198 lines
8.4 KiB
198 lines
8.4 KiB
// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/attribute.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/basic_block.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/modifiers.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h"
namespace Shader::IR {
class IREmitter {
explicit IREmitter(Block& block_) : block{&block_}, insertion_point{block->end()} {}
explicit IREmitter(Block& block_, Block::iterator insertion_point_)
: block{&block_}, insertion_point{insertion_point_} {}
Block* block;
[[nodiscard]] U1 Imm1(bool value) const;
[[nodiscard]] U8 Imm8(u8 value) const;
[[nodiscard]] U16 Imm16(u16 value) const;
[[nodiscard]] U32 Imm32(u32 value) const;
[[nodiscard]] U32 Imm32(s32 value) const;
[[nodiscard]] F32 Imm32(f32 value) const;
[[nodiscard]] U64 Imm64(u64 value) const;
[[nodiscard]] F64 Imm64(f64 value) const;
void Branch(Block* label);
void BranchConditional(const U1& condition, Block* true_label, Block* false_label);
void LoopMerge(Block* merge_block, Block* continue_target);
void SelectionMerge(Block* merge_block);
void Return();
[[nodiscard]] U32 GetReg(IR::Reg reg);
void SetReg(IR::Reg reg, const U32& value);
[[nodiscard]] U1 GetPred(IR::Pred pred, bool is_negated = false);
void SetPred(IR::Pred pred, const U1& value);
[[nodiscard]] U1 GetGotoVariable(u32 id);
void SetGotoVariable(u32 id, const U1& value);
[[nodiscard]] U32 GetCbuf(const U32& binding, const U32& byte_offset);
[[nodiscard]] U1 GetZFlag();
[[nodiscard]] U1 GetSFlag();
[[nodiscard]] U1 GetCFlag();
[[nodiscard]] U1 GetOFlag();
void SetZFlag(const U1& value);
void SetSFlag(const U1& value);
void SetCFlag(const U1& value);
void SetOFlag(const U1& value);
[[nodiscard]] U1 Condition(IR::Condition cond);
[[nodiscard]] F32 GetAttribute(IR::Attribute attribute);
void SetAttribute(IR::Attribute attribute, const F32& value);
[[nodiscard]] U32 WorkgroupIdX();
[[nodiscard]] U32 WorkgroupIdY();
[[nodiscard]] U32 WorkgroupIdZ();
[[nodiscard]] U32 LocalInvocationIdX();
[[nodiscard]] U32 LocalInvocationIdY();
[[nodiscard]] U32 LocalInvocationIdZ();
[[nodiscard]] U32 LoadGlobalU8(const U64& address);
[[nodiscard]] U32 LoadGlobalS8(const U64& address);
[[nodiscard]] U32 LoadGlobalU16(const U64& address);
[[nodiscard]] U32 LoadGlobalS16(const U64& address);
[[nodiscard]] U32 LoadGlobal32(const U64& address);
[[nodiscard]] Value LoadGlobal64(const U64& address);
[[nodiscard]] Value LoadGlobal128(const U64& address);
void WriteGlobalU8(const U64& address, const U32& value);
void WriteGlobalS8(const U64& address, const U32& value);
void WriteGlobalU16(const U64& address, const U32& value);
void WriteGlobalS16(const U64& address, const U32& value);
void WriteGlobal32(const U64& address, const U32& value);
void WriteGlobal64(const U64& address, const IR::Value& vector);
void WriteGlobal128(const U64& address, const IR::Value& vector);
[[nodiscard]] U1 GetZeroFromOp(const Value& op);
[[nodiscard]] U1 GetSignFromOp(const Value& op);
[[nodiscard]] U1 GetCarryFromOp(const Value& op);
[[nodiscard]] U1 GetOverflowFromOp(const Value& op);
[[nodiscard]] Value CompositeConstruct(const Value& e1, const Value& e2);
[[nodiscard]] Value CompositeConstruct(const Value& e1, const Value& e2, const Value& e3);
[[nodiscard]] Value CompositeConstruct(const Value& e1, const Value& e2, const Value& e3,
const Value& e4);
[[nodiscard]] Value CompositeExtract(const Value& vector, size_t element);
[[nodiscard]] UAny Select(const U1& condition, const UAny& true_value, const UAny& false_value);
template <typename Dest, typename Source>
[[nodiscard]] Dest BitCast(const Source& value);
[[nodiscard]] U64 PackUint2x32(const Value& vector);
[[nodiscard]] Value UnpackUint2x32(const U64& value);
[[nodiscard]] U32 PackFloat2x16(const Value& vector);
[[nodiscard]] Value UnpackFloat2x16(const U32& value);
[[nodiscard]] F64 PackDouble2x32(const Value& vector);
