < /comment>
<translation> % 1 % 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2126" />
<source>Closing software...</source>
< translation > S & apos;està tancant el programari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2292" />
<source>Save Data < /source>
< translation > Dades de partides guardades < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2348" />
<source>Mod Data < /source>
< translation > Dades de mods < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2361" />
<source>Error Opening % 1 Folder < /source>
< translation > Error obrint la carpeta % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2362" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3127" />
<source>Folder does not exist! < /source>
< translation > La carpeta no existeix! < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2374" />
<source>Error Opening Transferable Shader Cache < /source>
< translation > Error obrint la cache transferible de shaders < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2375" />
<source>Failed to create the shader cache directory for this title.< /source>
< translation > No s & apos;ha pogut crear el directori de la cache dels shaders per aquest títol.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2448" />
<source>Error Removing Contents < /source>
< translation > Error eliminant continguts < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2450" />
<source>Error Removing Update < /source>
< translation > Error eliminant actualització < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2452" />
<source>Error Removing DLC < /source>
< translation > Error eliminant DLC < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2461" />
<source>Remove Installed Game Contents ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2463" />
<source>Remove Installed Game Update ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2465" />
<source>Remove Installed Game DLC ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2471" />
<source>Remove Entry < /source>
< translation > Eliminar entrada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2499" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2511" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2527" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2606" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2640" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2663" />
<source>Successfully Removed < /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha eliminat correctament < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2500" />
<source>Successfully removed the installed base game.< /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha eliminat correctament el joc base instal·lat.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2504" />
<source>The base game is not installed in the NAND and cannot be removed.< /source>
< translation > El joc base no està instal·lat a la NAND i no pot ser eliminat.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2512" />
<source>Successfully removed the installed update.< /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha eliminat correctament l & apos;actualització instal·lada.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2515" />
<source>There is no update installed for this title.< /source>
< translation > No hi ha cap actualització instal·lada per aquest títol.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2523" />
<source>There are no DLC installed for this title.< /source>
< translation > No hi ha cap DLC instal·lat per aquest títol.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2528" />
<source>Successfully removed % 1 installed DLC.< /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha eliminat correctament % 1 DLC instal·lat / s.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2536" />
<source>Delete OpenGL Transferable Shader Cache ? </source>
< translation > Desitja eliminar la cache transferible de shaders d & apos; OpenGL ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2538" />
<source>Delete Vulkan Transferable Shader Cache ? </source>
< translation > Desitja eliminar la cache transferible de shaders de Vulkan ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2540" />
<source>Delete All Transferable Shader Caches ? </source>
< translation > Desitja eliminar totes les caches transferibles de shaders ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2542" />
<source>Remove Custom Game Configuration ? </source>
< translation > Desitja eliminar la configuració personalitzada del joc ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2544" />
<source>Remove Cache Storage ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2550" />
<source>Remove File < /source>
< translation > Eliminar arxiu < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2575" />
<source>Remove Play Time Data < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2575" />
<source>Reset play time ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2601" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2609" />
<source>Error Removing Transferable Shader Cache < /source>
< translation > Error eliminant la cache transferible de shaders < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2602" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2636" />
<source>A shader cache for this title does not exist.< /source>
< translation > No existeix una cache de shaders per aquest títol.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2607" />
<source>Successfully removed the transferable shader cache.< /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha eliminat correctament la cache transferible de shaders.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2610" />
<source>Failed to remove the transferable shader cache.< /source>
< translation > No s & apos;ha pogut eliminar la cache transferible de shaders.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2625" />
<source>Error Removing Vulkan Driver Pipeline Cache < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2626" />
<source>Failed to remove the driver pipeline cache.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2635" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2643" />
<source>Error Removing Transferable Shader Caches < /source>
< translation > Error al eliminar les caches de shaders transferibles < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2641" />
<source>Successfully removed the transferable shader caches.< /source>
< translation > Caches de shaders transferibles eliminades correctament.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2644" />
<source>Failed to remove the transferable shader cache directory.< /source>
< translation > No s & apos;ha pogut eliminar el directori de caches de shaders transferibles.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2657" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2666" />
<source>Error Removing Custom Configuration < /source>
< translation > Error eliminant la configuració personalitzada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2658" />
<source>A custom configuration for this title does not exist.< /source>
< translation > No existeix una configuració personalitzada per aquest joc.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2664" />
<source>Successfully removed the custom game configuration.< /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha eliminat correctament la configuració personalitzada del joc.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2667" />
<source>Failed to remove the custom game configuration.< /source>
< translation > No s & apos;ha pogut eliminar la configuració personalitzada del joc.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2689" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2773" />
<source>RomFS Extraction Failed! < /source>
< translation > La extracció de RomFS ha fallat! < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2690" />
<source>There was an error copying the RomFS files or the user cancelled the operation.< /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha produït un error copiant els arxius RomFS o l & apos;usuari ha cancel·lat la operació.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2748" />
<source>Full < /source>
< translation > Completa < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2748" />
<source>Skeleton < /source>
< translation > Esquelet < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2750" />
<source>Select RomFS Dump Mode < /source>
< translation > Seleccioni el mode de bolcat de RomFS < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2751" />
<source>Please select the how you would like the RomFS dumped.& lt; br & gt;Full will copy all of the files into the new directory while & lt; br & gt;skeleton will only create the directory structure.< /source>
< translation > Si us plau, seleccioni la forma en que desitja bolcar la RomFS.& lt; br & gt;Completa copiarà tots els arxius al nou directori mentre que & lt; br & gt;esquelet només crearà l & apos;estructura de directoris.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2774" />
<source>There is not enough free space at % 1 to extract the RomFS.Please free up space or select a different dump directory at Emulation & gt; Configure & gt; System & gt; Filesystem & gt; Dump Root < /source>
< translation > No hi ha suficient espai lliure a % 1 per extreure el RomFS.Si us plau, alliberi espai o esculli un altre directori de bolcat a Emulació & gt; Configuració & gt; Sistema & gt; Sistema d & apos; arxius & gt; Carpeta arrel de bolcat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2781" />
<source>Extracting RomFS...</source>
< translation > Extraient RomFS...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2781" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2807" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3266" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4132" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4180" />
<source>Cancel < /source>
< translation > Cancel·la < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2791" />
<source>RomFS Extraction Succeeded! < /source>
< translation > Extracció de RomFS completada correctament! < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2792" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2823" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4150" />
<source>The operation completed successfully.< /source>
< translation > L & apos;operació s & apos;ha completat correctament.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2803" />
<source>Integrity verification couldn & apos;t be performed! < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2804" />
<source>File contents were not checked for validity.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename= "../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2807" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4132" />
<source>Verifying integrity...</source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2822" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4149" />
<source>Integrity verification succeeded! < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2826" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4155" />
<source>Integrity verification failed! < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2827" />
<source>File contents may be corrupt.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2961" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2965" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2971" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2978" />
<source>Create Shortcut < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2962" />
<source>Do you want to launch the game in fullscreen ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2966" />
<source>Successfully created a shortcut to % 1 < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2972" />
<source>This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage.This may not work well if you update.Continue ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2979" />
<source>Failed to create a shortcut to % 1 < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2997" />
<source>Create Icon < /source>
< translation > Crear icona < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "2998" />
<source>Cannot create icon file.Path & quot;% 1 & quot; does not exist and cannot be created.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3126" />
<source>Error Opening % 1 < /source>
< translation > Error obrint % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3135" />
<source>Select Directory < /source>
< translation > Seleccionar directori < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3164" />
<source>Properties < /source>
< translation > Propietats < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3165" />
<source>The game properties could not be loaded.< /source>
< translation > Les propietats del joc no s & apos;han pogut carregar.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3182" />
<source>Switch Executable(% 1);;All Files(*.*) < /source>
<comment> % 1 is an identifier for the Switch executable file extensions.< /comment>
< translation > Executable de Switch(% 1);;Tots els Arxius(*.*) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3186" />
<source>Load File < /source>
< translation > Carregar arxiu < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3199" />
<source>Open Extracted ROM Directory < /source>
< translation > Obrir el directori de la ROM extreta < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3210" />
<source>Invalid Directory Selected < /source>
< translation > Directori seleccionat invàlid < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3211" />
<source>The directory you have selected does not contain a & apos; main & apos; file.< /source>
< translation > El directori que ha seleccionat no conté un arxiu & apos; main & apos;.</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3221" />
<source>Installable Switch File(*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Nintendo Content Archive(*.nca);;Nintendo Submission Package(*.nsp);;NX Cartridge Image(*.xci) < /source>
< translation > Arxiu de Switch Instal·lable(*.nca *.nsp *.xci);;Arxiu de Continguts Nintendo(*.nca);;Paquet d & apos;enviament Nintendo(*.nsp);;Imatge de Cartutx NX(*.xci) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3226" />
<source>Install Files < /source>
< translation > Instal·lar arxius < /translation>
< /message>
< message numerus = "yes" >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3273" />
<source>% n file(s) remaining < /source>
< translation > <numerusform>% n arxiu(s) restants < /numerusform><numerusform>%n arxiu(s) restants</numerusform > </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3275" />
<source>Installing file & quot;% 1 & quot;...</source>
< translation > Instal·lant arxiu & quot;% 1 & quot;...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3329" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3343" />
<source>Install Results < /source>
< translation > Resultats instal·lació < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3330" />
<source>To avoid possible conflicts, we discourage users from installing base games to the NAND.
