Previously, we were reading the keys everytime a KeyManager object was created, causing yuzu to reread the keys file multiple hundreds of times when loading the game list. With this change, it is only loaded once. On my system, this decreased game list loading times by a factor of 20.
316 lines
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316 lines
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// Copyright 2018 yuzu emulator team
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "common/common_funcs.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "core/crypto/partition_data_manager.h"
#include "core/file_sys/vfs_types.h"
namespace FileUtil {
class IOFile;
namespace Loader {
enum class ResultStatus : u16;
namespace Core::Crypto {
constexpr u64 TICKET_FILE_TITLEKEY_OFFSET = 0x180;
using Key128 = std::array<u8, 0x10>;
using Key256 = std::array<u8, 0x20>;
using SHA256Hash = std::array<u8, 0x20>;
enum class SignatureType {
RSA_4096_SHA1 = 0x10000,
RSA_2048_SHA1 = 0x10001,
ECDSA_SHA1 = 0x10002,
RSA_4096_SHA256 = 0x10003,
RSA_2048_SHA256 = 0x10004,
ECDSA_SHA256 = 0x10005,
u64 GetSignatureTypeDataSize(SignatureType type);
u64 GetSignatureTypePaddingSize(SignatureType type);
enum class TitleKeyType : u8 {
Common = 0,
Personalized = 1,
struct TicketData {
std::array<u8, 0x40> issuer;
union {
std::array<u8, 0x100> title_key_block;
struct {
Key128 title_key_common;
std::array<u8, 0xF0> title_key_common_pad;
TitleKeyType type;
u8 revision;
u64 ticket_id;
u64 device_id;
std::array<u8, 0x10> rights_id;
u32 account_id;
static_assert(sizeof(TicketData) == 0x2C0, "TicketData has incorrect size.");
struct RSA4096Ticket {
SignatureType sig_type;
std::array<u8, 0x200> sig_data;
TicketData data;
struct RSA2048Ticket {
SignatureType sig_type;
std::array<u8, 0x100> sig_data;
TicketData data;
struct ECDSATicket {
SignatureType sig_type;
std::array<u8, 0x3C> sig_data;
TicketData data;
struct Ticket {
std::variant<RSA4096Ticket, RSA2048Ticket, ECDSATicket> data;
SignatureType GetSignatureType() const;
TicketData& GetData();
const TicketData& GetData() const;
u64 GetSize() const;
static Ticket SynthesizeCommon(Key128 title_key, const std::array<u8, 0x10>& rights_id);
static_assert(sizeof(Key128) == 16, "Key128 must be 128 bytes big.");
static_assert(sizeof(Key256) == 32, "Key256 must be 256 bytes big.");
template <size_t bit_size, size_t byte_size = (bit_size >> 3)>
struct RSAKeyPair {
std::array<u8, byte_size> encryption_key;
std::array<u8, byte_size> decryption_key;
std::array<u8, byte_size> modulus;
std::array<u8, 4> exponent;
template <size_t bit_size, size_t byte_size>
bool operator==(const RSAKeyPair<bit_size, byte_size>& lhs,
const RSAKeyPair<bit_size, byte_size>& rhs) {
return std::tie(lhs.encryption_key, lhs.decryption_key, lhs.modulus, lhs.exponent) ==
std::tie(rhs.encryption_key, rhs.decryption_key, rhs.modulus, rhs.exponent);
template <size_t bit_size, size_t byte_size>
bool operator!=(const RSAKeyPair<bit_size, byte_size>& lhs,
const RSAKeyPair<bit_size, byte_size>& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
enum class KeyCategory : u8 {
enum class S256KeyType : u64 {
SDKey, // f1=SDKeyType
Header, //
SDKeySource, // f1=SDKeyType
HeaderSource, //
enum class S128KeyType : u64 {
Master, // f1=crypto revision
Package1, // f1=crypto revision
Package2, // f1=crypto revision
Titlekek, // f1=crypto revision
ETicketRSAKek, //
KeyArea, // f1=crypto revision f2=type {app, ocean, system}
SDSeed, //
Titlekey, // f1=rights id LSB f2=rights id MSB
Source, // f1=source type, f2= sub id
Keyblob, // f1=crypto revision
KeyblobMAC, // f1=crypto revision
TSEC, //
SecureBoot, //
BIS, // f1=partition (0-3), f2=type {crypt, tweak}
HeaderKek, //
SDKek, //
RSAKek, //
enum class KeyAreaKeyType : u8 {
enum class SourceKeyType : u8 {
SDKek, //
AESKekGeneration, //
AESKeyGeneration, //
RSAOaepKekGeneration, //
Master, //
Keyblob, // f2=crypto revision
KeyAreaKey, // f2=KeyAreaKeyType
Titlekek, //
Package2, //
HeaderKek, //
KeyblobMAC, //
ETicketKek, //
ETicketKekek, //
enum class SDKeyType : u8 {
enum class BISKeyType : u8 {
enum class RSAKekType : u8 {
template <typename KeyType>
struct KeyIndex {
KeyType type;
u64 field1;
u64 field2;
std::string DebugInfo() const {
u8 key_size = 16;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<KeyType, S256KeyType>)
key_size = 32;
return fmt::format("key_size={:02X}, key={:02X}, field1={:016X}, field2={:016X}", key_size,
static_cast<u8>(type), field1, field2);
// boost flat_map requires operator< for O(log(n)) lookups.