[[nodiscard]] Value UnpackDouble2x32(const F64& value);
[[nodiscard]] F16F32F64 FPAdd(const F16F32F64& a, const F16F32F64& b, FpControl control = {});
[[nodiscard]] F16F32F64 FPMul(const F16F32F64& a, const F16F32F64& b, FpControl control = {});
[[nodiscard]] F16F32F64 FPFma(const F16F32F64& a, const F16F32F64& b, const F16F32F64& c,
FpControl control = {});
[[nodiscard]] F16F32F64 FPAbs(const F16F32F64& value);
[[nodiscard]] F16F32F64 FPNeg(const F16F32F64& value);
[[nodiscard]] F16F32F64 FPAbsNeg(const F16F32F64& value, bool abs, bool neg);
[[nodiscard]] F32 FPCosNotReduced(const F32& value);
[[nodiscard]] F32 FPExp2NotReduced(const F32& value);
[[nodiscard]] F32 FPLog2(const F32& value);
[[nodiscard]] F32F64 FPRecip(const F32F64& value);
[[nodiscard]] F32F64 FPRecipSqrt(const F32F64& value);
[[nodiscard]] F32 FPSinNotReduced(const F32& value);
[[nodiscard]] F32 FPSqrt(const F32& value);
[[nodiscard]] F16F32F64 FPSaturate(const F16F32F64& value);
[[nodiscard]] F16F32F64 FPRoundEven(const F16F32F64& value, FpControl control = {});
[[nodiscard]] F16F32F64 FPFloor(const F16F32F64& value, FpControl control = {});
[[nodiscard]] F16F32F64 FPCeil(const F16F32F64& value, FpControl control = {});
[[nodiscard]] F16F32F64 FPTrunc(const F16F32F64& value, FpControl control = {});
[[nodiscard]] U32U64 IAdd(const U32U64& a, const U32U64& b);
[[nodiscard]] U32U64 ISub(const U32U64& a, const U32U64& b);
[[nodiscard]] U32 IMul(const U32& a, const U32& b);
[[nodiscard]] U32 INeg(const U32& value);
[[nodiscard]] U32 IAbs(const U32& value);
[[nodiscard]] U32 ShiftLeftLogical(const U32& base, const U32& shift);
[[nodiscard]] U32 ShiftRightLogical(const U32& base, const U32& shift);
[[nodiscard]] U32 ShiftRightArithmetic(const U32& base, const U32& shift);
[[nodiscard]] U32 BitwiseAnd(const U32& a, const U32& b);
[[nodiscard]] U32 BitwiseOr(const U32& a, const U32& b);
[[nodiscard]] U32 BitwiseXor(const U32& a, const U32& b);
[[nodiscard]] U32 BitFieldInsert(const U32& base, const U32& insert, const U32& offset,
const U32& count);
[[nodiscard]] U32 BitFieldExtract(const U32& base, const U32& offset, const U32& count,
bool is_signed);
[[nodiscard]] U1 ILessThan(const U32& lhs, const U32& rhs, bool is_signed);
[[nodiscard]] U1 IEqual(const U32& lhs, const U32& rhs);
[[nodiscard]] U1 ILessThanEqual(const U32& lhs, const U32& rhs, bool is_signed);
[[nodiscard]] U1 IGreaterThan(const U32& lhs, const U32& rhs, bool is_signed);
[[nodiscard]] U1 INotEqual(const U32& lhs, const U32& rhs);
[[nodiscard]] U1 IGreaterThanEqual(const U32& lhs, const U32& rhs, bool is_signed);
[[nodiscard]] U1 LogicalOr(const U1& a, const U1& b);
[[nodiscard]] U1 LogicalAnd(const U1& a, const U1& b);
[[nodiscard]] U1 LogicalXor(const U1& a, const U1& b);
[[nodiscard]] U1 LogicalNot(const U1& value);
[[nodiscard]] U32U64 ConvertFToS(size_t bitsize, const F16F32F64& value);
[[nodiscard]] U32U64 ConvertFToU(size_t bitsize, const F16F32F64& value);
[[nodiscard]] U32U64 ConvertFToI(size_t bitsize, bool is_signed, const F16F32F64& value);
[[nodiscard]] U32U64 ConvertU(size_t result_bitsize, const U32U64& value);
IR::Block::iterator insertion_point;
template <typename T = Value, typename... Args>
T Inst(Opcode op, Args... args) {
auto it{block->PrependNewInst(insertion_point, op, {Value{args}...})};
return T{Value{&*it}};
template <typename T>
requires(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(u32) && std::is_trivially_copyable_v<T>) struct Flags {
Flags() = default;
Flags(T proxy_) : proxy{proxy_} {}
T proxy;
template <typename T = Value, typename FlagType, typename... Args>
T Inst(Opcode op, Flags<FlagType> flags, Args... args) {
u32 raw_flags{};
std::memcpy(&raw_flags, &flags.proxy, sizeof(flags.proxy));
auto it{block->PrependNewInst(insertion_point, op, {Value{args}...}, raw_flags)};
return T{Value{&*it}};
} // namespace Shader::IR