Please, only use this feature to install updates and DLC.< /source>
< translation > Per evitar possibles conflictes, no recomanem als usuaris que instal·lin jocs base a la NAND.
Si us plau, utilitzi aquesta funció només per a instal·lar actualitzacions i DLCs.< /translation>
< /message>
< message numerus = "yes" >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3336" />
<source>% n file(s) were newly installed
< /source>
< translation > <numerusform>% n nou(s) arxiu(s) s & apos; ha(n) instal·lat
< /numerusform><numerusform>%n nou(s) arxiu(s) s'ha(n) instal·lat
< /numerusform></translation >
< message numerus = "yes" >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3339" />
<source>% n file(s) were overwritten
< /source>
< translation > <numerusform>% n arxiu(s) s & apos;han sobreescrit
< /numerusform><numerusform>%n arxiu(s) s'han sobreescrit
< /numerusform></translation >
< message numerus = "yes" >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3341" />
<source>% n file(s) failed to install
< /source>
< translation > <numerusform>% n arxiu(s) no s & apos;han instal·lat
< /numerusform><numerusform>%n arxiu(s) no s'han instal·lat
< /numerusform></translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3351" />
<source>System Application < /source>
< translation > Aplicació del sistema < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3352" />
<source>System Archive < /source>
< translation > Arxiu del sistema < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3353" />
<source>System Application Update < /source>
< translation > Actualització de l & apos;aplicació del sistema < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3354" />
<source>Firmware Package(Type A) < /source>
< translation > Paquet de firmware(Tipus A) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3355" />
<source>Firmware Package(Type B) < /source>
< translation > Paquet de firmware(Tipus B) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3356" />
<source>Game < /source>
< translation > Joc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3357" />
<source>Game Update < /source>
< translation > Actualització de joc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3358" />
<source>Game DLC < /source>
< translation > DLC del joc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3359" />
<source>Delta Title < /source>
< translation > Títol delta < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3362" />
<source>Select NCA Install Type...</source>
< translation > Seleccioni el tipus d & apos;instal·lació NCA...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3363" />
<source>Please select the type of title you would like to install this NCA as:
(In most instances, the default & apos; Game & apos; is fine.)</source>
< translation > Seleccioni el tipus de títol que desitja instal·lar aquest NCA com a:
(En la majoria dels casos, el valor predeterminat & apos; Joc & apos; està bé.)</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3369" />
<source>Failed to Install < /source>
< translation > Ha fallat la instal·lació < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3370" />
<source>The title type you selected for the NCA is invalid.< /source>
< translation > El tipus de títol seleccionat per el NCA és invàlid.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3405" />
<source>File not found < /source>
< translation > Arxiu no trobat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3406" />
<source>File & quot;% 1 & quot; not found < /source>
< translation > Arxiu & quot;% 1 & quot; no trobat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3526" />
<source>OK < /source>
< translation > D & apos; acord < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3552" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3571" />
<source>Hardware requirements not met < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3553" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3572" />
<source>Your system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements.Compatibility reporting has been disabled.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3564" />
<source>Missing sudachi Account < /source>
< translation > Falta el compte de sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3565" />
<source>In order to submit a game compatibility test case, you must link your sudachi account.& lt; br & gt;& lt; br /& gt;To link your sudachi account, go to Emulation & amp; gt; Configuration & amp; gt; Web.< /source>
< translation > Per tal d & apos;enviar un cas de prova de compatibilitat de joc, ha de vincular el seu compte de sudachi.& lt; br & gt;& lt; br /& gt;Per a vincular el seu compte de sudachi, vagi a Emulació & amp; gt; Configuració & amp; gt; Web.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3580" />
<source>Error opening URL < /source>
< translation > Error obrint URL < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3581" />
<source>Unable to open the URL & quot;% 1 & quot;.</source>
< translation > No es pot obrir la URL & quot;% 1 & quot;.</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3891" />
<source>TAS Recording < /source>
< translation > Gravació TAS < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3891" />
<source>Overwrite file of player 1 ? </source>
< translation > Sobreescriure l & apos;arxiu del jugador 1 ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3910" />
<source>Invalid config detected < /source>
< translation > Configuració invàlida detectada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "3911" />
<source>Handheld controller can & apos;t be used on docked mode.Pro controller will be selected.< /source>
< translation > El controlador del mode portàtil no es pot fer servir en el mode acoblat.Es seleccionarà el controlador Pro en el seu lloc.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4053" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4103" />
<source>Amiibo < /source>
< translation > Amiibo < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4053" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4103" />
<source>The current amiibo has been removed < /source>
< translation > L & apos;amiibo actual ha sigut eliminat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4058" />
<source>Error < /source>
< translation > Error < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4058" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4115" />
<source>The current game is not looking for amiibos < /source>
< translation > El joc actual no està buscant amiibos < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4064" />
<source>Amiibo File(% 1);; All Files(*.*) < /source>
< translation > Arxiu Amiibo(% 1);; Tots els Arxius(*.*) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4065" />
<source>Load Amiibo < /source>
< translation > Carregar Amiibo < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4099" />
<source>Error loading Amiibo data < /source>
< translation > Error al carregar les dades d & apos; Amiibo < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4109" />
<source>The selected file is not a valid amiibo < /source>
< translation > L & apos;arxiu seleccionat no és un amiibo vàlid < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4112" />
<source>The selected file is already on use < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4118" />
<source>An unknown error occurred < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4156" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4289" />
<source>Verification failed for the following files:
% 1 < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4169" />
<source>Keys not installed < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4170" />
<source>Install decryption keys and restart sudachi before attempting to install firmware.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4175" />
<source>Select Dumped Firmware Source Location < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4180" />
<source>Installing Firmware...</source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4218" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4227" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4258" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4267" />