template <typename KeyType>
bool operator<(const KeyIndex<KeyType>& lhs, const KeyIndex<KeyType>& rhs) {
return std::tie(lhs.type, lhs.field1, lhs.field2) < std::tie(rhs.type, rhs.field1, rhs.field2);
class KeyManager {
static KeyManager& instance() {
static KeyManager instance;
return instance;
KeyManager(KeyManager const&) = delete;
void operator=(KeyManager const&) = delete;
bool HasKey(S128KeyType id, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0) const;
bool HasKey(S256KeyType id, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0) const;
Key128 GetKey(S128KeyType id, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0) const;
Key256 GetKey(S256KeyType id, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0) const;
Key256 GetBISKey(u8 partition_id) const;
void SetKey(S128KeyType id, Key128 key, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0);
void SetKey(S256KeyType id, Key256 key, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0);
static bool KeyFileExists(bool title);
// Call before using the sd seed to attempt to derive it if it dosen't exist. Needs system
// save 8*43 and the private file to exist.
void DeriveSDSeedLazy();
bool BaseDeriveNecessary() const;
void DeriveBase();
void DeriveETicket(PartitionDataManager& data);
void PopulateTickets();
void SynthesizeTickets();
void PopulateFromPartitionData(PartitionDataManager& data);
const std::map<u128, Ticket>& GetCommonTickets() const;
const std::map<u128, Ticket>& GetPersonalizedTickets() const;
bool AddTicketCommon(Ticket raw);
bool AddTicketPersonalized(Ticket raw);
std::map<KeyIndex<S128KeyType>, Key128> s128_keys;
std::map<KeyIndex<S256KeyType>, Key256> s256_keys;
// Map from rights ID to ticket
std::map<u128, Ticket> common_tickets;
std::map<u128, Ticket> personal_tickets;
std::array<std::array<u8, 0xB0>, 0x20> encrypted_keyblobs{};
std::array<std::array<u8, 0x90>, 0x20> keyblobs{};
std::array<u8, 576> eticket_extended_kek{};
bool dev_mode;
void LoadFromFile(const std::string& filename, bool is_title_keys);
void AttemptLoadKeyFile(const std::string& dir1, const std::string& dir2,
const std::string& filename, bool title);
template <size_t Size>
void WriteKeyToFile(KeyCategory category, std::string_view keyname,
const std::array<u8, Size>& key);
void DeriveGeneralPurposeKeys(std::size_t crypto_revision);
RSAKeyPair<2048> GetETicketRSAKey() const;
void SetKeyWrapped(S128KeyType id, Key128 key, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0);
void SetKeyWrapped(S256KeyType id, Key256 key, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0);
static const boost::container::flat_map<std::string, KeyIndex<S128KeyType>> s128_file_id;
static const boost::container::flat_map<std::string, KeyIndex<S256KeyType>> s256_file_id;
Key128 GenerateKeyEncryptionKey(Key128 source, Key128 master, Key128 kek_seed, Key128 key_seed);
Key128 DeriveKeyblobKey(const Key128& sbk, const Key128& tsec, Key128 source);
Key128 DeriveKeyblobMACKey(const Key128& keyblob_key, const Key128& mac_source);
Key128 DeriveMasterKey(const std::array<u8, 0x90>& keyblob, const Key128& master_source);
std::array<u8, 0x90> DecryptKeyblob(const std::array<u8, 0xB0>& encrypted_keyblob,
const Key128& key);
std::optional<Key128> DeriveSDSeed();
Loader::ResultStatus DeriveSDKeys(std::array<Key256, 2>& sd_keys, KeyManager& keys);
std::vector<Ticket> GetTicketblob(const FileUtil::IOFile& ticket_save);
// Returns a pair of {rights_id, titlekey}. Fails if the ticket has no certificate authority
// (offset 0x140-0x144 is zero)
std::optional<std::pair<Key128, Key128>> ParseTicket(const Ticket& ticket,
const RSAKeyPair<2048>& eticket_extended_key);
} // namespace Core::Crypto