<source>Firmware install failed < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4219" />
<source>Unable to locate potential firmware NCA files < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4228" />
<source>Failed to delete one or more firmware file.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4259" />
<source>Firmware installation cancelled, firmware may be in bad state, restart sudachi or re - install firmware.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4268" />
<source>One or more firmware files failed to copy into NAND.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4288" />
<source>Firmware integrity verification failed! < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4304" />
<source>Select Dumped Keys Location < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4337" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4349" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4367" />
<source>Decryption Keys install failed < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4338" />
<source>prod.keys is a required decryption key file.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4350" />
<source>One or more keys failed to copy.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4363" />
<source>Decryption Keys install succeeded < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4364" />
<source>Decryption Keys were successfully installed < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4368" />
<source>Decryption Keys failed to initialize.Check that your dumping tools are up to date and re - dump keys.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4397" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4420" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4444" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4467" />
<source>No firmware available < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4398" />
<source>Please install the firmware to use the Album applet.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4404" />
<source>Album Applet < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4405" />
<source>Album applet is not available.Please reinstall firmware.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4421" />
<source>Please install the firmware to use the Cabinet applet.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4427" />
<source>Cabinet Applet < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4428" />
<source>Cabinet applet is not available.Please reinstall firmware.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4445" />
<source>Please install the firmware to use the Mii editor.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4451" />
<source>Mii Edit Applet < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4452" />
<source>Mii editor is not available.Please reinstall firmware.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4468" />
<source>Please install the firmware to use the Controller Menu.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4475" />
<source>Controller Applet < /source>
< translation > Controlador Applet < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4476" />
<source>Controller Menu is not available.Please reinstall firmware.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4510" />
<source>Capture Screenshot < /source>
< translation > Captura de pantalla < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4511" />
<source>PNG Image(*.png) < /source>
< translation > Imatge PNG(*.png) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4594" />
<source>TAS state: Running % 1 /% 2 < /source>
< translation > Estat TAS: executant % 1 /% 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4598" />
<source>TAS state: Recording % 1 < /source>
< translation > Estat TAS: gravant % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4600" />
<source>TAS state: Idle % 1 /% 2 < /source>
< translation > Estat TAS: inactiu % 1 /% 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4604" />
<source>TAS State: Invalid < /source>
< translation > Estat TAS: invàlid < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4618" />
<source>& amp;Stop Running < /source>
<translation> & amp;Parar l & apos; execució < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4618" />
<source>& amp; Start < /source>
<translation> & amp; Iniciar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4619" />
<source>Stop R & amp; ecording < /source>
< translation > Parar g & amp; ravació < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4619" />
<source>R & amp; ecord < /source>
< translation > G & amp; ravar < /translation>
< /message>
< message numerus = "yes" >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4643" />
<source>Building: % n shader(s) < /source>
< translation > <numerusform>Construint: % n shader(s) < /numerusform><numerusform>Construint: %n shader(s)</numerusform > </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4652" />
<source>Scale: % 1x < /source>
<comment> % 1 is the resolution scaling factor < /comment>
< translation > Escala: % 1x < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4655" />
<source>Speed: % 1 % / %2%</source >
<translation>Velocitat: % 1 % / %2%</translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4659" />
<source>Speed: % 1 % </source>
< translation > Velocitat: % 1 % </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4663" />
<source>Game: % 1 FPS(Unlocked) < /source>
< translation > Joc: % 1 FPS(desbloquejat) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4666" />
<source>Game: % 1 FPS < /source>
< translation > Joc: % 1 FPS < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4668" />
<source>Frame: % 1 ms < /source>
< translation > Fotograma: % 1 ms < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4698" />
<source>% 1 % 2 < /source>
<translation> % 1 % 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4708" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "42" />
<source>FSR < /source>
< translation > FSR < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4716" />
<source>NO AA < /source>
< translation > SENSE AA < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4725" />
<source>VOLUME: MUTE < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4728" />
<source>VOLUME: % 1 % </source>
< comment > Volume percentage(e.g. 50 %) < /comment>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4794" />
<source>Derivation Components Missing < /source>
< translation > Falten components de derivació < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4795" />
<source>Encryption keys are missing. & lt; br & gt;Please follow & lt;a href =& apos; https://sudachi-emu.org/help/quickstart/'>the sudachi quickstart guide</a> to get all your keys, firmware and games.</source>
<translation type="unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4887" />
<source>Select RomFS Dump Target < /source>
< translation > Seleccioni el destinatari per a bolcar el RomFS < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4888" />
<source>Please select which RomFS you would like to dump.< /source>
< translation > Si us plau, seleccioni quin RomFS desitja bolcar.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4911" />
<source>Are you sure you want to close sudachi ? </source>
< translation > Està segur de que vol tancar sudachi ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4912" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4992" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "5004" />
<source>sudachi < /source>
< translation > sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "4993" />
<source>Are you sure you want to stop the emulation ? Any unsaved progress will be lost.< /source>
< translation > Està segur de que vol aturar l & apos; emulació ? Qualsevol progrés no guardat es perdrà.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.cpp" line = "5001" />
<source>The currently running application has requested sudachi to not exit.
Would you like to bypass this and exit anyway ? </source>
< translation > L & apos;aplicació que s & apos;està executant actualment ha sol·licitat que sudachi no es tanqui.
Desitja tancar - lo de totes maneres ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "27" />
<source>None < /source>
< translation > Cap < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "28" />
<source>FXAA < /source>
< translation > FXAA < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "29" />
<source>SMAA < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "34" />
<source>Nearest < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "36" />
<source>Bilinear < /source>
< translation > Bilineal < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "37" />
<source>Bicubic < /source>
< translation > Bicúbic < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "39" />
<source>Gaussian < /source>
< translation > Gaussià < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "41" />
<source>ScaleForce < /source>
< translation > ScaleForce < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "46" />
<source>Docked < /source>
< translation > Acoblada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "47" />
<source>Handheld < /source>
< translation > Portàtil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "51" />
<source>Normal < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "52" />
<source>High < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "53" />
<source>Extreme < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "57" />
<source>Vulkan < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "58" />
<source>OpenGL < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "59" />
<source>Null < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "63" />
<source>GLSL < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "64" />
<source>GLASM < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/shared_translation.h" line = "65" />
<source>SPIRV < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>GRenderWindow < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1019" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1036" />
<source>OpenGL not available! < /source>
< translation > OpenGL no disponible! < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1020" />
<source>OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1037" />
<source>sudachi has not been compiled with OpenGL support.< /source>
< translation > sudachi no ha estat compilat amb suport per OpenGL.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1061" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1081" />
<source>Error while initializing OpenGL! < /source>
< translation > Error al inicialitzar OpenGL! < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1062" />
<source>Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.< /source>
< translation > La seva GPU no suporta OpenGL, o no té instal·lat els últims controladors gràfics.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1071" />
<source>Error while initializing OpenGL 4.6! < /source>
< translation > Error inicialitzant OpenGL 4.6! < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1072" />
<source>Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.6, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.& lt; br & gt;& lt; br & gt;GL Renderer:& lt; br & gt;% 1 < /source>
< translation > La seva GPU no suporta OpenGL 4.6, o no té instal·lats els últims controladors gràfics.& lt; br & gt;& lt; br & gt;GL Renderer:& lt; br & gt;% 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/bootmanager.cpp" line = "1082" />
<source>Your GPU may not support one or more required OpenGL extensions.Please ensure you have the latest graphics driver.& lt; br & gt;& lt; br & gt;GL Renderer:& lt; br & gt;% 1 & lt; br & gt;& lt; br & gt;Unsupported extensions:& lt; br & gt;% 2 < /source>
< translation > És possible que la seva GPU no suporti una o més extensions necessàries d & apos; OpenGL.Si us plau, asseguris de tenir els últims controladors de la tarjeta gràfica.& lt; br & gt;& lt; br & gt;GL Renderer:& lt; br & gt;% 1 & lt; br & gt;& lt; br & gt;Extensions no suportades:& lt; br & gt;% 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>GameList < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "542" />
<source>Favorite < /source>
< translation > Preferit < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "544" />
<source>Start Game < /source>
< translation > Iniciar el joc < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "546" />
<source>Start Game without Custom Configuration < /source>
< translation > Iniciar el joc sense la configuració personalitzada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "548" />
<source>Open Save Data Location < /source>
< translation > Obrir la ubicació dels arxius de partides guardades < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "549" />
<source>Open Mod Data Location < /source>
< translation > Obrir la ubicació dels mods < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "551" />
<source>Open Transferable Pipeline Cache < /source>
< translation > Obrir cache transferible de shaders de canonada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "553" />
<source>Remove < /source>
< translation > Eliminar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "554" />
<source>Remove Installed Update < /source>
< translation > Eliminar actualització instal·lada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "555" />
<source>Remove All Installed DLC < /source>
< translation > Eliminar tots els DLC instal·lats < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "556" />
<source>Remove Custom Configuration < /source>
< translation > Eliminar configuració personalitzada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "557" />
<source>Remove Play Time Data < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "558" />
<source>Remove Cache Storage < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "559" />
<source>Remove OpenGL Pipeline Cache < /source>
< translation > Eliminar cache de canonada d & apos; OpenGL < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "560" />
<source>Remove Vulkan Pipeline Cache < /source>
< translation > Eliminar cache de canonada de Vulkan < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "562" />
<source>Remove All Pipeline Caches < /source>
< translation > Eliminar totes les caches de canonada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "563" />
<source>Remove All Installed Contents < /source>
< translation > Eliminar tots els continguts instal·lats < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "564" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "565" />
<source>Dump RomFS < /source>
< translation > Bolcar RomFS < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "566" />
<source>Dump RomFS to SDMC < /source>
< translation > Bolcar RomFS a SDMC < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "567" />
<source>Verify Integrity < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "568" />
<source>Copy Title ID to Clipboard < /source>
< translation > Copiar la ID del títol al porta - retalls < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "569" />
<source>Navigate to GameDB entry < /source>
< translation > Navegar a l & apos;entrada de GameDB < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "572" />
<source>Create Shortcut < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "573" />
<source>Add to Desktop < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "575" />
<source>Add to Applications Menu < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "578" />
<source>Properties < /source>
< translation > Propietats < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "664" />
<source>Scan Subfolders < /source>
< translation > Escanejar subdirectoris < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "665" />
<source>Remove Game Directory < /source>
< translation > Eliminar directori de jocs < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "684" />
<source>▲ Move Up < /source>
<translation>▲ Moure amunt < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "685" />
<source>▼ Move Down < /source>
<translation>▼ Move avall < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "686" />
<source>Open Directory Location < /source>
< translation > Obre ubicació del directori < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "732" />
<source>Clear < /source>
< translation > Esborrar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "796" />
<source>Name < /source>
< translation > Nom < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "797" />
<source>Compatibility < /source>
< translation > Compatibilitat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "798" />
<source>Add - ons < /source>
< translation > Complements < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "799" />
<source>File type < /source>
< translation > Tipus d & apos; arxiu < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "800" />
<source>Size < /source>
< translation > Mida < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "801" />
<source>Play time < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>GameListItemCompat < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "150" />
<source>Ingame < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "150" />
<source>Game starts, but crashes or major glitches prevent it from being completed.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "152" />
<source>Perfect < /source>
< translation > Perfecte < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "152" />
<source>Game can be played without issues.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "153" />
<source>Playable < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "153" />
<source>Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "156" />
<source>Intro / Menu < /source>
< translation > Intro / Menú < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "156" />
<source>Game loads, but is unable to progress past the Start Screen.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "157" />
<source>Won & apos;t Boot < /source>
< translation > No engega < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "157" />
<source>The game crashes when attempting to startup.< /source>
< translation > El joc es bloqueja al intentar iniciar.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "158" />
<source>Not Tested < /source>
< translation > No provat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "158" />
<source>The game has not yet been tested.< /source>
< translation > Aquest joc encara no ha estat provat.< /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>GameListPlaceholder < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "969" />
<source>Double - click to add a new folder to the game list < /source>
< translation > Faci doble clic per afegir un nou directori a la llista de jocs < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>GameListSearchField < /name>
< message numerus = "yes" >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "86" />
<source>% 1 of % n result(s) < /source>
< translation > <numerusform>% 1 de % n resultat(s) < /numerusform><numerusform>%1 de %n resultat(s)</numerusform > </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "813" />
<source>Filter: </source>
< translation > Filtre: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list.cpp" line = "814" />
<source>Enter pattern to filter < /source>
< translation > Introdueixi patró per a filtrar < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>HostRoom < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Create Room < /source>
< translation > Crear sala < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "37" />
<source>Room Name < /source>
< translation > Nom de la sala < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "51" />
<source>Preferred Game < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "61" />
<source>Max Players < /source>
< translation > Nombre màxim de jugadors < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "91" />
<source>Username < /source>
< translation > Nom d & apos; usuari < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "101" />
<source>(Leave blank for open game)</source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "118" />
<source>Password < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "125" />
<source>Port < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "139" />
<source>Room Description < /source>
< translation > Descripció de la sala < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "153" />
<source>Load Previous Ban List < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "184" />
<source>Public < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "189" />
<source>Unlisted < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.ui" line = "197" />
<source>Host Room < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>HostRoomWindow < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.cpp" line = "185" />
<source>Error < /source>
< translation > Error < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/host_room.cpp" line = "186" />
<source>Failed to announce the room to the public lobby.In order to host a room publicly, you must have a valid sudachi account configured in Emulation -& gt; Configure -& gt; Web.If you do not want to publish a room in the public lobby, then select Unlisted instead.
Debug Message: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>Hotkeys < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "233" />
<source>Audio Mute / Unmute < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "233" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "234" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "235" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "236" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "237" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "238" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "239" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "240" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "241" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "242" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "243" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "244" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "245" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "246" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "247" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "248" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "249" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "250" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "251" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "252" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "253" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "254" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "255" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "256" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "257" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "258" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "259" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "260" />
<source>Main Window < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "234" />
<source>Audio Volume Down < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "235" />
<source>Audio Volume Up < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "236" />
<source>Capture Screenshot < /source>
< translation > Captura de pantalla < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "237" />
<source>Change Adapting Filter < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "238" />
<source>Change Docked Mode < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "239" />
<source>Change GPU Accuracy < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "240" />
<source>Continue / Pause Emulation < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "241" />
<source>Exit Fullscreen < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "242" />
<source>Exit sudachi < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "243" />
<source>Fullscreen < /source>
< translation > Pantalla Completa < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "244" />
<source>Load File < /source>
< translation > Carregar arxiu < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "245" />
<source>Load / Remove Amiibo < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "246" />
<source>Multiplayer Browse Public Game Lobby < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "247" />
<source>Multiplayer Create Room < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "248" />
<source>Multiplayer Direct Connect to Room < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "249" />
<source>Multiplayer Leave Room < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "250" />
<source>Multiplayer Show Current Room < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "251" />
<source>Restart Emulation < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "252" />
<source>Stop Emulation < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "253" />
<source>TAS Record < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "254" />
<source>TAS Reset < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "255" />
<source>TAS Start / Stop < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "256" />
<source>Toggle Filter Bar < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "257" />
<source>Toggle Framerate Limit < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "258" />
<source>Toggle Mouse Panning < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "259" />
<source>Toggle Renderdoc Capture < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/uisettings.h" line = "260" />
<source>Toggle Status Bar < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>InstallDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/install_dialog.cpp" line = "29" />
<source>Please confirm these are the files you wish to install.< /source>
< translation > Si us plau, confirmi que aquests són els arxius que desitja instal·lar.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/install_dialog.cpp" line = "32" />
<source>Installing an Update or DLC will overwrite the previously installed one.< /source>
< translation > Instal·lar una actualització o DLC sobreescriurà qualsevol prèviament instal·lat.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/install_dialog.cpp" line = "36" />
<source>Install < /source>
< translation > Instal·lar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/install_dialog.cpp" line = "49" />
<source>Install Files to NAND < /source>
< translation > Instal·lar arxius a la NAND < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>LimitableInputDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/util/limitable_input_dialog.cpp" line = "59" />
<source>The text can't contain any of the following characters:
% 1 < /source>
< translation > El text no pot contenir cap dels següents caràcters
% 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>LoadingScreen < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/loading_screen.ui" line = "84" />
<source>Loading Shaders 387 / 1628 < /source>
< translation > Carregant shaders 387 / 1628 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/loading_screen.ui" line = "121" />
<source>Loading Shaders % v out of % m < /source>
< translation > Carregant shaders % v de % m < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/loading_screen.ui" line = "135" />
<source>Estimated Time 5m 4s < /source>
< translation > Temps estimat 5m 4s < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/loading_screen.cpp" line = "83" />
< translation > Carregant...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/loading_screen.cpp" line = "84" />
<source>Loading Shaders % 1 / % 2 < /source>
< translation > Carregant shaders % 1 / % 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/loading_screen.cpp" line = "85" />
< translation > Engegant...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/loading_screen.cpp" line = "170" />
<source>Estimated Time % 1 < /source>
< translation > Temps estimat % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>Lobby < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Public Room Browser < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "32" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "39" />
<source>Nickname < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "59" />
<source>Filters < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "66" />
<source>Search < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "76" />
<source>Games I Own < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "83" />
<source>Hide Empty Rooms < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "90" />
<source>Hide Full Rooms < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.ui" line = "110" />
<source>Refresh Lobby < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "121" />
<source>Password Required to Join < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "121" />
<source>Password: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "228" />
<source>Players < /source>
< translation > Jugadors < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "229" />
<source>Room Name < /source>
< translation > Nom de la sala < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "230" />
<source>Preferred Game < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "231" />
<source>Host < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "238" />
<source>Refreshing < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby.cpp" line = "295" />
<source>Refresh List < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>MainWindow < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "14" />
<source>sudachi < /source>
< translation > sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "53" />
<source>& amp; File < /source>
<translation> & amp; Arxiu < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "57" />
<source>& amp;Recent Files < /source>
<translation> & amp;Arxius recents < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "75" />
<source>& amp; Emulation < /source>
<translation> & amp; Emulació < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "86" />
<source>& amp; View < /source>
<translation> & amp; Veure < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "90" />
<source>& amp;Reset Window Size < /source>
<translation> & amp;Reiniciar tamany de finestra < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "95" />
<source>& amp; Debugging < /source>
<translation> & amp; Depuració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "100" />
<source>Reset Window Size to & amp; 720p < /source>
< translation > Reiniciar el tamany de la finestra a & amp; 720p < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "103" />
<source>Reset Window Size to 720p < /source>
< translation > Reiniciar el tamany de la finestra a 720p < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "108" />
<source>Reset Window Size to & amp; 900p < /source>
< translation > Reiniciar el tamany de la finestra a & amp; 900p < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "111" />
<source>Reset Window Size to 900p < /source>
< translation > Reiniciar el tamany de la finestra a 900p < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "116" />
<source>Reset Window Size to & amp; 1080p < /source>
< translation > Reiniciar el tamany de la finestra a & amp; 1080p < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "119" />
<source>Reset Window Size to 1080p < /source>
< translation > Reiniciar el tamany de la finestra a 1080p < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "136" />
<source>& amp; Multiplayer < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "147" />
<source>& amp; Tools < /source>
<translation> & amp; Eines < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "151" />
<source>& amp; Amiibo < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "160" />
<source>& amp; TAS < /source>
<translation> & amp; TAS < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "182" />
<source>& amp; Help < /source>
<translation> & amp; Ajuda < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "203" />
<source>& amp;Install Files to NAND...</source>
<translation> & amp;instal·lar arxius a la NAND...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "208" />
<source>L & amp;oad File...</source>
< translation > C & amp;arregar arxiu...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "213" />
<source>Load & amp;Folder...</source>
< translation > Carregar & amp;carpeta...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "218" />
<source>E & amp; xit < /source>
< translation > S & amp; ortir < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "226" />
<source>& amp; Pause < /source>
<translation> & amp; Pausar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "234" />
<source>& amp; Stop < /source>
<translation> & amp; Aturar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "239" />
<source>& amp;Verify Installed Contents < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "244" />
<source>& amp;About sudachi < /source>
<translation> & amp;Sobre sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "252" />
<source>Single & amp;Window Mode < /source>
< translation > Mode una sola & amp; finestra < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "257" />
<source>Con & amp;figure...</source>
< translation > Con & amp;figurar...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "268" />
<source>Display D & amp;ock Widget Headers < /source>
< translation > Mostrar complements de capçalera del D & amp; ock < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "276" />
<source>Show & amp;Filter Bar < /source>
< translation > Mostrar la barra de & amp; filtre < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "284" />
<source>Show & amp;Status Bar < /source>
< translation > Mostrar la barra d & apos;& amp; estat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "287" />
<source>Show Status Bar < /source>
< translation > Mostrar barra d & apos; estat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "295" />
<source>& amp;Browse Public Game Lobby < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "303" />
<source>& amp;Create Room < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "311" />
<source>& amp;Leave Room < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "316" />
<source>& amp;Direct Connect to Room < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "324" />
<source>& amp;Show Current Room < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "332" />
<source>F & amp; ullscreen < /source>
< translation > P & amp;antalla completa < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "340" />
<source>& amp; Restart < /source>
<translation> & amp; Reiniciar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "348" />
<source>Load / Remove & amp;Amiibo...</source>
< translation > Carregar / Eliminar & amp;Amiibo...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "356" />
<source>& amp;Report Compatibility < /source>
<translation> & amp;Informar de compatibilitat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "364" />
<source>Open & amp;Mods Page < /source>
< translation > Obrir la pàgina de & amp; mods < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "369" />
<source>Open & amp;Quickstart Guide < /source>
< translation > Obre la guia d & apos;& amp;inici ràpid < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "374" />
<source>& amp; FAQ < /source>
<translation> & amp;Preguntes freqüents < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "379" />
<source>Open & amp;sudachi Folder < /source>
< translation > Obrir la carpeta de & amp; sudachi < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "387" />
<source>& amp;Capture Screenshot < /source>
<translation> & amp;Captura de pantalla < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "392" />
<source>Open & amp; Album < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "397" />
<source>& amp;Set Nickname and Owner < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "402" />
<source>& amp;Delete Game Data < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "407" />
<source>& amp;Restore Amiibo < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "412" />
<source>& amp;Format Amiibo < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "417" />
<source>Open & amp;Mii Editor < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "422" />
<source>& amp;Configure TAS...</source>
<translation> & amp;Configurar TAS...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "433" />
<source>Configure C & amp;urrent Game...</source>
< translation > Configurar joc a & amp;ctual...</translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "444" />
<source>& amp; Start < /source>
<translation> & amp; Iniciar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "452" />
<source>& amp; Reset < /source>
<translation> & amp; Reiniciar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "460" />
<source>R & amp; ecord < /source>
< translation > E & amp; nregistrar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "465" />
<source>Open & amp;Controller Menu < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "470" />
<source>Install Firmware < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/main.ui" line = "475" />
<source>Install Decryption Keys < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>MicroProfileDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/profiler.cpp" line = "50" />
<source>& amp; MicroProfile < /source>
<translation> & amp; MicroPerfil < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>ModerationDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.ui" line = "6" />
<source>Moderation < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.ui" line = "20" />
<source>Ban List < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.ui" line = "41" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "73" />
<source>Refreshing < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.ui" line = "51" />
<source>Unban < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "40" />
<source>Subject < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "41" />
<source>Type < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "83" />
<source>Forum Username < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "88" />
<source>IP Address < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/moderation_dialog.cpp" line = "95" />
<source>Refresh < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>MultiplayerState < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "90" />
<source>Current connection status < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "117" />
<source>Not Connected.Click here to find a room! < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "123" />
<source>Not Connected < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "129" />
<source>Connected < /source>
< translation > Connectat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "136" />
<source>New Messages Received < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "207" />
<source>Error < /source>
< translation > Error < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/state.cpp" line = "208" />
<source>Failed to update the room information.Please check your Internet connection and try hosting the room again.
Debug Message: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>NetworkMessage < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "11" />
<source>Username is not valid.Must be 4 to 20 alphanumeric characters.< /source>
< translation > El nom d & apos;usuari no és vàlid.Hauria de contenir entre 4 i 20 caràcters alfanumèrics.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "13" />
<source>Room name is not valid.Must be 4 to 20 alphanumeric characters.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "15" />
<source>Username is already in use or not valid.Please choose another.< /source>
< translation > El nom d & apos;usuari ja és en ús o no és vàlid.Si us plau, seleccioni un altre.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "17" />
<source>IP is not a valid IPv4 address.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "19" />
<source>Port must be a number between 0 to 65535. < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "20" />
<source>You must choose a Preferred Game to host a room.If you do not have any games in your game list yet, add a game folder by clicking on the plus icon in the game list.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "24" />
<source>Unable to find an internet connection.Check your internet settings.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "26" />
<source>Unable to connect to the host.Verify that the connection settings are correct.If you still cannot connect, contact the room host and verify that the host is properly configured with the external port forwarded.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "30" />
<source>Unable to connect to the room because it is already full.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "32" />
<source>Creating a room failed.Please retry.Restarting sudachi might be necessary.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "34" />
<source>The host of the room has banned you.Speak with the host to unban you or try a different room.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "37" />
<source>Version mismatch! Please update to the latest version of sudachi.If the problem persists, contact the room host and ask them to update the server.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "39" />
<source>Incorrect password.< /source>
< translation > Contrasenya incorrecta.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "40" />
<source>An unknown error occurred.If this error continues to occur, please open an issue < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "43" />
<source>Connection to room lost.Try to reconnect.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "45" />
<source>You have been kicked by the room host.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "47" />
<source>IP address is already in use.Please choose another.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "49" />
<source>You do not have enough permission to perform this action.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "50" />
<source>The user you are trying to kick / ban could not be found.
They may have left the room.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "52" />
<source>No valid network interface is selected.
Please go to Configure -& gt; System -& gt; Network and make a selection.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "68" />
<source>Game already running < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "69" />
<source>Joining a room when the game is already running is discouraged and can cause the room feature not to work correctly.
Proceed anyway ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "75" />
<source>Leave Room < /source>
< translation > Abandonar sala < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "76" />
<source>You are about to close the room.Any network connections will be closed.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "81" />
<source>Disconnect < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "82" />
<source>You are about to leave the room.Any network connections will be closed.< /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>NetworkMessage:: ErrorManager < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/message.cpp" line = "63" />
<source>Error < /source>
< translation > Error < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>OverlayDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Dialog < /source>
< translation > Diàleg < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "134" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "353" />
<source>Cancel < /source>
< translation > Cancel·lar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "152" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "371" />
<source>OK < /source>
< translation > D & apos; acord < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/util/overlay_dialog.ui" line = "313" />
<source>& lt; !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot; -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt; html & gt;& lt; head & gt;& lt;meta name =& quot; qrichtext & quot; content =& quot; 1 & quot; /><style type="text/css & quot;& gt;
p, li { white - space: pre - wrap; }
& lt; /style></head & gt;& lt;body style =& quot; font - family: 'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font - size: 18pt; font - weight: 400; font - style: normal;& quot;& gt;
& lt;p style =& quot; -qt - paragraph - type: empty; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt;& lt; br /& gt;& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation>& lt; !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot; -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt; html & gt;& lt; head & gt;& lt;meta name =& quot; qrichtext & quot; content =& quot; 1 & quot; /><style type="text/css & quot;& gt;
p, li { white - space: pre - wrap; }
& lt; /style></head & gt;& lt;body style =& quot; font - family:& apos;MS Shell Dlg 2 & apos;; font - size: 18pt; font - weight: 400; font - style: normal;& quot;& gt;
& lt;p style =& quot; -qt - paragraph - type: empty; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt;& lt; br /& gt;& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></translation >
< /context>
< context >
<name>PlayerControlPreview < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player_widget.cpp" line = "1649" />
<source>START / PAUSE < /source>
< translation > INICI / PAUSAR < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>QObject < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby_p.h" line = "260" />
<source>% 1 is not playing a game < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/lobby_p.h" line = "262" />
<source>% 1 is playing % 2 < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/multiplayer/chat_room.cpp" line = "142" />
<source>Not playing a game < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "270" />
<source>Installed SD Titles < /source>
< translation > Títols instal·lats a la SD < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "278" />
<source>Installed NAND Titles < /source>
< translation > Títols instal·lats a la NAND < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "286" />
<source>System Titles < /source>
< translation > Títols del sistema < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "329" />
<source>Add New Game Directory < /source>
< translation > Afegir un nou directori de jocs < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/game_list_p.h" line = "352" />
<source>Favorites < /source>
< translation > Preferits < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "21" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "32" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "44" />
<source>Shift < /source>
< translation > Shift < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "23" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "34" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "46" />
<source>Ctrl < /source>
< translation > Ctrl < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "25" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "36" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "48" />
<source>Alt < /source>
< translation > Alt < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "35" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "392" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "458" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "182" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "250" />
<source>[not set] < /source>
< translation > [no establert] < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "47" />
<source>Hat % 1 % 2 < /source>
< translation > Rotació % 1 % 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "54" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "481" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "485" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "489" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "493" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "273" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "277" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "281" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "285" />
<source>Axis % 1 % 2 < /source>
< translation > Eix % 1 % 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "60" />
<source>Button % 1 < /source>
< translation > Botó % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_touch_from_button.cpp" line = "66" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "452" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "466" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "496" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "244" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "258" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "288" />
<source>[unknown] < /source>
< translation > [desconegut] < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "47" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "59" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "147" />
<source>Left < /source>
< translation > Esquerra < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "49" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "61" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "150" />
<source>Right < /source>
< translation > Dreta < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "51" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "63" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "156" />
<source>Down < /source>
< translation > Avall < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "53" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "65" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "153" />
<source>Up < /source>
< translation > Amunt < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "55" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "67" />
<source>Z < /source>
< translation > Z < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "57" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "69" />
<source>R < /source>
< translation > R < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "59" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "71" />
<source>L < /source>
< translation > L < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "61" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "85" />
<source>A < /source>
< translation > A < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "63" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "87" />
<source>B < /source>
< translation > B < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "65" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "89" />
<source>X < /source>
< translation > X < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "67" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "91" />
<source>Y < /source>
< translation > Y < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "69" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "93" />
<source>Start < /source>
< translation > Inici < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "71" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "103" />
<source>L1 < /source>
< translation > L1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "73" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "105" />
<source>L2 < /source>
< translation > L2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "75" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "107" />
<source>L3 < /source>
< translation > L3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "77" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "109" />
<source>R1 < /source>
< translation > R1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "79" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "111" />
<source>R2 < /source>
< translation > R2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "81" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "113" />
<source>R3 < /source>
< translation > R3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "83" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "115" />
<source>Circle < /source>
< translation > Cercle < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "85" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "117" />
<source>Cross < /source>
< translation > Creu < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "87" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "119" />
<source>Square < /source>
< translation > Cuadrat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "89" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "121" />
<source>Triangle < /source>
< translation > Triangle < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "91" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "123" />
<source>Share < /source>
< translation > Compartir < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "93" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "125" />
<source>Options < /source>
< translation > Opcions < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "95" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "141" />
<source>[undefined] < /source>
< translation > [indefinit] < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "402" />
<source>% 1 % 2 < /source>
<translation> % 1 % 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "406" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "198" />
<source>[invalid] < /source>
< translation > [invàlid] < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "416" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "440" />
<source>% 1 % 2Hat % 3 < /source>
<translation> % 1 % 2Rotació % 3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "420" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "443" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "446" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "238" />
<source>% 1 % 2Axis % 3 < /source>
<translation> % 1 % 2Eix % 3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "426" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "218" />
<source>% 1 % 2Axis % 3,% 4,% 5 < /source>
<translation> % 1 % 2Eixos % 3,% 4,% 5 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "430" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "222" />
<source>% 1 % 2Motion % 3 < /source>
<translation> % 1 % 2Moviment % 3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "434" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "449" />
<source>% 1 % 2Button % 3 < /source>
<translation> % 1 % 2Botó % 3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_ringcon.cpp" line = "476" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "268" />
<source>[unused] < /source>
< translation > [sense ús] < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "73" />
<source>ZR < /source>
< translation > ZR < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "75" />
<source>ZL < /source>
< translation > ZL < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "77" />
<source>SR < /source>
< translation > SR < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "79" />
<source>SL < /source>
< translation > SL < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "81" />
<source>Stick L < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "83" />
<source>Stick R < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "95" />
<source>Plus < /source>
< translation > Més < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "97" />
<source>Minus < /source>
< translation > Menys < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "99" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "127" />
<source>Home < /source>
< translation > Inici < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "101" />
<source>Capture < /source>
< translation > Captura < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "129" />
<source>Touch < /source>
< translation > Tàctil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "131" />
<source>Wheel < /source>
< comment > Indicates the mouse wheel < /comment>
< translation > Roda < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "133" />
<source>Backward < /source>
< translation > Enrere < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "135" />
<source>Forward < /source>
< translation > Endavant < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "137" />
<source>Task < /source>
< translation > Tasca < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "139" />
<source>Extra < /source>
< translation > Extra < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "194" />
<source>% 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "208" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "232" />
<source>% 1 % 2 % 3Hat % 4 < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "212" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "235" />
<source>% 1 % 2 % 3Axis % 4 < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "226" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/configuration/configure_input_player.cpp" line = "241" />
<source>% 1 % 2 % 3Button % 4 < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>QtAmiiboSettingsDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Amiibo Settings < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "169" />
<source>Amiibo Info < /source>
< translation > Informació de l & apos; Amiibo < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "177" />
<source>Series < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "197" />
<source>Type < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "217" />
<source>Name < /source>
< translation > Nom < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "242" />
<source>Amiibo Data < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "250" />
<source>Custom Name < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "270" />
<source>Owner < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "290" />
<source>Creation Date < /source>
< translation > Data de Creació < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "307" />
<source>dd / MM / yyyy < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "314" />
<source>Modification Date < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "331" />
<source>dd / MM / yyyy < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "349" />
<source>Game Data < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "355" />
<source>Game Id < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "384" />
<source>Mount Amiibo < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "390" />
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.ui" line = "413" />
<source>File Path < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.cpp" line = "192" />
<source>No game data present < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.cpp" line = "232" />
<source>The following amiibo data will be formatted: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.cpp" line = "235" />
<source>The following game data will removed: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.cpp" line = "238" />
<source>Set nickname and owner: </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_amiibo_settings.cpp" line = "241" />
<source>Do you wish to restore this amiibo ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< /context>
< context >
<name>QtControllerSelectorDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Controller Applet < /source>
< translation > Controlador Applet < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "129" />
<source>Supported Controller Types: </source>
< translation > Tipus de controladors suportats: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "282" />
<source>Players: </source>
< translation > Jugadors: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "300" />
<source>1 - 8 < /source>
< translation > 1 - 8 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "418" />
<source>P4 < /source>
< translation > J4 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "514" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "711" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "912" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1222" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1459" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1656" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1857" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2054" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "465" />
<source>Pro Controller < /source>
< translation > Controlador Pro < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "519" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "716" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "917" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1227" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1464" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1661" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1862" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2059" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "469" />
<source>Dual Joycons < /source>
< translation > Joycons duals < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "524" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "721" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "922" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1232" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1469" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1666" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1867" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2064" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "473" />
<source>Left Joycon < /source>
< translation > Joycon esquerra < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "529" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "726" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "927" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1237" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1474" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1671" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1872" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2069" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "477" />
<source>Right Joycon < /source>
< translation > Joycon dret < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "538" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "735" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "941" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1246" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1483" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1680" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1881" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2078" />
<source>Use Current Config < /source>
< translation > Utilitza la configuració actual < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "615" />
<source>P2 < /source>
< translation > J2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "812" />
<source>P1 < /source>
< translation > J1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "932" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2303" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "481" />
<source>Handheld < /source>
< translation > Portàtil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1126" />
<source>P3 < /source>
< translation > J3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1363" />
<source>P7 < /source>
< translation > J7 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1560" />
<source>P8 < /source>
< translation > J8 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1757" />
<source>P5 < /source>
< translation > J5 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "1958" />
<source>P6 < /source>
< translation > J6 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2272" />
<source>Console Mode < /source>
< translation > Mode de la consola < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2293" />
<source>Docked < /source>
< translation > Acoblada < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2313" />
<source>Vibration < /source>
< translation > Vibració < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2349" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2395" />
<source>Configure < /source>
< translation > Configurar < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2359" />
<source>Motion < /source>
< translation > Moviment < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2405" />
<source>Profiles < /source>
< translation > Perfils < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2432" />
<source>Create < /source>
< translation > Crear < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2467" />
<source>Controllers < /source>
< translation > Controladors < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2481" />
<source>1 < /source>
< translation > 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2508" />
<source>2 < /source>
< translation > 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2518" />
<source>4 < /source>
< translation > 4 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2528" />
<source>3 < /source>
< translation > 3 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2538" />
<source>Connected < /source>
< translation > Connectat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2552" />
<source>5 < /source>
< translation > 5 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2569" />
<source>7 < /source>
< translation > 7 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2586" />
<source>6 < /source>
< translation > 6 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2596" />
<source>8 < /source>
< translation > 8 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.ui" line = "2653" />
<source>Not enough controllers < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "485" />
<source>GameCube Controller < /source>
< translation > Controlador de GameCube < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "494" />
<source>Poke Ball Plus < /source>
< translation > Poke Ball Plus < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "498" />
<source>NES Controller < /source>
< translation > Controlador NES < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "502" />
<source>SNES Controller < /source>
< translation > Controlador SNES < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "506" />
<source>N64 Controller < /source>
< translation > Controlador N64 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_controller.cpp" line = "510" />
<source>Sega Genesis < /source>
< translation > Sega Genesis < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>QtErrorDisplay < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "27" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "40" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "55" />
<source>Error Code: % 1 -% 2(0x % 3) < /source>
< translation > Codi d & apos; error: % 1 -% 2(0x % 3) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "31" />
<source>An error has occurred.
Please try again or contact the developer of the software.< /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha produït un error.
Si us plau, intenti - ho de nou o contacti el desenvolupador del programari.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "44" />
<source>An error occurred on % 1 at % 2.
Please try again or contact the developer of the software.< /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha produït un error a % 1 a les % 2.
Si us plau, intenti - ho de nou o contacti el desenvolupador del programari.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_error.cpp" line = "59" />
<source>An error has occurred.
% 1
% 2 < /source>
< translation > S & apos;ha produït un error.
% 1
% 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>QtProfileSelectionDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "25" />
<source>% 1
% 2 < /source>
<comment> % 1 is the profile username, % 2 is the formatted UUID(e.g. 00112233 - 4455 - 6677 - 8899 - AABBCCDDEEFF))</comment>
<translation> % 1
% 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "87" />
<source>Users < /source>
< translation > Usuaris < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "169" />
<source>Profile Creator < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "172" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "190" />
<source>Profile Selector < /source>
< translation > Selector de perfil < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "175" />
<source>Profile Icon Editor < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "178" />
<source>Profile Nickname Editor < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "200" />
<source>Who will receive the points ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "203" />
<source>Who is using Nintendo eShop?</source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "206" />
<source>Who is making this purchase ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "209" />
<source>Who is posting ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "212" />
<source>Select a user to link to a Nintendo Account.< /source>
< translation > Selecciona un usuari a vincular a un compte de Nintendo.< /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "215" />
<source>Change settings for which user ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename= "../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "218" />
<source>Format data for which user ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename= "../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "221" />
<source>Which user will be transferred to another console ? </source>
< translation > Quin usuari serà transferit a una altra consola ? </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "224" />
<source>Send save data for which user ? </source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename= "../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_profile_select.cpp" line = "228" />
<source>Select a user: </source>
< translation > Seleccioni un usuari: </translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>QtSoftwareKeyboardDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_software_keyboard.ui" line = "14" />
<source>Software Keyboard < /source>
< translation > Teclat software < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_software_keyboard.ui" line = "199" />
<source>Enter Text < /source>
< translation > Introdueixi text: </translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_software_keyboard.ui" line = "479" />
<source>& lt; !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot; -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt; html & gt;& lt; head & gt;& lt;meta name =& quot; qrichtext & quot; content =& quot; 1 & quot; /><style type="text/css & quot;& gt;
p, li { white - space: pre - wrap; }
& lt; /style></head & gt;& lt;body style =& quot; font - family: 'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font - size: 26pt; font - weight: 400; font - style: normal;& quot;& gt;
& lt;p style =& quot; -qt - paragraph - type: empty; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt;& lt; br /& gt;& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></source >
<translation>& lt; !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot; -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt; html & gt;& lt; head & gt;& lt;meta name =& quot; qrichtext & quot; content =& quot; 1 & quot; /><style type="text/css & quot;& gt;
p, li { white - space: pre - wrap; }
& lt; /style></head & gt;& lt;body style =& quot; font - family:& apos;MS Shell Dlg 2 & apos;; font - size: 26pt; font - weight: 400; font - style: normal;& quot;& gt;
& lt;p style =& quot; -qt - paragraph - type: empty; margin - top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; margin - left: 0px; margin - right: 0px; -qt - block - indent: 0; text - indent: 0px;& quot;& gt;& lt; br /& gt;& lt; /p></body & gt;& lt; /html></translation >
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_software_keyboard.cpp" line = "403" />
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_software_keyboard.cpp" line = "413" />
<source>OK < /source>
< translation > D & apos; acord < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/applets/qt_software_keyboard.cpp" line = "413" />
<source>Cancel < /source>
< translation > Cancel·lar < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>SequenceDialog < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/util/sequence_dialog/sequence_dialog.cpp" line = "10" />
<source>Enter a hotkey < /source>
< translation > Premi una combinació de tecles d & apos;accés ràpid < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>WaitTreeCallstack < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "118" />
<source>Call stack < /source>
< translation > Pila de trucades < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>WaitTreeSynchronizationObject < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "156" />
<source>[% 1] % 2 < /source>
< translation type = "unfinished" />
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "182" />
<source>waited by no thread < /source>
< translation > esperat per cap fil < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>WaitTreeThread < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "200" />
<source>runnable < /source>
< translation > executable < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "202" />
<source>paused < /source>
< translation > pausat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "208" />
<source>sleeping < /source>
< translation > dormint < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "211" />
<source>waiting for IPC reply < /source>
< translation > esperant per resposta IPC < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "214" />
<source>waiting for objects < /source>
< translation > esperant objectes < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename= "../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "217" />
<source>waiting for condition variable < /source>
< translation > esperant variable condicional < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "220" />
<source>waiting for address arbiter < /source>
< translation > esperant al àrbitre d & apos; adreça < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "223" />
<source>waiting for suspend resume < /source>
< translation > esperant reanudar la suspensió < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "226" />
<source>waiting < /source>
< translation > esperant < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "231" />
<source>initialized < /source>
< translation > inicialitzat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "234" />
<source>terminated < /source>
< translation > acabat < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "237" />
<source>unknown < /source>
< translation > desconegut < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "242" />
<source>PC = 0x % 1 LR = 0x % 2 < /source>
< translation > PC = 0x % 1 LR = 0x % 2 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "292" />
<source>ideal < /source>
< translation > ideal < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "295" />
<source>core % 1 < /source>
< translation > nucli % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "299" />
<source>processor = % 1 < /source>
< translation > processador = % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "301" />
<source>affinity mask = % 1 < /source>
< translation > màscara d & apos; afinitat = % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "302" />
<source>thread id = % 1 < /source>
< translation > id fil = % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "303" />
<source>priority = % 1(current) / % 2(normal) < /source>
< translation > prioritat = % 1(actual) / % 2(normal) < /translation>
< /message>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "307" />
<source>last running ticks = % 1 < /source>
< translation > últims ticks consecutius = % 1 < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>WaitTreeThreadList < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "323" />
<source>waited by thread < /source>
< translation > esperat per fil < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< context >
<name>WaitTreeWidget < /name>
< message >
<location filename="../../src/sudachi/debugger/wait_tree.cpp" line = "397" />
<source>& amp;Wait Tree < /source>
< translation > Arbre d & apos;& amp; espera < /translation>
< /message>
< /context>
< /TS> |